[J-Hope] - Man in love

I'm both - your umbrella and the rain.

When a man’s in love, he wants to stay by your side
There’s always so much he wants to do for you
When I’m in love, I want to give everything in my life to you
With just one expectation, your heart
When I’m in love

When a man’s in love, when a man’s in love
When I’m in love, when I have fallen for you

[Infinite - Man In Love]





I stand in the kitchen in shock and wince when I hear how Yoongi close the door of the dorm. I haven’t more a bit since he had confessed to me. He loves me… HE LOVES ME. I can’t believe it. This can’t be true… this must be a dream. I slowly sit down on one of the chairs and close my eyes. No… this… I let out a sigh and let my shoulders sink. What should I do now? Should I follow him? Or should I wait here for him? And what should I say then? That it’s okay…. No. That I also love him…? I think about this for a moment. Do I love him? I like him… I like him a lot and I want to keep him for myself. The idea that Jihoon could touch him… kiss him… have with him. And that he is the one who Yoongi tells all his problems and cuddle… No. I want to be this person. I want to be with him. Also I’m so happy when he is around me, when we talk and produce some music…


Then the door opens and Jungkook enters the kitchen along with Taehyung. The maknae looks a bit and raise an eyebrow. “What happened?”, he ask me and I look up to him. “I… I… Yoongi confessed that he loves me”, I say quietly and close my eyes a bit “And I don’t know what to do”. The eyes of the both Youngers winded and Taehyung gasps for air. “Where is Yoongi now?”, he asks me and I shrug my shoulders. “He went away because I didn’t say anything to him… but I was so shocked an… I don’t know what to do”, I start to babble and Jungkook place a hand on my shoulder. Questioned I look at him but he just smiles. “Go and find him and tell him how you fell”, he tells him and I just nod. I have the feeling that Jungkook knows more about my feelings for Yoongi than I do. “Should I?”, I slowly stand up and Taehyung nods now. “Do I or I hit you”. I just laugh a bit before I went over in the hallway and put on my shoes and my hoodie before I also leave the dorm.


Hastily I run through the streets of Seoul and try to find Yoongi. He didn’t pick up his phone when I call him and he didn’t answer any of my text messages. I start to worry about him and went over to the studio. I hope he’s there. Hastily I open the door and I didn’t take the elevator – I think I’m faster when I run up the stairs. I enter the right corridor and try to calm myself a bit down before I close my eyes. “Okay… Hoseok”, I mumble to myself and clear my throat. Then I walk down the corridor and open the door of our recording room. And there is Yoongi. He lies on the couch, curled up and with the back to me. I see how he winces and I her quiet sobs. He didn’t hear me because he turns up the volume from the music. I just stand there and watch him for a moment. He looks so sad… and he also looks so narrow and if he would break apart every second now. I just want to hold him – seeing him like this breaks my heart.


I close the door behind me and still he didn’t notice me. I walk over to Yoongi and sink down on my knees beside the couch. Here I can hear his sobs. It hurts so much. „Yoongi…“, I whisper and the pale boy winces and turn around. He looks at me before he sits up and shakes his head. “What are you doing here Hoseok?”, he ask me immediately. I slowly sit down next to him on the couch and grab his hand. Yoongi looks at me, almost shocked. “I’m sorry Yoongi… I’m so sorry”, I just whisper and he wipes away his tears. “It’s okay Hoseok. I didn’t expect that you love me too”, he says but I shake my head. “N…No, I didn’t mean this. Listen Yoongi”, now I grab both of his hands and squeeze them. They were so small compared to mine and so soft. I smile a bit before I look at him.


“Yoongi, I’m so sorry for all that what happen. That I never thought about that you… you could love me … I just thought that we were friends”, I say then “But… You are so important for me – more than just a friend. And I was so jealous when I heard that about you and Jihoon. I want to have you for my own. I don’t want to share you with anyone…”. Yoongi sits there and he stops to cry. But he didn’t say anything. So I just continue. “A…and I also want that everyone knows that. You should be mine Yoongi and I’m so sorry for hurting you and didn’t realize it sooner. That I… that I left you alone and that I was such a dumb person all the time and-“. But I stop because Yoongi pulls me closer to him and presses his lips on my own. My eyes winded but I wrap my arms around his small waist and kiss him back. I pull him on my lap and hold him close, caresses his back and I nib on his lower lip. Slowly I lean back and place Yoongi on myself and we break the kiss. A moment we just look at each other before I raise my hand and wipe away some of his last tears. Yoongi just let me do that and snuggles up to me. I put my arms around him and hold him tight. Just like I wanted it – to hold him close, so that I can protect him from everything. I through his soft hair and place a kiss on his forehead. His body is so warm and I almost can feel his heartbeat.


“I love you Yoongi… I really do”, I say then softly and the pale boy lift his head. He looks at me before he smiles a bit “I love you too”. And from this moment on I want to be the only person who Yoongi says this words to. And I love him. I love everything about him. I love it how he laughs and how he looks at me, the sound of his voice and his body so close to mine. I love his smell and how small he is so that I can protect him. Again I place a kiss on his forehead and through his hair again and let slide some strands of his hair through my fingers. “So are we couple…now”, he ask then and I laugh a bit. It just sounds so cute. “I want that you are mine… so I would say we are a couple”, I say and Yoongi smiles a bit more. He snuggles closer to me and I smile even more. “What about the others?”, now I’m the one who ask something. “Mhm? What do you mean?”, Yoongi mumbles while he caresses my chest. I still run with my fingers through his hair. “I mean should we tell them something?”, I say and Yoongi shrugs his shoulders.


“Mh, Nam Joon and Jin already know about my feelings for you”, he says and I raise an eyebrow. “They know? Why didn’t anyone tell me that?”, I ask him and Yoongi look at me. “I told both of them not to tell you… I just was so afraid because you always cuddle with the others and hang around with them”, he says “And I didn’t want to ruin our friendship”. “I feel like the dumbest person alive”, I mumble before I press Yoongi closer to me. This one laughs a bit and look at me “Can I ask you something?”. “Sure you can”, I say and smile a bit.


For a moment Yoongi didn’t say anything. He seems to hesitate. “Are… are you sure that you love me… Like you said it…”, he starts “I don’t want to get hurt again”. I look at him and smile then. I can understand his worries. At least a bit. “I really love you Yoongi. I hate the thoughts of you being with someone else than me… I never really thought about it before because… somehow you were always mine“, I say and look at him again. I can’t hide a big grin. “Sound a bit kitschy, the last part?”. But Yoongi just laughs a bit and leans against me.


We lay on the couch for some hours and just enjoy the closeness to each other. And we talk a lot. We talk about music, about our family and friends. We talk about food and why everything went this way. And we cuddle and kiss a lot until Yoongi wanted to tell Nam Joon were we are. It was already one in the morning and we both decided to leave.


Back in the dorm the other were all asleep. “We should take the couch”, Yoongi says and I nod a bit. Together we walk over to the couch and places some blankets on it. I myself take off my pants and throw them over the chair. Yoongi looks at me for a moment and he really blushes a bit. “Are you getting shy? We already had and now you didn’t want to take off your pants?”, I ask him and I can’t but laugh. “Ah Hoseok!”, he says before he take off his pants. Then he crawls on the couch and hide himself under the blanket. I also follow him under them and pull him into my arms. We face each other and I kiss him softly. I pull the blanket tighter around him and through his hair. “You look so beautiful”, I say and just let out my thoughts about him. My pale boy just laughs a bit and kiss me then “You’re so pretty… ahh my beautiful Hoseok”.


The next day I wake up by the sound of the others. I hear Jimin who laughs and Jungkook giggles. Nam Joon tries to calm them down but then I hear also Taehyung laugh. Slowly I open my eyes and blink a few times. Then I feel something in my arms. Yoongi. I can’t hide my smile and place a kiss on his head. Slowly he starts to move and then he opens his eyes. He blinks at me and smiles a bit. “Good morning”, he mumbles and cuddles closer to me while I press him against my chest. A while we just lay there like this. “We should stand up and go over into the kitchen”, I mumble but Yoongi shakes his head and rolls onto me. “I don’t want to”, he says and sits up.


I look up at him and also enjoy this. His hair is messy and he wears only his shorts and a tank top. I also sit up and pull him down to me to kiss him slow and passionate. It just feels so good to kiss him whenever I want to. To be able to hold him close to me and to know that I’m the only who is allow to do that. I can’t but press his small body against mine and caresses his thighs a bit and his back. But then I hear a load squeak and break the kiss with Yoongi. Taehyung stands in the doorframe and look at us with wide eyes. “Ah, what are you doing?”, he ask us and I lean my head against Yoongis shoulder. This one through my hair.


“I love Hoseok… he loves me… we are a couple, that its”, explains my pale boy and I laugh. “You are really romantic”, I tell him and he stands up. “You should get used to it”, he says and laughs a bit. I smile a bit and also stand up before I lift him up and carry him over into the kitchen. The younger one follows us and giggles a bit. “Look… Look!”, he says when I let Yoongi down on his chair. Nam Joon looks at us with wide eyes. “What happen?”, he asks me and I just smile. “He’s mine”, I tell him and now Jimin jumps up. He hugs Yoongi and I just raise an eyebrow. “Finally… oh Yoongi, he finally realize it”, he says and squeeze Yoongi a bit. “Finally?”, I ask him and now Jungkook nods a bit. “You were the only one who didn’t notice his feelings… stupid Hoseok”, he laughs and I start to pout. The others could have told my something at least. But my pale boy leans closer to me and places a kiss on my lips.


“But I love my dumb and cute Hoseokkie”.


I look him into his eyes and smile a bit. I can clearly see how happy he is now. And I love that. Finally he is happy and I could make him happy. I also want to care about him, protect him and love him. I want to show him how much he means to me. I just realize that he means everything to me.


“Hoseok, everything okay?”, Yoongi waves with his hands in front of my face and I shake my head. “Yeah… everything is alright”, I say and caresses his back a bit before Nam Joon clears his throat. Everyone looks at him and I smile a bit. I could smile the whole time. “I’m happy that you are finally together… but we need to hurry a bit that we are at the Entertainment building on the right time”, he says and I nod a bit. “I also told Jin about it, he will come too”, Yoongi says then and Nam Joon looks at him. “He will come?”, he asks again and Yoongi nods a bit. “At least he said that”, Yooni mumbles and Nam Joon smile a bit. I totally forget about him and Jin. Maybe also these two will find they luck. Because Nam Joon can tell us everything but we all know that he loves Jin. Maybe I’m not that stupid like everyone say.



Oh my goooood~ You know what? This was the last J-Hope chapter for the story QwQ I also feel a bit sad.. D:

I hope you like this chapter ♥

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I finally started with Part 2 of 'Umbrella and the rain' :D


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Chapter 3: I'd like to comment about your way of writing, your grammar is not that bad but it needs improvement, and you tend to write so many words that are unnecessary, also, u cant write a long paragraph, the readers would hv a hard time to read it ( i talk from my point of view) over all this is what i could pick up, I could help u if you want, not saying that im rly smart, but I'd love to help
KpopEXO61 #2
Author-nim Thank You so very much for this Fanfiction that you have created and put so much effort in, I probably read this wayyy after you finished it but I still really really enjoyed it, it was just perfectly written and I love the story line, chapter 7 and 8 were just perfect, again thank you for making this fan fiction, it was really amazing, I just wish it never ended
krodri08 #3
Chapter 25: perfect <3
Chapter 10: i knew this will be a great story but dear you are more far than the stars...this is amazing...
danamesAngel #6
Chapter 24: So beautiful!!! I think I would cri, oh wait I am akready crying~~
Great job author-nim! Keep up the good work!
ohsese #7
Chapter 24: Omg this story is goooodddd. I loveeee it >~< I love yoonseok couple♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 24: Awww kawaii loved this fic good Job author-nim
soonchanie #9
Chapter 8: omg this chapter is just soo---- akhh feelsss;ww;;
Chapter 24: I love this story, thank you for writing it <3 so much j-suga feels :')