Ch. 1: Are you ing stupid or something?

Who The is BTS?

".....yeeeaaaah, about that....yeah no I'm not going to class today." 

A loud thwack reverberated through the small but cozy college dorm room currently occupied by two girls who just happen to be the bestest of friends ever. 

"Ow! What the ? Why the would you do that?!" the girl with long, messy hair complained. Loudly. Loudly did she complain.

"Because, you can't keep missing classes! You are gonna be so behind on EVERYTHING if you don't start showing up on a regular basis like you ARE SUPPOSED TO DO." the properly groomed girl shouted. "And stop swearing so much! You manage to fit the word '' into every one of your sentences! YOU HAVE A MUCH MORE EXTENSIVE VOCABULARY THAN THAT." 

What had started out as an argument, at this point, had turned into nothing more than the presentable looking girl shouting at the other one. You know the sloppy one. 

I guess I should tell you their names, huh? 

"Meguru Mori! Get out of bed this instant, shower, and get dressed! You are GOING to class today!"

"You know the last time I checked my mother''s name WAS NOT Moon Jisoo. Ugh. Okay, , I'm getting up." the sloppy girl- I mean, Meguru grumbled at Jisoo.

"Good girl." Jisoo nodded her approval.

Well, Megu kept her word. She rolled- quite literally -out of bed, cursed a bit, then stood up slowly but surely. She stretched out, and kinda shuffled to the bathroom. As she brushed her teeth with an apathetic face, she suddenly lit as a certain sound captured her hearing. She smiled. Jisoo always knows how to make up for being a sometimes, even though it's usually in her best friend's best interest. Music was the best way to get Meguru in a good mood, and motivated to actually do anything. The mellow beat, rich drums, and unique yet oh so sweet vocals of Kevin Parker were definitely a wonderful wake up call.

Who is Kevin Parker you ask?

Good question.

Just don't ask Megu that yourself. He's the vocalist of one of her favorite psychedelic American alternative band, Tame Impala. That's probably all you wanted to know about him, right? Well, asking her personally would have landed you a straight up biography of the entire band. How have you never heard of them?! They are amazing!! And NO they do not sound like The Beatles!!! As wonderful of a band as they are, they are a completely different band from Tame Impala!  

If you haven't guessed it by now, this girl is music obsessesed. But the bands she loves and the artists she adores, most people have never even heard. Not to mention she lives in Korea where pretty much NO ONE has ever heard of them. Oh well, she has a best friend. That best friend is very open to different types of music; they are basically perfect for each other. 

"Hurry the up. Megu!"

"Jesus Christ, Okay fine! I'll just go to class without any goddamn pants! Quit rushing me, !!"

"If you weren't such a lazy , I wouldn't have to rush your so much!"

"ALRIGHT. I am ready." Megu hufffed

"You look cute." Jisoo said.

"Thanks. Now let's outtie." 

"Ahem! Aren't you forgettting something?" Jisoo asked pretty smart -ishly. A quick and genuinly confused was muttered on Meguru's part as she turned around to see Jisoo holding up a textbook, a notebook, and a pen and pencil. 

"Eh? Oh yeah, I forgot I needed all that for class." Jisoo rolled her eyes as Megu took the supplies and tucked it under her arm. She fiddled with the beanie on her head before walking out into the dorm hallway. 

As they walked and talked toward the building where their class was located, Jisoo's hand left casually to her side while her other clutched her bag, Meguru's hands tucked comfortably in her pockets, one arm cradling her books, Meguru looked all around her.

"Hmm, you know, this place really isn't as bad as I act like it is."

"Yeah, I know, you're just over dramatic. The 'man' is always trying to 'bring you down' and whatnot." Jisoo snorted and chuckled at her.

Meguru shot her a look and said, "Hey guess what no one asked you anything ever."

"Sheesh you really do need to get back to class; your grammar is terrible. That was a major run on sentence." Jisoo quipped back.

"Whatever, you're a loser." Megu mumbled. They stopped and glared at each other for a few seconds, before Jisoo snickered and they both bust out laughing at each other and kept on walking. It wasn't a particularly long walk or anything but no one likes going to class; they took the scenic route and definitely took their time getting there. As they walked around a corner they approached what Meguru mentally described as a hoodlum absorbed in his phone. Probably playing Flappy Bird or some dumb like that. He was sitting on a bench, headphones in, eyes locked on a small, bright, touch screen. He checked the time, quickly. I guess this guy decided he should be heading to class by now. Good for him, but he didn't even look where he was going before he stood up, and he did so right when Megu and Ji were passing in front of him. He planted his right foot right in front of Meguru's as she was walking. Before anyone knew what happened, Megu was on all fours, the hoodlum was trying to regain his footing, and Jisoo was snickering to herself. When she got back on her feet and turned around to face the hoodlum who merely breathed out a quick 'Whoa!' She looked annoyedly and critically at him. 

"Are you ing stupid or something?"

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I need to stop making new stories and finish something for once OTL


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XOXOforever321 #1
Chapter 2: OMG this story is so interesting!!~ a bet the guy is Jimin right? Hahah
samyeol #2
Chapter 1: This is interesting! Hahaha is the guys jimin???? I'm curious
Chapter 1: This kinda relates to me somehow
This is interesting ♡
Omo this story sounds interesting ^_^