Ch 2: Something About Fish

Who The is BTS?

      "You know it's a pretty smart idea to look up when you walk places, try it sometime." Meguru snarled out 

"Jeez calm down. I apologized, didn't I?" What the ? Megu stared at him like he was an idiot, because she assumed he was one.

"No dude, you didn't."

"I didn't?" the guy asked genuinely surprised.

"Nope." Jisoo quipped in quickly. 

"Oh, sorry about that then. It's a bad habit of mine. Sorry for calling you a , too." he chuckled nervously.

Megu stared at him for a while before actually saying anything. He just stood there squirming uncomfortably in her piercing gaze. It was such an awkward situation. Should he just leave? Should he try and apologize better? What was he supposed to do?! The girl isn't doing or saying anything! He opted for just standing there and waiting for here to say something or do something or just walk away.


"Alright, it's fine, just watch where you're going from now on, and don't worry," she sighed and then rolled her eyes. "I get that a lot."

"O-oh uh, uhm..."

I've got time to kill might as well stick around and grill this guy a little bit more. He's pretty cute. 

"So what's your name, man?" God I'm so butch.

"Huh? Me? Oh nothing." Wait what? NO. I have a name! It's JungKook! I'm not an idiot I swear!

Both Meguru and Jisoo looked at Jungkook like he was an idiot. 

"Nothing?" Jisoo said. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah why don't you try again? So, what's your name?" Meguru asked him slowly this time.

"My name is Jungkook! Sorry I'm being weird, I'm not stupid I'm just kind of shy especially when it comes to talking to a cute girl, and now I'm talking to two, and it's not any easier." He chuckled nervously but then cringed when he realized all he had said. Not so tough now was he? His pinkish face deepened in hue to a dark red. Why was he so awkward? God! Making friends would be a lot harder than he already thought it would be. These girls were going to think he was such a loser. Couldn't they just walk away laughing at him already? Are they giggling? Okay now they just have to walk away and he could just wallow in shame by himself....wait...they're still there....why aren't they leaving????

"Hey no need to freak out." Jisoo said, still giggling slightly still.

"Yeah, we're really chill. Don't apologize. Nice to meet you JungKook. I'm Meguru. Meguru Mori."

"I'm Moon Jisoo nice to meet ya!" 

"Oh uhm yeah same! Meguru? That's a Japanese name, right? You're Japanese?"

"Half. I'm an American born Japanese. " Meguru shot of as if she had the whole thing memorized. Which she basically did. Her name usually provoked that question, she was used to it.

"Cool. So uhm what classes are you headed to?" Jungkook asked them both.

Jisoo answered. "We're in the same Biology class right now."

"With Ms. Chae?"


"I'm in that class, too! Well I just transfered this semester so this is my first class." He grinned. 

"Nice, let's sit together. We should probably be heading in by now actually." Meguru said as she made her way to the entrance of the science building Jisoo and Jungkook followed. Before class they got to know one another more. It was pretty obvious that Jungkook and Jisoo kinda dug each other. Sparks weren't flying but they were there. Meguru was a little jealous. He was a really cute guy, but she let it go. Plenty of fish in the sea, right? Definitely. There was one big fish in particular that she was destined to meet right after class.  

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I need to stop making new stories and finish something for once OTL


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XOXOforever321 #1
Chapter 2: OMG this story is so interesting!!~ a bet the guy is Jimin right? Hahah
samyeol #2
Chapter 1: This is interesting! Hahaha is the guys jimin???? I'm curious
Chapter 1: This kinda relates to me somehow
This is interesting ♡
Omo this story sounds interesting ^_^