Death is Certain, But Love Isn't



Joon quietly got out of bed, being cautious not to wake anyone as he stumbled to the bathroom. He had only slept about 2 hoursbecause of his sudden discomfort. Late night rehearsals didn't help because he hit the sink on his way in.


He moved his hand across the wall, hoping he find the lights. When they came on he covered his eyes so he would become familiar with his surroundings.  He felt a little light-headed from the lights, but nothing more. After a while he took out his medicine out of the medicine closet and went downstairs for a glass of water.  

"Ah, I hope this helps."

He quickly took the pills and went back into his room.

Usually after taking his medicine he would feel more energetic, but 30 minutes passed and he felt no different. The light-headedness came back, only followed by sharp stomach pains. He didn't want to cry out, muffling his groans with his pillow.  His eyes closed shut, eventually falling into a deep sleep.

Ugh, I hope these pills kick in soon...



"Hyung, wake up!" I yelled, ripping his blankets off. 

"Aish, Mir what do you want?!" G.O mumbled.

"Well, it's Saturday and everyone is sleeping! I want to do something today!" I whined.

"Why don't you ask Seungho?"

"I already did."

"What did he say then?" he said looking skeptical.

"To play with the other members." Okay, I actually didn't ask, but he looked really tired. Besides, I don't really talk to G.O-hyung that much.


"I asked him last Saturday! Why won't you just play with me?!" I shouted. "I just want to go to the mall."

"I'm sorry, I'm just really tired. I promise I'll play with you later, but until then find something else to do." He threw the blanket back over himself and continued to sleep.

"Fine." I'll just ask Joon-hyung. I'm sure he'll take me to the mall.


When I walked inside, he too, was asleep. I walked near his bed while he was curled up into a small ball.

"Hyung?" I whispered.

He didn't move, so I gently shook him instead. 


"Hm- what, what is it?" He didn't move or open his eyes. He just whispered it quietly, like it was hard to talk or something.

"A-Are you okay Joon?" Honestly, I'm a little worried. Is he truly okay?

"Hmm? What did you say?" he asked.

"I asked if you were okay. Did you even hear me!?"

"Oh yeah, I-I'm fine. I just have a small headache," he said opening his eyes.


"What is it you wanted?" he smiled. His smile made my heart skip a beat; though something was different. I just couldn't tell what.

"Um, I just wanted to do something with you this Saturday... B-but it you want to sleep that's okay too!" I mumbled.

"Of course, I'll do something with you!" he said ruffling my hair. "Though you might want to get ready first."

I quickly looked at my white tank top and pajamas with pink hearts.

"R-right! So see you later?"



A/N: So how was it? I was still wondering how I would right this story...
haha ^^; Also thinkin' of adding some JoonXMir as you can tell. What do YOU think?
Just comment below :} lol

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Haven't updated this in ages.. orz I'm gonna start re-writing this so hold on tight! ♥


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Chapter 6: Author-nim, Joon's life sounds so interesting to follow. What kind of sickness is it? What will happen to him?

Aigooo... I'm so curious! please update, Author-nim (><)/
huehuehue #2
Chapter 6: update soon (╥﹏╥)
JaeYong_TY #3
Chapter 6: Aww i dont care much about hyosung-joon-kikwang love triangle
i care about mblaq and joomi
please update soon amd make it about joomi
Chapter 6: i just read this please update ^^
Chapter 6: Update please ....please..
Chapter 6: Update please ....please..
Chapter 6: please udpate :) hwaiting!
eliz930 #8
Chapter 6: i really hope for an update for this story..:)
Chapter 6: A word of advice for Joonie-sometimes what we want (ie Hyosung) isn't as good for us as what we actually needed (ie Mir).

Hope you'll update this soon. I. Love. It.
Even though I feel that it's now probably deviating from your original plot, I'm all for the JooMi storyline instead of the Joon-Hyosung-Kikwang love triangle :D

You can tell I'm a JooMi fan, right? ;)
eliz930 #10
Chapter 6: pls update:)