Part 3


The wind was blowing fiercely against cherry blossom trees that day. Blush pink petals fluttered elegantly from blossom stems and landed on the dark hair of a waiting boy. Fluttering and fluttering, petals have accumulated all around the boy, and a few even attached themselves onto the boy's neat uniform.

The tall, handsome boy pressed his palm onto the wired fence and leaned his face in. His eyes not even blinking once as they focused intently onto the lean figure splashing calmly in the water. And they did not leave the figure until the moment his slender hand touched the end of the pool.

When the boy closed his eyes and sighed contently, he could feel his eyes stinging and watering. But he smiled. He opened his eyes and they immediately searched for the blond haired boy they had become so used to for the past few days. They laid upon a boy crouched in a corner, smiling happily to himself. He wondered for a moment if he should call out to the boy or not but it was all unnecessary since the other had looked over and saw him standing there.

The other was surprised to see the dark haired boy when classes were still in session. He gave a furtive glance to his teacher's direction and then back to the black haired boy. Quietly, he got up from where he was sitting and tiptoed over to the fence, where his friend was standing directly behind.

In a hushed tone, he asked, “Why are you here, Minho-hyung? Shouldn't you be in class?”

“I got out with permission. I came to see how you were doing. Good job by the way,” he replied in the same hushed tone and gave his junior a thumbs up.

Taemin smiled proudly and doubled the thumbs up. He looked over his shoulder and his eyes met those of his curious teacher. Quickly, he nodded towards his teacher.

“Well, catch you later, hyung. I'm going return to the class.” He waved to Minho and then ran back to the rest of his class.

Minho, however did not want to return to his class. He sighed and cast his younger friend one more glance before walking off to his classroom. Nothing else I could do, so might as well return to class.

When Minho stepped back into his art class, he took his seat beside the window and began doodling in his sketchbook. The teacher came over after she had noticed the boy had returned. She gave him a wink and asked, “Did you find your inspiration?”

Minho stared out the window and thought for a while. He continued to doodle in his sketchbook absentmindedly and mumbled, “Maybe?”

His teacher looked worriedly at him for a brief moment. When Minho only kept looking out the window dreamily, his teacher sighed and walked off.

When he returned his gaze to his sketchbook, he couldn't believe he had drawn a face that resembled Taemin so much. And in his subconscious too.

He didn't know if he should be scared or amazed at what he had just done. But one thing was clear. He thought about Lee Taemin a lot more than he thought he did.

That couldn't be good.

When it was lunch time, Minho sought for Taemin without a second thought. He slung his bag over his shoulder and hurried across the hallways. His feet were quick. After what he had realized during art class, he became so confused. His mind was like a maze at the moment. No matter which path he took, it always led to the same conclusion. A dead end. His only solution was to consult the source of his confusion–Taemin.

He made his way to the entrance of the changing room in no time. He would have rushed in, but he hesitated.

What if his guesses were true? What then?

Minho gulped in fear. Fear of the truth, the possibility, and the him of tomorrow.

His hand gripped tightly on the door's handle. He inhaled and asked himself calmly, should I just forget it all and pretend it never happened? But what of his manly pride? He didn't like lying to himself. In fact, he hated it, to lie and deceive. It just wasn't like him at all. But was he ready to face the possibility of the truth? Could he handle it if things turned out as bad as his imagination?

Curse it all. I'll just check if he's even inside at all.

Finally pushing the door open, he took his first step in and already, he was regretting it. Taemin was inside, changing. The moment he laid his eyes on that slender waist, that angelic face and those innocent eyes, all doubts were banished.

It was true. He liked Taemin.

Minho quickly left the changing room. He had his back against the wall, his hands covering his mouth and his eyes were almost tearing. He silently gasped at the loudness and the speed of his heartbeat. He threw his head back, hitting the wall in a noisy bang.

I can't believe it. I him. In that way.

Minho slapped himself across the cheek. I'm acting too dramatic. It's not like it's my first time liking someone. He groaned and scratched the nape of his neck. But Taemin's a boy...

He adjusted his bag on his shoulder and prepared to leave, forgetting everything that happened. Manly pride or not, he was going to leave before things turn from worse to worst. After all, liking a girl was, in a way manlier. But before he even took his first step, he was stopped by a voice calling his name, followed by a door opening and then a head poking out.

His body stiffened. The shoulder that singly supported his bag ached in stiffness. He reached up to adjust his bag again and he realized that his other shoulder had become creaky stiff too. The voice continued to probe for a reply. Which, Minho hesitantly turned around to answer.

"Hey," he calmly uttered with a feigned smile. He stretched his arm out and patted Taemin lightly on the shoulder. He wanted to act normal, like nothing really happened. He tried to erase all evidence of unease in his voice and said, "Took you long enough."

Taemin, not suspecting anything, replied giddily, "Since how long have you been waiting for me? And why did you just leave?"

Minho's left eye twitched. The other didn't notice it, but Minho will have to lie. Lying, again, was something he was not fond of. Though, it would sound bad if he told the truth that he had a mini seizure after being exposed to his bare front. But he was totally fine when he was teaching the boy last week, and this morning too. It was only after he had realized that he might have a little crush on the boy, that things got so...out of hand. So just once, he would break his principles and lie. "The smell of deodorant and antiperspirant was too strong."

Taemin snapped his fingers and nodded vigorously. He held a finger out, as if to make a point and said in agreement, "Yeah. My classmates use a lot of cologne too. I got used to it though."

Minho let out a chuckle. He gripped his bag's strap with one hand, and pushed his other down the pocket of his trousers. Behind his smile, he wanted so much to the boy's cheeks and play with his hair. He knew he couldn't do that though. Not only would that be kind of creepy, but that would also be really awkward, coming from a guy.

"So are you going to go eat now?" Minho asked with a cool front. He pulled his right hand out of his pocket and pointed to the direction of the staircase. He smiled and said, "I still have to go eat."

He pushed his hand back into his pocket and crossed his fingers inside. He wished the boy would nod and just leave to eat his lunch, so he could eat his own in peace without worrying about self-control. But Taemin just seemed to want to keep taunting him.

Taemin rushed forward and pushed Minho along on the back. "Well, let's eat together! C'mon, c'mon!"

"Eh," Minho gulped. He tottered forward and followed slowly behind the running boy. Today's lunch will be the longest. He whacked himself on the chest and mentally prepared himself for the longest forty minutes to come. He sighed and muttered, "Alright, alright."

Climbing up the stairs, he tried to avoid the other one's eyes as much as possible when possible. The other just seemed to love looking back to check up on the slower boy. And that killer smile. Minho just couldn't resist being absorbed in it. It was too perfect, beautiful. It's this smile that I fell for...

As the bell rang again, Minho realized a big mistake. Lunch time passed incredibly fast with Taemin by his side. What was it that he said about this being the longest lunch ever? Well, that totally got shot down. Minho enjoyed spending the time with Taemin so much, he almost wished lunch never ended.

But that was merely wishful thinking. Taemin had gotten up from his seated position and picked up his bag.

“Ahh, time for class again,” Taemin whined.

Minho smiled lovingly up at the boy, but his eyes hinted disappointment. He closed his eyes, hiding what he knew was present in them, and nodded. He too, got up, and this time pulled both straps of his backpack over his shoulders.

Nodding, he said, “Yeah.”

Taemin looked thoughtfully at Minho for a moment, and then broke into a wide grin. He straightened his shoulders and excitedly voiced his great idea, “I'll walk you to class, hyung!”

Minho stared surprisingly at Taemin before instantly breaking into a gleeful grin. He patted his junior's head dotingly and accepted him on the offer.

“Thanks. Next time I’ll bring you to class, 'kay?”


The both of them started walking side-by-side to Minho's Biology classroom. There was no talk, only smiles. When they finally got to Minho's classroom, they turned around to say their farewells.

“Well, I'll drop you off here. Bye-bye, hyung.” Taemin waved and made an 180 degree turn and started to walk back to his classroom.

Minho gasped a little and shouted after him, “Wait, Taemin! I have to tell you something!”

Taemin stopped and looked back. He walked back to where Minho was with a curious look on his face. He stared up at Minho and encouraged, “What is it?”

Minho had his mouth hanging open, but no words came out. He wondered for a while if he should confess his feelings or wait a little longer. In the end, he laughed it off nervously and said, “No. Never mind I'll tell you some other time.”

Taemin gawked at Minho in disbelief. He protested, “Why?! Tell me now!”

Minho had his lips sealed and simply shook his head. But he added a teasing little wink just to stir Taemin—if he could even be affected at all.

But it was to be expected. Taemin didn't think too much about it and just trotted off with a pout. Although Minho got what he wanted, he somewhat felt disappointed.

Don't worry. I'll tell you soon. I will...


The enthusiastic teenager stood eagerly in front of the school's main door. He shifted his balance between his right and left leg constantly, finding it hard to stay still when he was feeling so hyperactive. The eighteen-year-old had been looking forward to this weekend all night and morning. The day before, he had asked his sixteen-year-old crush, Taemin if he wanted to go watch the latest horror movie together. Taemin had agreed on the spot. He had also exchanged numbers with the other boy. It was the best day of Minho's life yet.

And his heart felt like it had just exploded inside his chest when he heard his ringtone sound. Quickly, he checked the caller id, and it displayed “Lee Taemin”. When Minho felt that his heart had recovered from the attack, he read the message that Taemin had sent.

I'm sorry, but I can't make it today after all.... ):
I forgot I had already made plans with someone else. Aaaah, so sorry hyung! Let's go another time, yeah? ^^”

Minho stared blankly at his phone, energy drained completely out of him. All over again, his heart broke. But this time, in a slow, sadistic method. His heart squeezed together and imploded.

He looked down at his phone and frowned. He combed his hand through his black locks, sighing dishearteningly. His hands gripped his phone tightly. When he remembered that he still had to reply to Taemin's message, Minho's lazy fingers slowly typed, “Don't mind it. We can go another time.”

It wasn't right. He was feeling way too disappointed from the change of plan. So much it doesn't even feel like disappointment anymore. It became something much darker, much heavier that he could no longer walk with his head held up. Perhaps, it was the emotion jealousy.

That's right, Taemin has other friends too. He laughed solemnly at his stupid self. Of course. Things like this always happens.

Minho pushed his phone into his back pocket and sighed. He began walking back home, staring intently at his feet all the way home. His mood had plunged from energetic to melancholy in the time span of one ringtone. But he tried to smile. He thought, if I try to be happy, I can be happy. There was no point in being gloomy for the rest of the weekend. Smile. Smile. He brought his head up from its hanging position with great effort. He stretched and laughed. Just smile. Even if there was no way to change his down mood, having a semblance of contentment was good enough.

Because Choi Minho is a happy person.

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Chapter 7: Wooow! I read this in Nov 2016! :)
Though, You deserve a loud applause! :D
Thanks for the cute 2min
Chapter 7: Wooow! I read this in Nov 2016! :)
Though, You deserve a loud applause! :D
Thanks for the cute 2min
omg, i loved the ending. “Sorry, I fell for his trap.” totally epic, for a moment i thought it was going to be a sad ending of them not being together XD <br />
<br />
awesome fic ^^
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3!!!
AUGH it's... it's OVERRR?? ;~; NUUU >____< It always made me smile when I saw this in my subscription updates, but I guess I should be happy with the.... INSANELY ADORABLE FLUFFY ending <3 AWW too bad they didn't actually kiss though >___><br />
Anways, You did an AMAZING job with this fic, it was very well written and so fluffy I could die :D<br />
Thank you SO much for writing it
I like the way this is written... I gotta know what happens next. <br />
*clicks 'Subscribe to Story' button*
DoubleYsYeoja #7
uppppdaaateee sooonnn!!! please
OH MA GODD... Taeminnie may like Minho! Aww this is super cute <3<br />
And Onew annoys me, being all protective of Taemin.. which would be cute if he liked him but he has Jonghyun so he should just out >.> haha<br />
well, Can't wait for the next chapter~ :D
Ahhh no! Come on Taemin! Just fall in love with him!! :O Then the awkwardness will disappear~<br />
Haha this was cute but also a bit sad. Waiting for the next update~~~ :D <3