[Suga] - The One

I'm both - your umbrella and the rain.

And You're the One that I need
The One who makes me complete
And You're the One who is strong
When I am crying and weak
And You're the One that I love
The One who never gives up
And You're the One that I need
You're the One, You're the One

[Skillet - The One]




A few weeks later...


“Yoooooongi~ Yooongi~”.


I feel how someone pinches my cheek and shake my head slightly. “Let me sleep”, I mumble and turn around. It’s Hoseok who wants to wake me up but I don’t want to. I want to sleep and I want to stay in the warm bed. So I pull up the blanket and try to hide under it. Maybe then he will leave me alone. But I know my boyfriend too well. He won’t. I feel how he hugs me from behind, how he buries his face in my neck and breathe against my skin. I start to shiver and lean closer to him. But then he starts to caress my stomach and to place soft kisses on my neck. “No~ Let me sleep”, I mumble again and try to push him away. He really let me go but I can almost see his grin on his beautiful face. I try to hide more under the blanket but then I feel how he crawls under them. A bit I blink and lift up my head but then I feel how he slowly lifts up my shirt and place some kisses on my stomach. I love it when he does that. I don’t move a bit but then I feel his hands on my side and I know what he’s going to do. “No Hoseok!”, I say but it’s too late. He starts to tickle me and I gasp for air. I start to laugh and grab under the blanket to pull him away but he is stronger than me. “Hoooooseok! Nooo! Have mercy“, I almost beg him. I try to pull him away and laugh and scream until he finally stops and situ p. The blanket falls around him and he grins down to me. “Ah, finally you are awake”, he says but I start to pout. “You know I hate this and you know I hate you for doing this… I thought you love me”, I mumble and grin a bit. My beautiful boyfriend laughs a bit before he leans down and places a gentle kiss on my lips “I really love you Yoongi”. Still I start to shiver by these words and butterflies break out in my tummy. Still I can’t believe that this is real, I’m living a dream.


“Now let’s get up”, he says and stands up. He looks down to me and I smile a bit. “Can you carry me? Please Hoseokkie!“, I open my arms and hope that he would carry me like a bride but he lift me up and throw me over his shoulders. “No! Not like this Hosok!”, I tell him but he didn’t listen to me. “You want me to carry you… you didn’t say how, he says before he walks over like this into the kitchen. I feel how I start to blush and try to hide my face in his shirt. “Oh does Princess Yoongi want to carry around”, I hear Nam Joon ask and Hoseok place me on one of the chairs. “At least Hoseok can carry me, Jin would break down when he have to carry you”, I say and Nam Joon starts to laugh.


He and Jin were a beautiful couple. First I couldn’t believe it but with the time the two bound tighter together and Nam Joon really adores him. And Jin adores Nam Joon. The two complete each other like two matching pieces of a puzzle. It’s kitschy to describe them like this but it’s the true. They are perfect for each other.


After the breakfast Nam Joon and Jin went straight over into the bathroom and the maknae line went over into the living room to watch TV. Since Hoseok and I join the breakfast at the last ones we have to clean up the table and wash the dishes together. During this we two talk about our next song, the choreography and about the outfits. Hoseok already had planned some things but he won’t tell me them. I hate this. I hate it when someone starts a topic and then let me clueless. “Hoseok why are you so mean to me”, I mumble after we finish our work. I place my arms around his side and lean my forehead against his shoulder. He giggles a bit and put his strong arms around my shoulder. I cuddle more with him and relax a bit more. I just feel so comfortable with him. “Do you want to do anything special?”, he asks me then and I nod a bit. “I want to lay in the bed with you and cuddle, eat chips and other unhealthy things and kiss you and touch”, I start to list some things. But then he lifts me up but this time he carries me through the dorm on his arms. And not over his shoulder. “First we have to shower”, he says.


Nam Joon and Jin had already left the bathroom and so Hoseok let me down here. He locks the door behind him before he kisses me almost roughly. I love it when he does this. He presses his lips against mine and pushes me against the next wall. But before I could really kiss him back he starts to kiss down my neck and his hands slide under my shirt. “Hn…Yoongi”, he mumbles against my neck and on my skin. I let out a soft moan and press myself again him. I move my hips against his and I can already feel a bulge in his shorts. He then pulls away my shirt and my shorts follows immediately before I can blink. The taller one grins a bit but I blush a bit. It’s not that he hasn’t seen me before but the way he look at me… Hoseok leans down again and kiss my neck down to my shoulder. Slowly he moves his body against mine and grabs my and squeezes it. I let out a moan again. “You have no idea how hot you make me… I bad I want you…”, he mumbles and let me shiver again. I press myself against him but then he drags me over into the shower while he take off his clothe and kiss me roughly again.


After we have left the shower I walk into our bedroom with him. I through my hair which is still wet and lay down on my bed. Hoseok do the same and look at me. “Yoongi… I have to… tell…ehm ask you something”, he says and I raise my head. This doesn’t sound good and blink at him. He takes my hand, interlocks our fingers and still smiles. “I’m going to visit my parents soon and…and I want to ask you if you want to come with me… so I can introduce you to my parents”, he says and I look at him. Did he really ask me this? That he wants to introduce me to his parents? “I… I they knew me already”, I mumble. I try to ignore the true that he wants to introduce me them in another way. So he smiles a bit and shakes his head. “I didn’t mean this, I want to introduce them to you as my boyfriend officially”, he says and laughs a bit. I stare at him and blink a bit. “As your boyfriend? Are you sure about this? I… I mean you don’t know how they would react to the fact that you have a boyfriend and maybe they don’t like me and“, I start to babble but Hoseok laughs a bit. He kisses me again and shut me up this way.


“Yoongi, I’m sure about this… And they like you and I’m sure that they won’t hate me for this… they love me and I won’t change just because I have such a beautiful boyfriend by my side”, he says and place some kisses on my cheek “But it’s okay when you don’t want to”. He almost looks sad but I shake my head. “I didn’t mean it this way… I’m just a bit unsure that they don’t like me then”, I mumble and try to hide my face in the pillow. “Ah, Yoongi don’t be so cute”, Hoseok says and pull me into his arms so that I have to face him. “They will like you…. But we still have some time for it”, he mumbles and place a kiss on my nose. He rolls on his back and pulls me on top on him. I place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. He runs with his fingers over my back and I calm down a bit more. I love it just to lay around with him like this, when we don’t say anything and just being like this. I caress his side and smile a bit.



The next day we went over to the entertainment building where we start to practice for our next song. Hoseok tells us and show us some parts of the choreography he planned. I love it how passionate he is for bringing up new choreographies and how he explains us some moves. After this we slowly start to train some of them. While Jungkook and Jimin were really fast by learning it we others have some problems with it. But we try our hardest that it looks good and that Hoseok don’t have to explain us so much. I look again and again to Jimin and Jungkook and try to cover they moves. But I can’t move my body like the two and it looks so easily by the two. So I slowly stop and watch them. How much do I wish that I can dance like this, I want to impress Hoseok. I look to Jin and Nam Joon. Both try their hardest to dance and the two help each other and they encourage each other. Then I look to Taehyung and Hoseok. Hoseok shows him some moves he plan for him and how he should move or look into the camera. I let out a sigh and let my shoulders sink down. Suddenly I feel like I couldn’t do anything. Like I can’t dance. I wish I would be like the others… or at least that I can dance a bit. I don’t want to be a shame for Hoseok. Dancing is everything for him, he is so passionate about it and he loves it. He spend hours of practicing here, he trains like he is a little kid and I want to share this love to dance with him. But I can’t.


I shake my head a bit before I then slowly left the room. I also feel out of place. I walk down the corridor to the elevator and enter it. I also left the entertainment building and bite my lower lip. I don’t even know why I have walk away but I feel like I have to leave the practice room. Outside it rains… But I don’t care if my clothe get wet. I just walk down the street. Maybe I should ask Jimin to practice with me a bit more so that I can impress Hoseok. Maybe then I wouldn’t be such a shame for him. I wipe away some strands of my hair out of my face. That could be an option and I hope this will work.


But then someone hugs me from behind and I wince a bit. “Yoongi, where were you with your thoughts? I have called you several times”, I hear Hoseoks voice and let out a sigh. He caresses my side and turns me around to him. Again he looks at me and I bite my lower lip. “I’m sorry Hoseok”, I mumble and he raise an eyebrow. “You are sorry? For what?”, he asks me and I look away. He grabs my hands and squeezes them softly. “Tell my Yoongi”, he says and lean his forehead against mine. So we stand there in the rain. “I… I just wish I could dance better that we can…share a bit the love for dancing”, I mumble “I want to be closer to you”. He look at me still confuse. “But you can dance Yoongi”, he says and I shake my head. “Not like you or Jungkook and Jimin and I don’t want to be a shame for you since I can’t dance like you and”, just again he shut me up by kissing me. I blink a bit and look at him. “Stop talking such bull”, he says and pulls me closer to him “I don’t expect that you dance like us… we are the dancer of the group and you’re the rapper…. Such a good and talented rapper”. He kisses me on the cheek and giggles a bit “Also I can give you some extra hours of practice”. He grins a bit and I can’t but also laugh a bit. He through my wet hair “Ah, this is the Yoongi I love the most, my laughing and happy Yoongi”. I burry my face in his wet shirt and let out a sigh. “I love you Hoseok… my Hoseok”, I mumble and then I kiss him softly. He just knows how to make me laugh, how to make me happy and how to make me feel comfortable. “So… I think we two will have some extra hours of practicing today I will teach you a lot of thinks”, he says and put an arm around my shoulder. “But now we should go back to the entertainment building before they destroy our room while they dance”, he says and I laugh again. He places a kiss in my temple before we two walk back, hand in hand in the rain.


When I don’t have the energy to cover you with an umbrella, I’ll stand in the rain with you.





This was it... this was 'I'm both - your umbrella and the rain'... ah I really finished it ;w; I can't believe it right now. When I have written the last sentence I sit there five minutes and think about it. This was my first BTS and my first J-Suga/YoonSeok fanfic... And I worked on it since the 26.07...

And I want to thank all of you!

I want to thank every subscriber, everyone who upvotes this story, who reads it, who write a comment ... Thank all of you! Thank you all! ♥ *hugs you all*

Note: I think about part 2 of this fanfic, but I'm not sure about it ._.


Again, thank you all ;___; ♥


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I finally started with Part 2 of 'Umbrella and the rain' :D


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Chapter 3: I'd like to comment about your way of writing, your grammar is not that bad but it needs improvement, and you tend to write so many words that are unnecessary, also, u cant write a long paragraph, the readers would hv a hard time to read it ( i talk from my point of view) over all this is what i could pick up, I could help u if you want, not saying that im rly smart, but I'd love to help
KpopEXO61 #2
Author-nim Thank You so very much for this Fanfiction that you have created and put so much effort in, I probably read this wayyy after you finished it but I still really really enjoyed it, it was just perfectly written and I love the story line, chapter 7 and 8 were just perfect, again thank you for making this fan fiction, it was really amazing, I just wish it never ended
krodri08 #3
Chapter 25: perfect <3
Chapter 10: i knew this will be a great story but dear you are more far than the stars...this is amazing...
danamesAngel #6
Chapter 24: So beautiful!!! I think I would cri, oh wait I am akready crying~~
Great job author-nim! Keep up the good work!
ohsese #7
Chapter 24: Omg this story is goooodddd. I loveeee it >~< I love yoonseok couple♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 24: Awww kawaii loved this fic good Job author-nim
soonchanie #9
Chapter 8: omg this chapter is just soo---- akhh feelsss;ww;;
Chapter 24: I love this story, thank you for writing it <3 so much j-suga feels :')