Chapter 05

Guardian Angel


The time now is exactly 5:30 and I saw more and more people coming in and out of the coffee shop as well as passing by the coffee shop. I was tapping on the table and looking at the wooden texture of the table. Then-

"Yah~ There she is. Do you see her? She's the one wearing a red beanie hat." Seung ri woke me up from my observation of the table. I looked up and saw the girl walking towards the counter to order coffee.

"Go up to her. Ask her to come sit with you here when she's done ordering."

Again, there was this feeling of temptation to open my mouth to talk back to Seung ri, but I couldn't. There were way too many people in here. So I obediently got up from my chair and walked toward Soo Young.

I tapped her lightly from the back and she turned around. Wow, she's really pretty.

"I'm sorry... but is your name Soo Young?"

She nodded silently, still staring at me.

"Oh that's great." I smiled widely, showing warmness.

"Can you come sit at my table over there after you're done with buying coffee?"

"Okay." She answered and smiled warmly back at me. I smiled back to her and turned around to return to the table before anyone else gets it. The line was pretty long so no one was sitting yet.

I sat back down and waited for Soo Young to finished buying coffee.

"Get out the letter I gave you. So when she comes back just tell her you were ummmm... and old friend of mine and that you founded in my room or something."

I nodded slowly, agreeing to tell Soo Young exactly what he just told me. I began to wonder what he wrote in the letter and why is HE expressing his feelings to this girl NOW?

I looked over to the counter and Soo Young had about 6 people in front of her. I really wanted to read it. So I spoke quickly and in a low voice-

"Can I read it?"

"Are you that nosy?" He asked.

I nodded quickly.

He let out a big sigh, "Go ahead. But before she gets here."

I unfolded the paper and began to read it -

Dear Soo Young, Hi~! It's Seung ri, remember? We were partners in science in high school. Well I know that I've never told you this... but I like you... a lot. Ever since my eyes met yours I just started to like you. I mean I know I might not mean anything to you now and never will be. That year was the best year in my life. I'm glad to have met you Soo Young. We laughed and we'd talk to each other almost about everything. I'm not so sure if you had felt the way I do. But I just want to let you know that I really like you.

P.S. Live well.

From, Grandpa ;]

"Grandpa?" I asked.

"She would call me grandpa because of the bags under my eyes. She thinks that I'm tired and look old like a grandpa."

"Inside joke I guess." I thought to myself.

Once I finished reading his letter, Soo Young plopped down in the chair across from mines.

"So umm what do you need me for?" She asked, slurping her iced coffee in her hand.

"Here, this is a letter from Seung ri."

"Seung ri-shi? Ahhhh, I remember him. It's been quite a long time since I last saw him in school."

I raised my left eyebrow, did she just say that like she doesn't know that he's alive anymore?

She opened up the letter and started to read it. It took her about 2 minutes to finish it. She looked up and looked a bit sad.

"Can I ask whom you may be?"

"I'm Seung ri's old childhood friend. Very, very, old friend. Ha." I gave out a little laugh to cover up the lie I just told.

"I see. Do you know where he might be?" She asked me.

I looked at Seung ri who was now sitting across from me but on the chair next to Soo Young so that I wouldn't look like a retard turning my head to the right all the time.

"Just tell her." He sighed and closed his two eyes.

"Did you not know that he's not here anymore?"

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"He's been dead for 5 years now."

Her eyes grew wider and wider once I told her that.

"And you just gave me this now?" She asked sounded kind of mad.

"Well you have to understand, I did not go to the same school as Seung ri. I was still in elementary school and when he died I found this in his room. I didn't know who Soo Young was so I had to do a little research to who you were. I had to ask a lot of people, trust me that took me forever because I had other things going on as well." Wow I'm really surprised at all these lies that I came up with.

"I- I don't know what to say. He's not even here anymore... and I had never noticed how he felt about me. I never had the same feelings for him.." She looked down at her iced coffee. Then she started to rub her arms. Oh god, she's cold because of Seung ri.

I looked at Seung ri and pointed my eyes to the empty chair next to me. I told him to come back to my side of the table because I'm used to the coldness. And so he did come back.

"Ah it's kind of cold in here. Did they turn on the A/C?"

"No, it's a nice weather out. They wouldn't really turn on the A/C." I said.

Soo Young's cell phone rang and she picked up.

"Yoboseyo?.... Eunhyuk! Are you coming?.... I'm at the coffee shop near the campus..... You want to come here?..... Okay.... see you in a few... Bye bye." She hung up.

"My boyfriend's coming." She smiled to me.

"You should visit his grave someday, since you missed his funeral." I suggessted.

"I should. I really didn't know he died."

"But didn't your school say anything about Seung ri? Didn't they notice the 5 kingka's in your school suddenly disappeared in your school?"

"My school just said that they all moved."

"What about the news? You know the newspapers, the tv channels.... something?" I asked.

"I never watch those things or read those things."

I looked over to my right to see Seung ri.

"The school didn't want to ruin their reputation so they begged the news reporters. Besides, the parents never knew those kids or me. And my mom doesn't really talk to people."

Then a guy came sitting next to Soo Young, kissing her on the lips and wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

"And who's this?" He asked.

"It's Seung ri's old friend. Oh yeah what is your name?" She asked me.

"Sun Mi."

"Seung ri? The one who was a really good dancer in your high school like 5 years ago?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Soo Young asked.

"Uh... people. You know, friends and yeah.."

"I see." She said.

"Wow is it just me or is it getting colder in here?" He asked covering up his forearms with his long sleeves rolled down.

"It's not even that hot outside.... is it the A/C?" He asked again.

"I asked the same question too. How come you're not cold Sun mi?" Soo Young asked me.

"Don't worry, maybe it's just you guys." I said.

"Well I think we should go hun. Nice to meet you Sun Mi." He winked at me.

They both got up and Soo Young thanked me for the letter.

They both wrapped their arms around each other then I saw Eunhyuk grabbing the letter from her hand and threw it in the garbage next to him.

"YAH EUNHYUK-SHi!! What did you do that for? THAT WAS MINE!" She yelled out.

"I'm YOUR boyfriend now, you shouldn't be thinking about this guy. I'm not letting you thinking about him got it?!"

Then he pulled her to get out of the coffee shop. So mean.

"Let's go to your house. I have something to tell you." Seung ri told me.

I got up and went out of the coffee shop to the bus stop.

Once we got to my room, I closed the door behind me and he was sitting on my bed.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked turning on my computer.

"You know that guy Eunhyuk we saw in the coffee shop today?"

"You jealous of him?" I smirked.

"No, I was observing him and I might sound a little crazy at first but you have got to understand."

"Okay, then spill grandpa." I giggled. I don't know why I'm joking around today.

"Aish, you're so childish today. Anyways, I noticed on his forearm that he had teethmarks.... those were mines..."

"What do you mean?"

"I think that's Yunho." He said.

"How is that possible? His name is Eunhyuk not Yunho. And isn't Yunho in jail?"

"Listen, just listen to me Sun Mi. Yunho could have gotten surgery or something. I mean those teethmarks are clearly mines. When he was beating me up I grabbed his forearms and I bit it really hard. It was really hard to make his forearms stay still, I had to use a lot of strength to make him stop punching."

"HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm sorry it just sounds funny when you said that you bit him."

"But I'm positive that could be Yunho. He must have gotten a disguise. I have a plan and you're going to help me."

"AGAIN? GAHH KILL ME!!" I yelled out.

I took a second to calm down. "Oh fine fine I'll help out."

"I'm going to check out the police station. I'll see you tomorrow at 11AM."


"In your room of course. I'll give you all the information tomorrow."

"Oh okay..." I said. 

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This fanfic reminds me of the Thai movie “Senior”. You have inspired me. Despite recent controversies and having to grow up, I like to think of the good times. Like, how it was then, is how it is now. But anywho, I wish things had been different. Thank you for writing the story. I hope life is well. I wish you’d finished it before all of the bad stuff happened in real life for Wonder Bang.
This story is amazing. I wish you could have finished it.
It's 2015 and I'm still in love with this fic. I discovered this when I was in elementary school, and now I'm a high schooler...still as amazing as when I first laid my eyes on it
kidorambohollic #4
Chapter 11: Please update :(( I've been waiting for almost a year :(( please comeback and update with new chapters
Chapter 11: It's 2013 and i'm still rereading this. Come back soon unnie :*
Unnie please update :(
Omo, I love this
I think there would be a possibility he would still be alive..
Omo! It's really good! I can't wait for the next chapter :)
I've seen this on some site before... i think soompi. DID YOU FINISH WRITING ABOUT IT? AND OMGOSH. WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE KISS? D;