Why Being An Idol Can Be Dangerous


Taemin goes into the other room to take a phone call; but he doesn’t come out. Key goes to look for him, but vanishes also. Realization. . . they’d been kidnapped. But the result of the kidnapping might just be worse than the kidnapping itself.


Yo, Aiko here. Here’s a story I actually wrote, woohoo!

Oh yeah, and since I don't know the name of any groups manager, I call them all Siwon. No, it has nothing to do with Siwon from Super Junior, sorry. So if you read another story by me and the manager's name is Siwon, it's not true.

Anywayseres, this is one about Key and Taemin getting kidnapped, and I hope you like it! (and that adorable picture I found)


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MustTakeMyOwnAdvice #1
Chapter 15: This story was amazing. I don't know if you're still active on here but even 10 years later you're feeding readers. Thank you authornim. ❤️
jessicamaylee #2
Chapter 4: T-T i almost cried poor taeminnie poor kibummie
Chapter 15: oh so good.great job author-nim, just great job*thumbs up*
sofie93 #4
Chapter 15: Loved the story! I coudn't stop reading it :)
SweetLikeHersheys #5
OMG u finally finished PHEW that was a long one, but man am i proud of u!! U did an amazing job with the ending and as this is one of the stories I've been following like a fan to her bias, I am extremely sad it's over. But the ending was admirable. Great job, hun. *gives Taemin-shaped cookie*<br />
~Jaiya <3
awwww! <br />
taemin just have to get strong inside your heart! :)
MISCharacter #7
Great story!
What a nice ending :')