Night of Goodbye

30 Days

One night, Mr. Lu arrived at Luhan's place. Anger was expressed on his face. He quickly went inside when Fei opened the door. Loud voice was released from his mouth, calling for Sehun. Sehun, who was busy and having fun with Luhan at their room, immediately went downstairs when Jia knocked at the door, whispering on his ear that Mr. Lu needs him. Sehun left the room, leaving Luhan wondering what's wrong. When Sehun and Mr. Lu met downstairs at the living room, a punch from Mr. Lu quickly landed on Sehun's face. Just before Sehun was about to ask what's the matter, photos were thrown on his face from Mr. Lu's left hand. Fei and Jia, who saw what happened, quickly went upstairs back to maid's room due to being scared. Sehun picked up the photos from the floor and his eyes widened when he saw photos of him and Luhan when they were having fun.




"Mr. Lu! Please ..."








"NAE! I LIKE YOUR SON, MR. LU! Ever since I saw his doe eyes along with his aegyo, I fell in love with him."


Again, a loud punch was received by Sehun on his face which made him fell on the floor.




Mr. Lu immediately left and Sehun stood up from the floor, picking up the photos from the floor. He looked back to the pictures and decided to keep them. Sehun climbed back upstairs back to Luhan's room and Luhan's eyes widened when he saw a bruise on Sehun's face.


"Omo! What happened Sehunniee?!"




"Your face ... there's a bruise. What happened?!"


"Oh! I just ... yeah ... I bumped to one of the ... the ... yeah! I slipped and my face hit the floor."






"Sehunniee is lying."


"No I'm not."


Sehun made Luhan believe on his lies and that ended the conversation. When the clock striked at 10, they decided to sleep. Luhan immediately fell asleep while Sehun was having a hard time falling asleep. He kept thinking about Luhan. What are you gonna do when I'm gone? When one morning, I'm completely gone along my things? He pulled Luhan to a tight hug and kissed his forehead before he fell asleep.





Weeks and days have passed. The day has come for Sehun to leave Luhan. It was Sunday. Sehun asked Luhan if they can go to the mall where their favorite bubble tea shop is located. Of course, Luhan agreed with it. He immediately went to the bathroom and took a shower. Meanwhile, while Luhan was doing his needs inside the bathroom, Sehun prepared his clothes. He packed them all inside the backpack he brought with him since the first day he arrived at Luhan's place. He checked his wallet and sufficient money was found for them to have fun. Thanks to his parents' efforts that he had those money on his wallet. He quickly picked up his backpack and went downstairs. He went to the gate and hid his backpack behind the large potted plant. He hurried back to Luhan's room and there, he found Luhan ready to leave.


While Sehun was taking his bath, Luhan checked his wardrobe and found out that Sehun's clothes were not there. The backpack was also out of his sight. He became worried and when Sehun went out of the bathroom, he was about to ask him what's going on but he preferred to kept his mouth shut and see what will happen next. The two were ready to leave and Soo-man was waiting for them outside. Sehun and Luhan entered the car and Soo-man started to drive towards the mall.


Minutes passed and they arrived at the mall. When they left Soo-man waiting for them at the parking area, Sehun quickly held Luhan's hand when Soo-man was out of sight. Luhan blushed from what Sehun did. While they were on their way, they passed a candy shop and Sehun decided to buy sweet candies and chocolates for Luhan. Sehun handed a pack of sweets to Luhan and that made him really happy. Few steps were spent and they arrived at the bubble tea shop. They spent an hour inside, talking and expressing sweetness towards each other. It was getting dark. Sehun checked the time and it was 6pm.


They went back to the parking area and Sehun asked Soo-man to go to the park. The two went inside the car and Soo-man started driving. Few minutes passed and Soo-man told them they arrived at the park. Just when the two went out of the car, a balloon vendor was on Luhan's sight. He quickly pulled Sehun's wrist and asked for the pink balloon. Sehun chuckled at Luhan's childish behavior. He found it really cute and lovely. Sehun payed for the balloon and Luhan held it. They held each other's hands while walking at the park. The stars were shining so bright upon them. There were times that people saw them and they found Sehun and Luhan, cute and adorable couple. Sehun's eyes always widened when he heard those kind of compliments while Luhan was giggling all the time. Even thought they are not officially dating, they have feelings toward each other. Are they resisting each other? I don't know.


While they were walking, Luhan told him that his feet were tired. Fortunately, a bench was nearby and they sat there. Luhan rested his head on Sehun's shoulder as the cold breeze of wind touched their cheeks. Silence occured between the two. Minutes passed and Sehun's eyes widened when he saw the pink balloon Luhan was holding, flew up towards the sky. He checked on Luhan and he found him asleep. He smiled at the sight. He carried Luhan bridal style back to the car and asked Soo-man to go home. Soo-man nodded.


They arrived at home. Sehun carried the asleep Luhan back to their room. He carefully placed him over the bed. Luhan was peacefully sleeping. The clock striked at 9pm. This is my chance to leave. He turned off the lights at Luhan's room. He kneeled one of his legs and whispered to Luhan's ear.


"I love you so much. I'll miss you."


With that, Sehun sneakily left the room.


Little did Sehun know that Luhan was just playing asleep. He heard everything that Sehun said. His hunch was right. Sehun will leave him. I hate him! He lied to me! He said he is not going to leave me! I hate him so much! He is a liar! Luhan's tears started to fall down from his eyes. He stood up from the bed while muttering words. Fortunately, Luhan's good side overpowered his hate towards Sehun. He rushed downstairs and his timing was great. Sehun was about to open the gate and he caught up to him.




Sehun was in the state of shock when he heard Luhan's voice. He turned around and Luhan ran towards him while tears were on his eyes.


"Sehunniee ... why are you leaving?!"


"Sorry Luhan but I need to."


"Oh I guess, you hate me ... right?"


"No! How can I hate you?"


"But you are going to leave me alone."


"Please ... understand."


"Sehunniee ..."


"Before I leave, I have something to say."


"What is it?"


"Luhan, Lulu, Luhanniee ... I love you. I like you so much. Ever since the first time I came here, I fell in love with you."


"Sehunniee! I love you so much! I love you a lot! Please ... make sure you will be back ..."


"Nae. I'll be back when the time is right. I'll be back when I'm famous and well-known. I'll be back when you can be very proud of me. I'll be back when I am rich, rich that I can take you away from here."


"Sehunniee ..."


"Lulu, will you wait for me?"


"NAE! I'll wait for you Sehunniee!"


"I'm happy."


Right after that conversation, Sehun pulled Luhan and he kissed Luhan's lips. Luhan pulled Sehun's hair closer. Sehun stucked out his tongue and explored Luhan's mouth. Luhan softly moaned in pleasure. Sehun pulled out from the kiss and he kissed Luhan's cheek.


"You will come back for me, right?"








As the moonlight was shining upon them, Sehun picked up his backpack from the ground and Luhan opened the gate for him. They smiled at each other before Sehun started to walk away from him. When Sehun was out of Luhan's sight, Luhan went back upstairs towards his room. He smiled ... at first. When he sat on his bed, loud cry was released from Luhan. He cried so hard that he awakened Fei and Jia from their slumber. Few minutes passed and Luhan calmed down.


"Sehunniee ... please ... be back soon ... I really miss you."





OMG! I'm such a bad author for separating them at the end :D LOL :D Keekekekeke ~ Thanks for the support guys! The upvotes, comments and subscriptions are really appreciated :D Thank you so much! :D I can smell a sequel lol :P


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hanjaegook #1
Chapter 11: I was afraid I would never be able to read this fanfic because comments are telling me this has a sad ending. And they're just like waitingforthe sequel. Except for that one comment at chapter11. So I checked chapter 11 andfound out that the sequel is out. So I guess I'm going to start reading this fanfic and be confident that even though I might cry at the end, at least a sequel is going to ease the pain ^____^
Chapter 11: you know what author-nim,, i was reading this fic when suddenly Big Bang - Blues was playing. i thought it was suit.. ahahaha,, LOL .. anyway, this fic ir really CUTE~ good job,, heading to the sequel~~
BubbleLightBaek #3
Chapter 2: ohmygosh the butler's name is lee soo man???! LOL!! i did not expect that! hahaha XD
Chapter 10: Sequelllllsjjdjdjsbdndnnt
Chapter 10: This is really the ending?
Owh maaay...

And the Epilogue was like " and Sehun never came back again"
Sequel pleeaaaaseee...
I want to know what will happen to them :"))
kwang_hunnie22 #6
Chapter 10: whoaaa .. such a nice and dramatic ending .. love u'r stories :)
Chapter 10: Please make a sequel! Sehun needs to show Mr. Lu what's up.
Heehee HunHan just has to be together again.
Chapter 10: No no no no plz don't tell me this is going to be the ending!!! Plz do a sequel it can't end like this!!!!
mehmehme #9
Chapter 10: <3333333333
Chapter 10: NOOOOO!!!!TELL ME this is not the ending please!!!JEBAL!!!If it is you must write a sequel!!LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!!