Part 4


The weekend had passed by with quick speed. Before anyone had expected it, it was the beginning of yet another school week. Students filed into the school in scattered cliques, chattering about whatever nonsense came to mind. As the clock ticked pass eight, late students dashed shamelessly to the school gate before teachers closed it on them.

Taemin pulled his English textbook and binder out of his locker and then locked it. Idly, he strode to his classroom a few hallways down and yawned. He spent the whole weekend at Onew-hyung's house, helping him shop for a present for his special other half. He also helped his friend wrap and decorate the present and whatnot. The other was really picky and indecisive about things like this. Saying things like, “There has to have a meaning,” and “It has to be something that will be useful” while rejecting every suggestion he made. Taemin furrowed his brows at the thought. Even during the last moment, Onew wanted to make changes to the wrapping and the bow. So troublesome. But contradictory to his thoughts, Taemin's lips played a little smile. Although buying presents and wrapping them were a difficult and time consuming process, Onew actually cared a lot for the one he liked.

But Taemin smile turned lopsided when he remembered that Minho also wanted to go to the movies with him. His gaze lowered in regret. He should have noted that he already had plans on the weekend with Onew, so Minho would not have been so upset. Taemin could tell that Minho had been anticipating to watch the movie with him. He had such excitement in his voice when Taemin had said he would go with him. The blond sighed. He had also wanted to watch the movie. It was in theaters for a few days already.

Taemin nodded with new found resolution. I'll go look for him at lunch and find another time to go with him!

He jogged into his class the second before the bell rang and cheered quietly to himself. Gaining little giggles form his fellow classmate and a roll of eyes from his teacher.

Taemin smiled amiably up at his teacher and greeted, "Hi, Mrs. Kwon! You better not mark me late."

His teacher did not greet him back properly though. She only ushered Taemin towards his seat and closed the door behind him. Walking up to the blackboard, she scribbled a set of numbers down.

He softly sat down into his seat and flipped open his textbook to the page numbers written on the chalkboard. He shuffled through the pages of his exercise book and stopped on a blank page. Picking up a random pencil he found inside his desk, he doodled Naruto's face on the corner of his page and stifled a yawned.

He was going to spend the next hour and forty minutes writing compound and complex sentences. They were supposedly really fun to write.

After the bell had rung and class was officially over, Taemin gathered his books and filed out of the classroom. He slipped between crowds of people in the main hallway and skipped to his locker, phone out in one hand. He scrolled through his list of contacts and stopped on the name he needed. His thumb jumped from button to button, writing a message for his upperclassman, Minho.

“I'll look for you during lunch, wait for me!”

He sent the message and then put his phone back into his pocket. Exchanging his English books with his art supplies, he pushed his locker closed. Happily, he zoomed passed people and down stairs. He slowed down when he arrived at the corner of his classroom. Peeking into the classroom, he spotted his art teacher sorting through paintings by other students.

He quietly crept into the classroom when her back was facing him. He slid into his seat and tucked his supplies into his empty desk.

Silently, he waited for the bell to ring and declare the start of class. When that did happen, the other ninety-nine percent of the class were present. The teacher had gotten in the front of the classroom and given instructions and a deadline to their new project.

Taemin pursed his lips and groaned. Another hour and forty minutes of draft sketching.

Lethargically, he pulled out his sketch book and pencils and started sketching a rough draft. His 2HB pencil glided carelessly across and around his lightly textured paper. A hour and half more to go... I can do this!

He sketched and sketched again, disposing every idea that seemed overused or flawed. Pulling at his hair, he crossed out another sketch and began mulling over another.

Soon, the whole hour and a half was gone and it was finally lunch time. Taemin beamed and dashed back to his locker, book and pencils safe between his chest and arms. Carelessly, he threw his sketch book and pencil case into the bottom of his locker and grabbed his sandwich from his bag and sprinted off again.

He descended flights of stairs and turned around many corners, searching for a tall raven haired hyung. He pushed through doors, searched around the garden area and the courtyard. When his searching was fruitless, Taemin began to pant and groan.

He whipped out hid phone and directly called the older boy. First ring, second ring, third ring, "Taemin?"

Taemin huffed and demanded, "Where are you?"

"Didn't you say you would come look for me?"

Taemin paused. He coughed and replied, "I'm tired now. Just tell me."

There was a moment's silence and then a low giggle. "You're in the courtyard? Turn around and look straight ahead."

Taemin did as he was told and turned around, then looked straight ahead. He was facing the window of the cafeteria. He squinted his eyes and moved closer towards the glass. Behind the reflecting glass was a smiling big eyed boy, waving to him. Taemin pouted and pointed his finger at the face behind the window.

"Finally!" He opened the back doors to the cafeteria and jogged to where the boy was sitting with a tray of lunch.

He pulled the chair beside Minho out and place himself onto the plastic chair. Minho laughed at him and took another bite of his roasted chicken. After he had swallowed he said, "About time, Taemin. I've been waiting for about fifteen minutes now!"

"And I've been searching for about fifteen minutes! Why are you even here of all places?" Taemin scooted his chair over to face his senior. He was still panting slightly.

Minho made a funny face. He answered, "Because it's lunch?"

The younger of the two gasped exaggeratedly. He slapped his forehead and cursed. "Ahh. It's because I don't come here often. I bring my own lunch."

Minho waved his hand, dismissing the topic and immediately starting a new one. "So, where's your lunch?"

"Ate while looking for you. I was too hungry," was Taemin's spontaneous reply. His hand automatically went for the carton of milk on Minho's tray. He opened it and drained about a quarter of it before returning it to the owner.

"Too thirsty." Taemin gave Minho and apologetic glance after he realized he didn't even ask before taking his milk. But luckily, Minho did not seem to mind. In fact, he even offered Taemin the whole carton, which Taemin gladly accepted without a second of hesitation. He chugged down the rest of the milk before placing the empty carton soundly on the table.

He smiled at Minho and gave him a quick, "Thanks!"

His kind upperclassman nodded and forked another piece of chicken into his mouth. He mumbled something that sounded like, “Sow, did jyou need somefing from me?”

Taemin frowned at the little piece of chicken he had spat out but return his attention to his friend. He nodded and raised his hand saying, “Yeah! Let make another time to watch that movie! I really wanted to go, but I remembered I promised to help a friend with something. Sorry,” Taemin apologized again.

Minho shook his head and stuffed his mouth with more chicken. He didn't stop until he finished everything. But he still talked with his mouth full. He said, "S'ok. We can go this weekend."

"Okay," Taemin uttered softly. He played with the milk carton as he watched as Minho pick up his tray and walked to the trash bin. He emptied the garbage into the bin and placed the tray on the counter. Taemin also went to recycle his carton.

The both of them exited the cafeteria. They strolled around the campus and chatted about the upcoming weekend, about which theatre they were going to and where they were going to meet up. They discuss all the minor details plus lunch if they can make it for the morning show.

Minho cast a steady glance at down at Taemin and cleared his throat. He slowed his pace and angled his head towards the younger boy. Taemin looked up at Minho and when he knew that he had the boy's attention, Minho recalled, "Remember when I said there was something i needed to tell you?"

Taemin thought back to a few days ago, when he dropped Minho off to class. Minho did say something like that, but he quickly changed his mind and decided not to tell him in the end. That had left Taemin very curious as to what the boy was about to tell him. As much as he wanted to, he did not pry. That was only rude.

He nodded and also remarked, "Yeah, you said you wouldn't tell me yet."

Minho sighed and hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his trousers. He murmured softly as he looked straight ahead, "I know. I'm going to tell you now though...but it'll be very awkward."

Taemin's curiosity only grew more at the last few words. His ears perked and his lips twitched into a subtle smirk. He knotted his fingers together, keeping his piqued curiosity in place. There was interest in his mellow voice when he urged, "You can tell me. I promise we will still be friends."

Minho fixed his uncertain eyes on the younger one's encouraging pair. He scratched his elbow and whispered, "I guess that's a good thing?"

The younger boy had just rejected him before Minho even confessed. Of course, Taemin didn't know what was about to happen to him, nor did he suspect it in the least. His mere desire was to get Minho to willingly unveil his secret to him. And Minho kind of noticed that in the way Taemin's eyes shone, so careful but unmistakably shrewd.

Minho bit the bottom of his lip and gently nibbled on its inside. He knew that telling the boy now would mean the chances of going to the movie on the weekend would drop from a hundred percent to a low fifty percent. Albeit the boy had promised to stay as his friend, he knew there was a chance that Taemin would abandon him anyway.

But despite of the fact, he would still risk it. It was more logical to Minho. He would rather confess now and risk everything than getting to know the boy more and bear the possibility of liking the boy even more. When that happens, there would be no turning back.

He gently pulled Taemin aside and began, "Alright, I'll tell you." He paused for a brief moment to think and breathe. Then, with careful words he continued, "I'm not quite sure when it started but...I think have a crush on you."

Minho cringed inwardly at the lameness of his "carefully thought" confession. His eyes examined Taemin for possible hints of what he was thinking.

Undoubtedly, Taemin was baffled by the truth of Minho's secret. He would never have guessed that Minho would actually like him. Not in that way, because Taemin for sure, did not like Minho in a way other than friends. But he was not someone that discriminated against people with different ualities. He was pretty open minded. In fact, the person Onew was dating was Jonghyun, the school's best vocalist and also a guy.

But no matter what, he will not like Minho in that way. Thus, he cannot return his feelings.

Taemin stared down at his shoes and for the first time, noticed how dirty they were. He did not peel his gaze from his dirty white Adidas shoes, he only stared harder.

Gingerly, but confidently, he admitted, "Umm. I never thought of you in that way, hyung. It just didn't occur to me that I would ever even be liked by someone. Anyone." And naturally, he looked up to see what kind of face Minho was making. There was obvious hurt and disappointment, but it was discreet and restrained. Almost like he had expected the exact reply, which was somewhat true.

Taemin gasped and hastily assured Minho that they would still be friends. He said, "But we will still be friends! We will still go to see the horror movie together."

Minho safely pulled off a half grin and awkwardly laughed. With a sharp turn of his heels, he continued down their original path and acted like nothing just happened. He jerked his arm, a gesture for Taemin to come along.

He sang energetically, "I know, I know. We will just be friends."

Taemin followed behind and gave his share in the act of happiness. He laughed and chirped, "Right!"

But there was a possibility that did not escape the back on Minho's mind. The slight chance that maybe, just maybe, he could make the boy like him too. And like, as in the level above friends. Though for now, he kept that thought to himself. He would sound too conceited if he were to voice his though out. Choi Minho was not a conceited person. Not one bit.

He should feel grateful that the boy even kept his promise to stay as friends.

The bells chimed again, and it was the beginning of the third block. The two walked along side each other like everybody else and pretended they had completely forgotten the confession. Though truthfully, neither of them did. No matter how insignificant the person, you can never really forget a confession to you or vice versa.

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Chapter 7: Wooow! I read this in Nov 2016! :)
Though, You deserve a loud applause! :D
Thanks for the cute 2min
Chapter 7: Wooow! I read this in Nov 2016! :)
Though, You deserve a loud applause! :D
Thanks for the cute 2min
omg, i loved the ending. “Sorry, I fell for his trap.” totally epic, for a moment i thought it was going to be a sad ending of them not being together XD <br />
<br />
awesome fic ^^
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3!!!
AUGH it's... it's OVERRR?? ;~; NUUU >____< It always made me smile when I saw this in my subscription updates, but I guess I should be happy with the.... INSANELY ADORABLE FLUFFY ending <3 AWW too bad they didn't actually kiss though >___><br />
Anways, You did an AMAZING job with this fic, it was very well written and so fluffy I could die :D<br />
Thank you SO much for writing it
I like the way this is written... I gotta know what happens next. <br />
*clicks 'Subscribe to Story' button*
DoubleYsYeoja #7
uppppdaaateee sooonnn!!! please
OH MA GODD... Taeminnie may like Minho! Aww this is super cute <3<br />
And Onew annoys me, being all protective of Taemin.. which would be cute if he liked him but he has Jonghyun so he should just out >.> haha<br />
well, Can't wait for the next chapter~ :D
Ahhh no! Come on Taemin! Just fall in love with him!! :O Then the awkwardness will disappear~<br />
Haha this was cute but also a bit sad. Waiting for the next update~~~ :D <3