November 4, 2013

The Boy Who Wrote A Hundred Love Letters

you, thank you so much for subscribing, commenting, upvoting, reading, and every other –ing there is to this story! Haha, I’m still improving as an author and I’m so happy you gave this story a chance. If you’ve got any suggestions, comments, violent reactions, or pictures of Kyuhyun and/or Suho. Send them to me! Haha, thank you once again~!


-Divine Dionne



|| Chapter Two ||






“GAAAH!” Jongin shouted as he shot out from his bed and stared at the dark and empty space of his room. He groaned and placed his head in his hands, as flashes of his nightmare came to him. One of which a serial killer coming after him with a certain creamy white envelope.

“This is stupid Jongin,” He muttered to himself as he stood up, turned the lights on, and started to pace around his room. “Maybe it’s a prank. I mean, how can a letter be written a year from now? I’m not very good with physics, science, anything that requires thinking really but I know that you can’t receive a letter that hasn’t even been written yet!”

He stopped in the middle of his room and stared at the ceiling and once again, the creamy white envelope flashed in his mind’s eye. Jongin wasn’t the type of person that wanted to meddle with anything. He was the kind of person that did the work that he was to work and nothing more. Meddling was what got people in trouble and this was definitely in one of those categories…but his curiosity was eating at him. For the first time in Kim Jongin’s life…he wanted to read something.

Who wrote those letters? Who sent them? Who were they for? How many were in the box? And why does it stink in here?

“Gah!Alright!” He shouted to himself as he threw his hands up in the air, giving into his curiosity. “I’ll get the stinking box and read the letters!”

Jongin huffed in annoyance as he placed his shaky hand on his doorknob and opened his door, making his way towards the attic.




Jongin felt every bit of his stupidity swirling in his brain as he stared at the box sitting innocently on his bed. He knew that he box was not a weapon, therefore it couldn’t hurt him. But here he was sitting a good meter away from the box.

With a bat in one hand.

And his phone in the other.

Oh, yes the stupidity was definitely having a party in his brain.

He sighed and placed the bat and the phone on the table as he walked towards the box. He started at it one more time, before opening it and reaching for the first letter on top of the pile.

He stared at the letter in his hand and his hand trembled for a bit as his eyes caught the writing at the back.

November 4, 2013

He shivered at the sight of the hand writing and quickly summoned up every ounce of his courage as he detached the opening of the envelope. He pulled out the folded paper and noted that it was just as creamy white as its envelope.Simple and clean, but just as creepy.

Jongin took a large breath of air and unfolded the paper, knowing full well that he was about to make the stupidest decision he ever made.

|| November 4, 2013 ||



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I lost an upvote and a subscriber... :'( what did I do wrong...? And for the updates it'll be updated tonight yes!


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Chapter 33: hii i know its been years and u prob dont even open this website anymore but ive recently been reminded of this fic eventho i read it years ago because of its interesting plot! im still curious as to how it ends i like this story!
Denisaur #2
When are you gonna update?
Serrawr24 #4
Chapter 33: Its funny ,creepy and this is so damn good
Hollafloqa #5
Chapter 33: ( T_T)this was so good
Hollafloqa #6
Chapter 18: thank you so much for writing this I really appreciate it !!!
Chapter 33: That was really deep and meaningful ;_; his feelings are exactly like mine. Please update soon.
Chapter 33: There is too much in this chapter that I find really really endearing and they just talk to my heart.thank you for the update. I can't wait to read the next one