Forever and Always

Our Promise to Forever




Jinri sits across the table covered with a white kind-of tablecloth, and empty seat in front of her and nothing but noises of people cackling and cackling about their usual lives over and over.

She keeps her eyes onto her watch, waiting for her fiance, Chanyeol.



At first, she was excited, being all ready and such even just an hour before. That's Jinri, preferably more called as Yeol's Jinri, just how she likes it that way. She never likes making people wait or even disappointing them and she likes to see people around her happy which makes her even ton times much more happier than anyone could be.


But right now, she isn't.


The right word would be, worried.


So she stands up and heads right out the restaurant. Contemplating whether to go to his place or hers, she decides to go to his instead. What if something happened to him? He better not be sleeping or I'll kill him if I see him-- So she goes and stops right in front of his door, noticing his car wasn't in his driveway this time around she thought he might be on the way towards the restaurant-- .


"Excuse me, miss?" And elderly man takes her attention. "Are you looking for Chanyeol-ssi?"


"Oh, why yes, is he around?"


"I haven't seen him, actually."


"Oh well, alright. Thank you, sir." She bows her head in response then heaves out a deep breath. She lifts her head up to look at the window then suddenly the moment stopped when she heard her phone ring then making her snap back to reality.


"Hello? Who is this?"


"I don't have much time to tell you, Yeol's in the hospital. Hurry up, okay?"


"What?! Don't joke with me-- Hello? Hello?!" He tone rises then hanging up right after, making no hesitation towards the hospital. Please let that person be joking, please


Her feet took her to the closest hospital she knew-- The hospital where his mom was confined two years ago, the year where they became together. Without hesitation, she runs breathelessly, hoping that he is okay. That this is all just a twisted dream and it's just a joke. But then-- as she runs, she remembers that one time in December, that moment he proposed on one knee and said,


"I want you forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, forever and always.."


But then inn a few moments, she runs past white hospital doors only to rush right towards the reception desk, trying to catch her breath as she speaks. Then the nurse immediately leads her towards in front of two white hospital doors.


"Miss, Chanyeol has been diagnosed with... Leukemia and it has been geneitic.." She remains there, shaking a bit with a straight face on then her feet takes a few slow steps inside, only to see her fiance lying in a hospital bed. She sits by his side then slides her hands down to intertwin her fingers tightly against his. She kisses the back of it, tears slowly visible down her cheeks.


Endless talks came up between them for days. They talk about the kids they're gonna have and how they'll name them after their own names. He says how they'll both have a good life together, they'd stay near the hillside, just them and their kids and how perfect life would be for their family.

And he says that line again as he looks up at her with seemingly tired eyes,


"Stay there forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, forever and always.. Whether rich or for poor or for better. We'll still love each other, forever and always.."


She smiles but inside, it hurts so much. Only to see his soon to be husband lying down, sick and he can't force himself to move like how he used to because now he can't. And in reality she knew what was gonna happen, so an idea strikes her in a few minutes right after..


"Hey, wait here, okay?" She kisses the top of his head then rushes out the door. She calls a few nurses and it took her for a while to call the chaplain inside the room, bringing his expression brightly than before.


The chaplain says a few verses while she holds his hand tight. A pair of rings she borrowed at the couple next door on her other hand then she looks right down at him, a bittersweet smile planted on her face as he looks up at her, smiling as wide as he could. They put on the rings and everyone laughs in joy with tears coming out from their own eyes as they witness the moment.


Jinri then says right after the rings has been on their fingers,


"I want you forever, forever and always, through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, and always remember, whether happy or sad or whatever. We'll still love each other, forever and always."


Just as she finishes, the beeps get slow and distant. Chanyeol looks up at her with weak eyes, a faint smile drawn across his lips.


His voice low and he says one more time,


"I love you forever, forever and always... Please just remember even if I'm not here, I'll always love you.... forever and always."





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vanilla133 #1
Chapter 1: Why?! Just why?! Huhuhu:'( you make me cry authornim!!
maroon12 #2
Chapter 1: Why why? Why chanlli can't be happy together as a married couple!! *crying so hard* :(
katana27 #3
"I want you forever, forever and always, through the good and the bad and the ugly" aaawww, this was really a touching story. It show's how much love jinri has for yeol because even though they are not married yet, she still stayed with him and will forever love him. authornim :( why do you keep writing sad endings :( it just makes me cry, but still I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! :)) THANK YOU AUTHORNIM for writing this!! MORE POWER TO YOU :) hope you'll write a new CHANLLI story again! THANK YOU AUTHORNIM! :)
Nolito #4
Chapter 1: Thats really so sad , nice but so sad ..
Nolito #5
Can't wait your update ^^