Part One

Jaded Eyes

                Donghae sighed softly, his head resting in Seunghyun’s lap as they took up the length of the couch.  His dark hair curled around his face while his bangs tickled his lashes and he shifted carefully, knees bent with the rest of his lean frame reclining on the cushions.  One of the taller male’s hands rested easily on his hip but with a strained glance up, Donghae could see the other was still holding his head in the same position it had been in when they started watching the movie.  Light from the screen played off the tips of his light brown, spiked hair and he looked… bored.  Or maybe it was distracted; and severely tired with those developing dark circles under his eyes.  Whatever it was, he clearly wasn’t interested in what was playing on the television.

                “Seunghyunnie?” Donghae murmured, wrapping his fingers gently around the younger male’s knee, squeezing with gentle pressure to help grab his attention.

                Belatedly, Seunghyun blinked and glanced down, dark eyes troubled though none of the emotion therein reached his visage, expression unchanged.  “Hm?” he hummed in response, shifting his hand to rest it on top of Donghae’s waist instead, finally sitting upright so his head wasn’t propped up anymore.

                “You alright?” the reclining male asked, wriggling onto his back so he could stare up at the breathtaking man above him.  He reached over with his right hand to cover Seunghyun’s, fingers curling around the lax limb easily.

                Finally, the taller man gave the barest of smiles, almost a smirk really, and nodded.  “I’m fine, Hae.  Nothing you need to worry about,” he murmured in that deep voice of his, the vibrations running through his boyfriend as he rested on his lap.  Distractedly, he looked back at the television, posture still tense, belying the words he’d spoken.  “What is it, babe?” he asked after a pause when Donghae didn’t speak, but simply kept his gaze upon the other man.

                Donghae chewed his lip in thought, trying to couch his words carefully.  “It’s just… you’ve been distant lately,” he admitted, fingers tightening over the hand under his.

                “I’m here aren’t I?” Seunghyun replied before he could go on, eyes flickering back down to meet the soft brown orbs still peering at him.

                “Because I asked you to be,” he responded, expression falling slightly.  And that was truer than he cared for it to be.  He couldn’t remember the last time recently that Seunghyun had actually suggested something for them to do together or just called or texted to say hi.  It was frustrating being the only one doing all the work and he didn’t know what had prompted it…

                “It’s nothing, Hae,” he sighed wearily, finally dropping his other hand to trail his fingertips through the dark head of hair splayed over his lap, mid length strands obscuring the blanket covering his thighs.

                That was a lie and they both knew it, but Donghae didn’t know how to push without things escalating into another arguing match where they just walked away with nothing resolved.  “Don’t…  Don’t shut me out again,” he pleaded softly, reaching up to cup Seunghyun’s cheek with his free hand, keeping the contact gentle and tentative.

                Not for the first time, Seunghyun closed his eyes and exhaled slowly through his nose.  His fingers rose from his boyfriend’s hair to pinch the bridge of his nose, willing the impending headache to go away.  “I’m not shutting you out, baby.”

                “Then talk to me,” Donghae pushed again, just a little harder.  He was tired of the perpetual silence between them.  Something was bothering Seunghyun and he was bound and determined to fix it, if the other male would just let him know what it was.  Silence met his request and it was damnably difficult not to let the hurt that was blossoming in his chest make its way to his throat where it would just sit, making it hard to breathe without tears coming to his eyes.

                “Please stop asking me that,” Seunghyun murmured tightly, his fingers pressing against Donghae’s waist harder in response to the rising tension in him.

                “Dammit, Seunghyun,” he muttered back, fighting angry, hurt tears once more.  It was the pain in his tone that always made his boyfriend look, eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions he wouldn’t explain to him.  “If you can’t talk to me, who can you talk to?”

                Seunghyun’s mouth thinned into a straight line and finally responded in a flat tone, “Are you done yet?”

                Further hurt by the question, Donghae retracted his hand and rolled off the couch, feeling the other male’s fingers catch for the briefest of moments on his shirt, as if he wanted him to stay, but then it was gone and he was heading for the kitchen on quiet feet.  “Stupid,” he mumbled, frowning at the lack of results once more.  More by rote than anything else, he shifted about the familiar space, filling the tea kettle as he pulled a box of chamomile tea down, resting with both hands pressed against the counter top while he waited for the water to heat up.

                Tears blurred his vision and his fingers crooked into the hard surface, nails trying to dig in without success.  Fighting crying outright, he had to take several deep breaths that shook in his throat, head bowed against his chest.  With his eyes closed and his focus anything but present, he completely missed the sound of feet as they padded into the kitchen behind him.  The feel of arms sliding around his waist as a tall, lean frame hugged him from behind only made him want to cry more.

                “I’m sorry,” Seunghyun murmured into Donghae’s ear, bending his head to rest his lips against the slightly shorter shoulder.

                The words served to weaken Donghae’s struggle against his tears even more and the traitorous drops started to slide down his cheeks without his consent.  “If you were sorry, you wouldn’t keep doing this to me.  To us,” he almost whimpered, nearly breaking when Seunghyun made a soft sound in the back of his throat, arms tightening reflexively around his waist.

                Seunghyun had no answer for that so he simply held onto the shorter male, offering what comfort he could in exchange for the words he wouldn’t give.  He just held tight until the teapot started to whistle, forcing them to draw apart so Donghae could take care of it.

                Wiping at his eyes ineffectively, Donghae retrieved two mugs and threw a teabag in both, retrieving the pot of boiling water to pour over them without looking back at the other man.  It was almost painful to have him standing so close and yet knowing he was so far away just then.  He’d known Seunghyun was stubborn, and not one to reveal his emotions lightly when they’d gotten together just over a year and half ago, but this wasn’t exactly something he was prepared for either.  And their relationship was still new enough that he was trying to figure things out from a very insecure vantage point; especially with the way things had been lately…

                He forced a breath and tried to calm himself down enough to at least face his boyfriend without falling apart.  Taking both mugs in his hands, he turned and paused, expression close to crumpling again when he saw the other peering at his cell phone with a tense expression on his face.  He knew that look and who it meant.

                Almost as if he could feel the other man’s scrutiny, Seunghyun backed out of the text message and looked up at Donghae, expression slightly sad as he finally let a hint of emotion in.  “Hae…” he sighed, stuffing his phone in his pocket.

                Defeated again, Donghae dropped his head and turned around, setting the mugs back on the counter so he could rest his hands on the hard surface once more.  “Just… go,” he exhaled, tired of trying for the night.  Oh, he could almost certainly make Seunghyun stay if he asked him to, but the other man would just get fidgety and tense, more so than he was already, and Donghae just ended up feeling guilty in the end.


                “Don’t,” Donghae interrupted him without turning around.  He was so tired of hearing those two words lately.  So very tired.  Behind him, he heard Seunghyun sigh heavily and then turn on his heels to head out, feet moving softly over the hard floor.  It wasn’t until he heard the front door of his apartment open and close that he let the tears fall freely.  Again.

                But god he was sick of this.  A few weeks ago, things had been fine and then Seunghyun had… changed.  It wasn’t like he was always easy to read but he’d at least talk to him before.  Now, it was like pulling teeth to get a smile and even that was weak.  He figured part of the problem was the fact that his boyfriend had been leaving more and more often to go see his best friend whenever he texted; at all hours of the day.  Or night for that matter.  Personally, Donghae had nothing against Jiyong and very much respected the fact that he’d known Seunghyun for practically forever, but lately, he’d started taking second place to the other male and he found he didn’t like it.

                What was worse, he didn’t know if he was just being jealous or if there was actually something to be worried about…  Over and over again, he had to convince himself that he was being foolish and that there was no way Seunghyun was doing anything since he wasn’t even trying to sneak around, but that was part of what made him suspicious too.  Transparency was a useful thing at times but it was just as easy to hide behind it and pretend nothing was going on in plain sight.  Ugh!

                Both hands rose to cover his face, helping to muffle the sound of his cries as they escaped past weary lips, shoulders shaking with his hurt.  “Alright, Hae,” he gasped breathlessly when he finally convinced himself to stop crying and pull his face free to stare at the surface of the cabinet in front of him.  “Stop it,” he told himself, biting his lip hard enough to hurt while he breathed through his nose, smelling the chamomile that was wafting up from the cups in front of him.

                With shaking hands, he picked up one of the mugs and raised it to his lips, taking a tiny sip before he just held it where it was, letting the heat caress his face as the calming aroma helped to soothe his frazzled nerves.  Shuffling back to the living room, Donghae folded his tired body into the spot that Seunghyun had vacated, curling into the corner of the couch as much as possible, catching the lingering scent of his cologne which brought with it the urge to cry again.

                Taking another sip of his tea as he pulled the blanket around him with one hand, he was honest enough with himself to admit that maybe it wasn’t just the fact that Seunghyun had been going to see Jiyong more lately.  That didn’t help but Donghae knew how well the two got along.  He knew how easy Jiyong was to like and he had wondered on more than one occasion why nothing had ever happened between the two because all three of them were about as straight as a corkscrew.  While he didn’t want to think about it, he couldn’t help but entertain the thought that maybe it had finally happened and Seunghyun was… cheating on him with the other man.

                His hands tightened around the cup and he stared blankly at the television as his mind went over the possibility once more.  The more he thought about it, the harder it was getting to convince himself it wasn’t true.  They rarely talked anymore; Seunghyun consistently spent as much time, if not more with Jiyong outside of work when he wasn’t with Donghae; and he was spending a great deal of money lately…  And not on Donghae either.

                He hadn’t meant to see it, but Seunghyun had been checking his account on his phone after he’d received another text from Jiyong and he’d been staring, lost in his own world as he sometimes did lately.  Donghae had come up merely to hug him from behind and then caught the number on his bank account.  They didn’t have joint accounts of course, but the last time they’d spoken about reserves, Seunghyun should have had a couple thousand more than he was showing.  All of that coupled with his distance and continued refusal to speak to Donghae did nothing to bolster his confidence in the younger man’s fidelity.

                Swallowing the lump in his throat, Donghae gulped down the rest of the hot tea, nearly choking when he almost scalded his tongue, and set the mug on the side table next to the couch.  He hadn’t given up yet, but it was certainly getting harder and harder with each passing day.  Feeling miserable and alone, he curled up further under the blanket and breathed in the lingering scent of Seunghyun, closing his eyes while he rested his head against the arm of the couch.

                He woke up on Sunday morning with a crick in his neck, a parched mouth, and the need to relieve himself rather badly.  Stumbling through his morning with crusty eyes, Donghae wandered into the kitchen and found the long cold cup of tea he’d made for Seunghyun and emptied it promptly, washing out both mugs by hand.  It took him a moment but when he finally paused to look for his phone, he realized he had a text message sent in the wee hours of the morning last night, long after his boyfriend had left.

                Sorry about last night. I won’t be able to come by today either.  Something came up. I’ll try to get up with you this week.  Alright, baby?

                Well if that didn’t just cut like a knife…  Resisting the urge to throw his phone, Donghae grumbled unintelligibly under his breath and declined to send a text back just then.  He’d probably send something he’d regret after the fact and settled instead for shooting one to Eunhyuk to see if he was free later that day.  Not waiting for a response, he set the phone aside and hurried off to catch a shower, desperately in need of one already.

                By the time he got out, refreshed and hair still dripping wet, he had received a response from Eunhyuk.  Beaming at the reply, Donghae grinned and rushed off to finish getting ready.  If he couldn’t spend any decent time with his boyfriend, his best friend was just the ticket instead.  And at least he’d laugh and smile and talk to him without any hesitation.  Maybe they’d even just cuddle, since that tended to happen often enough too.

                He was right about one thing…

                “Aish, Hae,” Eunhyuk murmured softly, hugging Donghae to his chest with both arms wrapped around the shaking shoulders tenderly.  “It’s okay,” he soothed, gently rocking the other male from side to side as his best friend buried his face in his chest and sobbed.  “I’m here.”

                His voice was muffled and interrupted by frequent gasps for breath, but he managed to speak, “But I love him so much and I just don’t know what to do anymore and he won’t talk to me, Hyukkie!”

                “I know,” Eunhyuk sighed, just hugging the other male tighter as he freed one hand to comb it over the dark locks.

                He really hadn’t meant to cry.  It had been the last thing from his mind when he’d come to visit Eunhyuk and they had managed to talk for a little while before the conversation invariably turned to Seunghyun…  And then he just couldn’t shut up and the tears started coming before he knew it.  Guilt compounded the problem because he’d done this song and dance with Eunhyuk far too often of late and the blonde male probably could have recited every concern backward and forward by now.  “I’m sorry, Hyukkie.  I really don’t mean to keep doing this,” he huffed against the young man’s torso, unable to pry his face away.

                “You don’t have to apologize, Hae.  That’s what friends are for,” he assured him with a sad smile evident in his tone.  He was unable to keep himself from adding, “Though if this keeps up, I might have to go and knock some sense into your boyfriend.”  Donghae almost choked when he got stuck between a laugh and a sob, eyes watering profusely until Eunhyuk managed to hand him a tissue so he could collect himself, cringing when the other male blew his nose wetly.  “That’s disgusting,” he teased, taking a moment to trace the strands of hair out of Donghae’s face, threading them behind his ear instead.

                “I’m disgusting,” Donghae grumbled, eyes and nose red when he finally shifted to rest the side of his head against Eunhyuk’s chest, allowing him to see more.

                “You’re distraught,” Eunhyuk retorted with a shake of his head as he smacked him lightly on the shoulder.  “Big difference.”

                “I am, aren’t I?” he mumbled dejectedly, curling his knees up to his chest as he tried to burrow into his friend’s arms.

                “Fraid so,” Eunhyuk nodded, patting him on the back.

                Almost futilely, Donghae tried to collect himself, sniffing as he blotted at his eyes with a new, hastily supplied tissue.  “Hyukkie?” he whispered, biting his lip as he waited for a response.  The blonde hummed in answer and Donghae pushed forward, afraid he’d lose his courage if he didn’t mention it now, “I can’t help but think he might be cheating on me with Jiyong.”

                Eunhyuk snorted, “He damn well better not be.”


                “No,” Eunhyuk stopped him before he could say anything else.  “Nobody cheats on my fishy.  I’d certainly have to kick his then,” he reminded the teary eyed man in his arms.  Donghae shifted just enough to look up at him out of the corner of his eyes, clearly skeptical.  “Hey!” Eunhyuk retorted, catching the look at the last minute which earned the ghost of a smile from Donghae.  “Give me some credit here.  He might be the jolly green giant but I can still take him,” he smiled, clearly teasing with just a hint of seriousness in his tone.

                Donghae swallowed and snuggled closer, tightening his arms though he was already holding about as tight as he could.  “I know you could, Hyukkie,” he agreed without qualm, simply warmed by his defense.

                “Now you’re just making fun of me,” Eunhyuk responded, eyes narrowed somewhat, though his friend completely missed the expression.

                “Maybe I’ll try stopping by his apartment later,” Donghae sighed, breezing past Eunhyuk’s utterance.

                Slightly annoyed, Eunhyuk exhaled and hugged Donghae tighter.  “You would know better than I would,” he finally added, unsure what else to tell him.  It wasn’t like he hadn’t already said his peace in one of the other conversations before this one.


                “Hae…” the other grumbled, berating him for the very thing he claimed he was tired of hearing from Seunghyun.

                “So-” he shut up immediately, hiding his face in Eunhyuk’s chest again.

                “Ugh!” Eunhyuk laughed, shaking Donghae’s shoulders lightly.  “Come on you leaky faucet.  You need to fix your face because we’re going out,” he teased gently, prying the other male off him so he could see the tear streaked expression, cringing appreciatively.

                “I’m not that bad…” Donghae pouted, hurriedly wiping at his eyes and nose with both hands, ducking in modest embarrassment.  Thankfully, Eunhyuk didn’t respond and he was able to collect himself enough to get moving.  He didn’t know where they were going, but it was undoubtedly going to be better than sitting on the couch bawling all afternoon.

                If it was one thing Eunhyuk knew how to do, it was cheer Donghae up and by the time evening rolled around and he found himself back at home, he was feeling much better.  Some of the glow faded quickly when he was surrounded by silence and he noticed a couple things that reminded him of Seunghyun lying around his apartment, such as a tie over the back of his recliner and his styling gel in the bathroom, but he wasn’t teary eyed yet.  A half-hearted glance at his phone showed nothing from Seunghyun at all which further served to darken his sinking mood.

                Tossing the device on the table, he grumbled, “I’m going to bed.”  He had work in the morning anyway and he’d need to be on his toes if he was going to train his clients well at the gym.

                Work was a welcome reprieve, giving Donghae little time to think about how things were between him and Seunghyun.  For at least a few hours at a time, he could not worry about his phone or the lack of response from his boyfriend who should have been at work himself.  A call to his office on break found that he hadn’t gone in that day and as annoyed as Donghae was that the other man wasn’t returning his texts, he at least resolved to go by his apartment after work to see how he was doing.

                Maybe he’d just gotten sick at Jiyong’s or something.  Right?  That was possible, though how was another matter entirely.  Most of the time, he had a fairly iron-like constitution.

                Donghae ran home to grab a shower so he wasn’t still sweaty after his last training session and then rushed over to Seunghyun’s place, frowning as he checked his phone once more before he knocked on the door.  “Come on Seunghyunnie,” he murmured, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he stared at every place but the peephole in the door.  When he received no response though, he paused and leaned closer, pressing his ear against the door, trying to see if he could hear anything.  “Seunghyun?” he called, knocking again.

                Still nothing.  Narrowing his eyes, he tried the door handle, just for the hell of it and blinked in surprise when it opened, the barrier unlocked.  Well that was odd…  Of course he had a key himself but he didn’t like to enter unless he knew Seunghyun was home or if he had permission ahead of time.  He didn’t know either way in this instance and he nervously crept inside, peering around while he searched for the taller male.

                “Seunghyunnie?” he called softly, both hoping to find him and equally concerned he might wake him up or something.

                Scratching his head, Donghae frowned at the interior.  It looked like it hadn’t really been lived in much of late.  Seunghyun always kept it tidy but there were little things lying around he wasn’t accustomed to seeing in his boyfriend’s apartment.  A couple pieces of clothing were scattered haphazardly about and there were still dishes in the sink; a taboo in this place…  It honestly didn’t look as if he’d come home last night, all things considered.  So did that mean he’d stayed with Jiyong then?

                The thought hit Donghae like a punch in the gut and it was briefly hard to breathe.  Biting his lip, he pulled his phone out and called Seunghyun’s number with a tight throat.  He was afraid it was going to go to voicemail before he finally got a response.

                “Hello?” the deep voice asked, tone blurry and rough as if he’d just woken up.

                “Seunghyunnie?” Donghae asked in a mere whisper, staring around the room, holding very still.

                “Hae?” came the confused response followed by a very slight pause as the other male obviously checked the phone to be sure he was right.  “Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked, voice still groggy but at least attentive.

                “Where are you?” Donghae asked, gingerly sitting down on the edge of the recliner nearby, the phone cradled in both hands.

                “Huh?  What are you…?” Seunghyun started to ask before he stopped and started over.  “What’s this about, Hae?” he sighed, clearly weary and confused.

                On very uncertain ground, Donghae hesitated.  “It’s just, you weren’t at work today and…”

                “Why did you call my job?” Seunghyun asked, the beginnings of annoyance in his tone.

                Cringing on his side, Donghae flinched when he answered, “You weren’t responding to my texts.”  Saying it out loud, that really felt incredibly childish.  He heard Seunghyun take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

                “I told you something came up, baby,” he explained somewhat tersely.

                “But you’re not at home either,” Donghae couldn’t help but add, smacking himself in the face when he knew he was digging his hole just that much deeper.

                “Are you inside my apartment?” Seunghyun asked in mild disbelief.

                “It was unlocked!” he defended himself immediately.

                “So you just went in?” the other asked in a flat tone of voice.


                “Never mind,” Seunghyun grumbled, his voice turning slightly distracted.  “Shh,” he urged, sounding very far away.

                “Seunghyunnie?” Donghae murmured, rather confused.

                “Hyunnie…” a faint voice drifted through the receiver, the tone soft and plaintive.

                “Is someone with you?” Donghae asked, brows pulling together in consternation.

                “I can’t talk now, baby,” his boyfriend spoke hurriedly.

                “Are you at Jiyong’s?” he practically demanded, tensing up at the possibility.  Had they spent the night and the day together?

                “I’ve gotta go,” Seunghyun explained and without waiting for a response, he ended the call.

                Donghae flinched as if he’d been struck at the abrupt cut off and immediately tried to call back, scowling at it when it went straight to voicemail.  What the hell…?  It had sounded funny but he was pretty sure that was Jiyong’s voice.  Dammit.  If he was going to cheat on him, couldn’t he at least be a bit more discreet about it?  No.  Seunghyun was the type to… not… cheat…  Wasn’t he?

                Groaning loudly, Donghae clapped both hands over his face and threw himself back in the chair, dragging his fingers down enough so that he could stare at the ceiling with unblinking eyes.  His vision turned cloudy when he looked for too long and he blinked, wincing as the lids caught on the dry surface.  “Just go, you dummy,” he told himself, exhaling loudly.  So he was at Jiyong’s.  He could just go and talk to both of them then, since obviously there was something going on right now.

                Suddenly determined, Donghae hauled himself out of the chair and hurried out of the apartment, making sure it was locked back up on his way out.  Heart hammering restlessly against his chest, he drove to Jiyong’s with a white knuckle grip, phone resting on his lap just in case Seunghyun decided to call or something.  The whole way there, he grumbled about them not living all that close to each other but by the time he got to Jiyong’s apartment, a measure of his annoyance had disappeared, replaced instead by nervousness.  What if they were sleeping together…?  Oh god.

                Knocking on the door almost frantically, Donghae couldn’t seem to hold still, fidgeting incessantly.  “Jiyong?  You home?” he asked, feeling foolish when there was no answer.  “Seunghyun?” he tried instead, pounding on the door again.  Scowling at the door, he leaned close and listened, muttering under his breath when he didn’t hear anything either.  They had to be here, right?  Just for the hell of it, he tried knocking one more time, stepping back to stare at the door as if in doing so long enough, it would open on its own.

                He was no small amount surprised when the door just down the hall opened instead, revealing one of Jiyong’s neighbor’s, Daesung.  “You looking for, Ji?” he asked from under the fall of his straight blonde bangs, expression curious.

                “Y-yeah,” Donghae answered uncertainly.  More to the point he was looking for his boyfriend but he figured if he found one, he’d find the other.

                “Sorry, Donghae,” Daesung shrugged, leaning out a bit further.  “He’s been gone since Saturday night.  I thought Seunghyun would’ve told you he’d come by and picked him up.”

                Too stunned to react for a moment, Donghae’s expression lost all mirth and he only realized it when he saw Daesung’s face become uncertain.  “Oh?” he recovered himself, forcing a laugh and a smile that were painfully transparent.  “Must have slipped his mind,” he exhaled, swallowing once, feeling incredibly shaky all of a sudden.

                “Hmm,” Daesung responded, face slightly concerned as he edged into the hallway.  “Should I let him know you dropped by if I see him?”

                Donghae quickly shook his head and waved his hands in negation, back stepping slightly.  “No.  It’s fine,” he explained, trying to escape.

                “You sure?” the blonde asked, one hand reaching out as if to stop him.

                “I’m good.  Thanks!” Donghae waved, turning and fleeing at a quick walk, still too dazed to feel much of anything yet.  He stared at his reflection in the elevator, ignoring the other passenger with him.  It felt like he didn’t know the man peering back at him and it was an odd feeling…

                It wasn’t until he crumpled into his car, hands resting on the steering wheel, that the emotions caught up to him and he damn near choked on them.  Seunghyun had picked Jiyong up and they were presumably together, wherever they were, since he wasn’t at either apartment and now his phone wasn’t on and he really was cheating on him, wasn’t he?

                With his forehead pressed against the steering wheel, Donghae gasped for breath around sickened, helpless sobs, knuckles sticking out starkly as he gripped the wheel with a vice-like hold.  For a moment, he tried to formulate the thought of turning the car on and actually driving somewhere but his stomach had turned itself into a mutinous ball of nerves and his eyes refused to clear long enough to see straight for more than a couple seconds at a time.  Combined with the decided lack of food, seeing that he hadn’t eaten since lunch and it was dark already, he didn’t have the resistance to do more than kick the seat back and turn onto his side awkwardly, staring at the dark screen of the phone in his hands.

                He had sense enough to make sure the doors were locked but then he turned the phone on and called Eunhyuk.  To make his day even worse, for whatever reason Eunhyuk didn’t pick up and it went to voicemail so Donghae did the only thing he could think of.  He whimpered in a broken voice, “I really think he’s cheating on me,” and ended the call, dropping the phone into the back seat as he closed his eyes to just rest them for a moment.

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Yes! Poster is done and I think it's gorgeous! ^_^


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Chapter 3: first of all, interesting paring, I never imagined Seunghyun and Donghae together, but they fit very well in your story and second I liked how the whole time I was wondering just what was going on with Seunghyun, I was like "please don't cheat on Donghae,please, please" :D and he didn't !!! <3
Chapter 3: Oomfg!!!! Loved it!!! I hirt so bad for Hae T.T but it was a good twist! >.<
Amzing! There should be a sequel to it >.<
I never would have pictured these two together, but it worked out really well. Sequel? :oD
Chapter 3: Ok. I'm on my way out so this would have to be short and sweet cause I fell asleep DX


I hurt for Donghae. I really did. And then you just threw THAT in there and I was like O________________O


But it was well played :3 The misleadings and the contexts were skewed just right and it played out so well that we were all left in Donghae's position.

The DAY i become this good with angst, I swear...


Just wanted to thank you for a good read. I read this... well I don't know why... I don't really read fanfics with either of these guys but this caught my eye and I really enjoyed it... Uou got a very nice style of writing.. Just wanted to tell you xP
greenrocky3 #6
Chapter 3: I've read this in one go and I've loved it!! Amazing plot and a great construction of the events. I love angst, so this was really delighting for me. :)