
The Boy Who Wrote A Hundred Love Letters

*wipes away tear* You guys are awesome. I can’t believe this story already has 66 subs. *tears up* Anyway, I won’t hold you up any longer. Continue on and enjoy the story! :D

|| Chapter Seven Part One ||



November 11, 2013


Since last week, I’ve already assessed the general layout of the school and my classroom…and the general personality of my classmates. The perk of transferring in the middle of the year is that people don’t know you; hence people don’t realize you exist. It’s a good way to get dirt and other gossip on everyone and you don’t even have to move a single step from your seat, all you have to do is wait for the information…and boy does the information come.

The first thing I’ve noticed is that there are two people who will never get tired of hearing their own voices. At all. Not even when the teacher is teaching in front. I should know since they both sit right behind me.

One guy is tall. And not just tall, tall but really tall. Every morning I see him hit his head on the doorway, it’s kind of like a routine now. His name is Park Chanyeol and he is loud. He looks like a kid but once that mouth opens it feels like the earth is going to shake just from his deep voice. And he smiles. A lot.

And it’s starting to creep me out.

The other one is called Byun Baekhyun. And he’s short. Well maybe his just average height but when his constantly next to Chanyeol, you can’t help but think his short. He tends to nag a lot too. Mostly at Chanyeol but when he sees another student wear something that he doesn’t approve, he nags. I thought he was just sticking near Chanyeol and generally feeding off of his popularity (Chanyeol is very popular from what I see) but Baekhyun can pretty much hold himself as he too have a plethora of friends. Chanyeol befriends everyone in the classroom while Baekhyun befriends outside the classroom, quite a pair don’t you think?

Another person is our Class President, Oh Sehun. He’s tall too and he too is popular from what I hear. He looks like his always so mean, like his ice cold and the moment you comment about why he has blonde hair when he’s clearly not a foreigner, he’s going to go ballistic. Somewhat like a loner too. But once you get him up the podium and he starts speaking, everyone listens. He’s just that charismatic (or scary, not so sure on this one). He’s smart too but I don’t see how he’s popular though since I’ve only seen him talking to one person and that’s Kim Jongin.

Kim Jongin likes to sleep. A lot. In fact, I’ve never seen his face properly before because all I see is his black head of hair slumped on the table. And when he is awake, he eats. And there’s no short supply of that too. In fact, that bag of his is probably full of snacks rather than books. I wonder how he graduated middle school.

Sigh. I’m running out of space to write. I usually just write on one sheet of paper because I don’t want the letters to be too bulky in the envelope and risk getting torn. Anyway, I’ll get another sheet of paper and another envelope to write on.






Oh, and by the way I also have another classmate. A girl and she’s just plain weird and creepy. She sits at the back of the corner with those thick rounded glasses of hers and hair that looks like it hasn’t been combed since last year. She always has a pad of paper in front of her and a pen, and I KNOW it’s not for taking notes because she rarely looks up and when she does, she has this dazed expression of hers like she’s thinking of something, something evil I think. Sometimes I can even hear her mutter something to herself…“Kukuku…My precious Kaisoo…” What does that even mean?! She’s scary and she’s weird. I DO NOT want to go near her. [0]

She needs a psychiatric ward. Fast.




|| Classmates ||


[0] Kufufufu, can you guess who this is? Haha, don’t worry she isn’t going to be a permanent (or relevant for that matter) character. This is just for this chapter and that’s it like a one night stand…A ONE WRITE CHAP! hahaha.

 Kufufu, if you guys can guess who this girl is I’ll…give virtual hugs. Hahah I’m sorry I can’t do more than that because I can’t give you all physical hugs.

Or maybe you’ll like a double update? *wriggles eyebrows* Hahaha

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I lost an upvote and a subscriber... :'( what did I do wrong...? And for the updates it'll be updated tonight yes!


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Chapter 33: hii i know its been years and u prob dont even open this website anymore but ive recently been reminded of this fic eventho i read it years ago because of its interesting plot! im still curious as to how it ends i like this story!
Denisaur #2
When are you gonna update?
Serrawr24 #4
Chapter 33: Its funny ,creepy and this is so damn good
Hollafloqa #5
Chapter 33: ( T_T)this was so good
Hollafloqa #6
Chapter 18: thank you so much for writing this I really appreciate it !!!
Chapter 33: That was really deep and meaningful ;_; his feelings are exactly like mine. Please update soon.
Chapter 33: There is too much in this chapter that I find really really endearing and they just talk to my heart.thank you for the update. I can't wait to read the next one