
Heartbreak Hotel.

"Where the HELL is he Emma? I don't-" Misa's words were cut off, as she saw YOHIO walking the streets, lonely and unhappy. She gasped at the beautiful sight that was him- no matter how many times she saw him it wasn't any less special than the time before that.


For the first time ever that warm, glowing feeling became one of fear, as she saw him walk in her direction, almost towards her, his eyes full of pain.

She dropped her phone in shock- was he going to tell her off? "Misa... Misa...??" She heard Emma call out from the phone, which was still abondened on the ground.

Misa looked around desperately for an escape. How could she have been such a fool? Her family and friends were right... She was a sad and pathetic, lifeless stalker. He was going to order her home and crush her dreams. He was too good to be in her life. Besides, if someone stalked her, she would have challenged them to a fight ages ago. This, however, was different. She couldn't cope with-

"Hey? Are you ok? I think you dropped this?" Yohio himself asked her kindly, as he handed her the phone he must have picked up to give to her. He looked at her with friendly concern before turning on his heel to walk away.

"Wait!!" She yelled after him, even though he was just a few steps away.

For a second, the hurt on his face disappeared, as he grinned at the foolish girl. It was nice to be wanted after everything he'd been through. "Yeah?" He asked, not recognising a fan or her appearance, which he should have recognised having Misa been following him loyally for a long time. 

She was too excited to be talking to him for the first time that she didn't acknowledge how he didn't remember. "Thank you for getting my phone."

"No bother." He said, amused the girl was desperately trying to keep him around. He lingered, because he recognised that. He wished his old girlfriend of a few minutes ago had done the same for him-  stayed around. 

"Are you alone, by the way? Just out of curiosity?" Misa questioned him, but her cheeky smile gave it all away.

Yohio chose to - he needed cheering up. "Whhhhy?" He asked and laughed softly, but warmly.

"Well... You're alone. I'm alone. How about we walk together? You know. Just coz' ..." Her words trailed away, as she didn't have a reason why Yohio should walk with her.

He sighed and thought for a while, before grinning and holding out his elbow, allowing her to link in. "Why not?" He asked and grinned, glad to be near happy again.

Meanwhile, Misa tried her best not to explode with joy or tell him how long she'd been waiting to speak to him after all the time following him.

Like Emma had told her, this was HER chance and she needed to play her cards right, if she wanted Yohio in her life.

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multishipper_sheep #1
Chapter 2: Misa is so lucky xD Looking forward to the next ^^