Panda For A Penpal



Megan Valentino: Short, dark hair. Cute in the down played sense that usually goes unnoticed. Half-latina(although you can't tell,) small girl with a fiery attitude. Fiercely protective of her friends. A bit(a lot) of a smart alec. Huge band nerd. Non-k popper who befriends, famous member of the boyband Exo, Huang Zitao.

Marinda Stone: Very tall, nicknamed Amazon for her height. Best friend of Megan. Fierce k-pop fan. Much like Megan, she is a huge band nerd. These two are practically sisters. You don't mess with one without receiving the other's wrath as well. Light brown hair. Very pretty and can rock a pair of high heels.

Huang Zitao: Member of the k-pop group Exo. Skilled in wushu, main rapper for the sub-unit Exo-M. Befriends Megan and starts up a long distance friendship.

Exo-M: Chinese sub-unit of the k-pop boyband Exo. Sing in Mandarin mostly. Promotes mainly in China. Consists of members Tao, Kris, Xuimin, Chen, Lay, and Luhan. All of them grow to love Megan and Marinda through Tao.

Exo-K: Korean sub-unit of Exo. Sing in Korean and promote mainly in  guess where? Korea! Consists of members Suho, Kai, D.O., Chanyeol, Sehun, and Baekhyun.


My name is Megan Valentino and I have a panda for a penpal. Well, not a real panda obviously. His name is Huang Zitao but I call him my panda.  He's from China and the best secret of all is he's from the famous boyband Exo-M. The way we met and became friends is actually quiet odd and somewhat unexpected, but nonetheless he is my closest friend(sorry Marinda please don't kill me) even if he lives thousands of miles away. Both our schedules are incredibly busy(not to mention different time zones) but we still find time to keep in touch. A friendship like this shouldn't even be able to work but it does. The downside you ask? I think I might love him, but that's crazy; he's thousands of miles away from my small Alabama town, 7165 to be exact. It's all okay though, I'm glad I can at least be his friend. A friendship like this is once in a life time.

"Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.

.                                By Order of Author per G.G., Chief of Ordnance"                                                                                  - Mark Twain






A/N: So here we go again. This is my second fanfiction. Walking Her Home is going on a slight hiatus but still don't forget to check it out. Also I need some incredibly awesome, lovely person to create an incredibly awesome, lovely wallpaper :) 

I'm going to go ahead and be honest Megan and Marinda are based a lot on me and my best friend it just fit the story, the quirky and crazy personalities. There will be more character development of the others and POV from other members and Tao isn't the only important character in this story I just do not feel like giving a character description for every. single. member. Hope you enjoy Comment and subscribes pleeeeeeeaaaase.

*buing buing*


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dfbdfbdfbdfbdf #1
Update soon ok~~
DearMarya #2
Not bad Minji. Not bad at all ;)
Chapter 4: I forgot to mention the Tao gif at the end. OMFG. It is too cute.
Chapter 4: Ahhahahahahahaha I love Megan. The fact that she actually threw something at Kris was just priceless and Tao's engrish te amo. And Chen.......I could definitely see him filming a scene a like this for future uses. Chanyeol was cute too trying to be all mature but backing down at the idea of two Latina's wrath. This is cute and funny I love it. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 3: Te amo. Mucho Mucho te amo. Que Linda. THis is so adorable and sweet.
Chapter 1: The first encounter was cute. Tao stuttering because of poor English and a girl who has no clue who he is, priceless. The other memebers mocking him because she called him Papi, I busted out laughing. This is too much. I can't wait to see what happens next.
I can't wait to read this. It sounds like it will be really good.