¥our ℋurt..

『She Belongs To Me』
In the middle of the room sits a bed,
decorated with a black lace duvet;
in the center of the duvet, sprinkled with blood,
and covered in patchwork bruises and cuts lay the girl who owns my heart
It happened again.
they did this to her, once more.
her cries fill the thick air of night,
I simply watch the snow fall from the window.
She does not want my help.
Her word harsh, and sharp as a knife refusing it.
She's hurt,
she's bleeding and bruised, yet
I can do nothing for her.

She won't let me touch her,
clean her,
hold her.
I want to tell her it will be ok..
It's all lies.
What they say to her.
The things they do are hellbound.
They know nothing of anything
without Satan whispering in their ears.
They are demons that were sent to break her,
bend her faith,
and torment her until the end of her days.
I am simply the angel,
set back to watch her suffer.
Wishing she'd break and let me in.
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Chapter 2: wow this is real deep o.o better then what I can ever write!