I Don't Know What To Say But I love You

The clock is not ringing! For the first time! But unfortunately, I did not slept well the other night since I’m thinking about Taemin. I’m excited to see him, so I prepared myself as quickly as possible. It’s only 8 in the morning, but some of our classmates are happily roaming around the island. I tried to look for Taemin and his gang, but I can’t find them anywhere. I’m a bit frustrated and irritated at the same time, but it’s still a long day to feel that so I went out with my friends Luna and Sulli.

            Throughout that whole day, I did not see that bastard! Then why did he tell me to come with him? For the whole day I am with my friends eating and taking pictures non-stop. But still, no sign of Lee Taemin anywhere. 5 pm draws and we are very exhausted from walking and eating here and there. When we’re about to go back to the hotel, the person I am expecting finally showed up!

            “Hey. Are you tired already?” Taemin asked while smiling. “Yes we are!” Sulli answered. “Aniyo! I’m not tired yet. Why?” I lied. Luna and Sulli looked at me in awe. I admit it! I’m the one who told them that I am tired and to head back now to the hotel, but then, I wanted to know what Taemin told me last night. Then the two girls just looked at each other and got the hint that I wanted to be alone with Taemin. We’re close friends, so I don’t have any secrets with them. “Alright! Then I think we will head back first, right Sulli?” Luna asked while grinning at Sulli. “Yep! So see you later Soojungie!” Sulli said and walked hand in hand with Luna, back to the hotel.


            “So? You told me you wanted me to come with you? Then why didn’t I saw you anywhere?” I asked in an annoyed tone. Honestly, I am really annoyed, but I think I’ll just accept whatever Taemin will say to me, so hell with that. “Mianhe! I slept for the whole day today, and I only got up this afternoon.” He answered. Well, apology accepted! Oh Jung Soojung!!! Why are you like this? Are you really in love with this guy? “Hey! Come on! I told you I wanted to show you something. Kaja!” Taemin said while holding my wrist.

            “Where are we going?” I asked confused. “Just wait! Oh! We’re here.” Taemin said. “It’s almost dark! What are we going to see here?” I asked irritatingly. If only he showed me this place earlier, maybe I’ll enjoy it. “Just wait alright?” he answered and hold my hand. I am starting to palpitate, when I saw a very magnificent view in front of me. Fireflies and butterflies flew around the place which is covered with beautiful purple flowers. Behind the flat of flowers lies the very beautiful volcano. The ends of the volcano were bordered by the light of the sun setting. The whole place was covered with flying lights because of the fireflies, which was made more wonderful by the flying butterflies around. In other words, it’s simply breath-taking. I can’t help but to just sigh in astonishment. “Did you like it?” I heard Taemin asked. “It’s very beautiful!” I simply answered. “How did you found this place?” I asked. “I found it last night before you saw me on the beach. I find it magical, and I want you to see this.” He answered. “Why me? Why not Kai or L?” I asked. My stomach seems to have millions of butterflies. “I just want to show this to you. You seemed so reserve on everything ever since we became classmates. I thought that you don’t have some colors on your life so in simple things like this, I wanted to paint you.” Taemin answered. My heart skipped. “Who said that I don’t have colors in my life? I’m just reserved because I don’t like to explain myself. I’m not good in explaining what I am thinking. I just wanted everything to be so simple.” I said which is true. “I see. I’m sorry if I misunderstood you.” He said in an apologetic voice. “It’s nothing. And besides, what you showed me is really beautiful. These days I think I have a lot of concerns in my inner self that I’m starting to neglect the environment. So, thank you for this Lee Taemin.” I said and smiled sweetly at him. When I looked at him, his eyes are wide open and looking at me so adamant. “What is it? Why are you looking at me like that? Yah! Lee Taemin!” I called a little loud. “Can I do something?” he asked instead. “What is it?” I asked back. “Close your eyes, and don’t open it since I say you open it. Arasso?” he said. “What are you going to do to me? Are we going to play hide and seek?” I asked a bit curious and excited at the same time. “Just close your eyes.” Taemin said. So in the end, I just did what he said to me. When I closed my eyes, I can’t hear anything from him. The whole place is quiet and peaceful. “Yah! Lee Taemin! Are you still there?” I asked. No answer. Where is he? Did he leave me? Are we really going to play hide and seek? I wanted to open my eyes, but on the other part of my mind I wanted to keep on closing my eyes until Taemin said to open it. I know he won’t leave me here like that. After two minutes I guess, I heard someone or something’s footsteps. Then I heard his breathing coming closer to me. is he going to kiss me? No way!! But before I fell on my own black hole, I felt his hand placing something on my head. What is it? “You may now open your eyes.” He whispered. When I opened my eyes, I was so shocked to see his face super-duper close on my face that our nose are about to touch, just a few more millimeter and it will really touch. “You’re so beautiful when you smile Soojung.” He said in a mild tone. My face reddened quickly. I was about to cover my face, when he suddenly hold my hands and broke the remaining distance of my face from his. He kissed my lips so softly yet very electrifying. It’s like a million tiny bolts pinches me every millisecond. It’s only a matter of seconds when he broke the kiss, but my face is like a hardened rock because of shock. When I looked at Taemin’s face, his handsome face is all red. “I’m sorry.” He apologized. “Huh?” I asked when I heard him apologizing. “I’m sorry if I did that. I just couldn’t help it whenever I look at you I always wanted to do what I just did earlier. Mianhe!” he explained while his face is still blushing. Well, mine too! I’m still blushing like him. Only that I think my face is more red than his. “Why?” I asked. I don’t know how to ask why he looks at me. “I wanted to look at you at all time. You’re very beautiful, you’re smart, and whenever you smile it feels like a million knife is stabbing my body. I wanted to hold you, I wanted to embrace you, and I wanted to kiss you. What have you done to me Jung Soojung? It’s like oxygen. Whenever you’re not with me, I can’t breathe. I’m thinking of you, and I grew more aware that my life is incomplete without you. I don’t know the reason why I’m like that at all, or maybe I did not experience something like that before.” he said in a hurt expression. So he also felt that feeling. I can’t say anything from his sudden confession. All I know is that we’re on the same boat. I’m on that reverend when our professor’s voice was heard from behind. When i turned my back, I saw Mr. Park pointing his flash light on us while his other hand is on his waist. “What are you two doing here? It’s dark now right? Do you want to get lost here? Let’s go. I just did a roll call on everyone, then I found out that you two are not on the hotel, and so is Kim Jongin and Kim Myungsoo.” Mr. Park said in an annoyed tone. “Mwo? Kai and L are not on the hotel yet?” Taemin asked. I still can’t say anything so I stayed quiet and just listened to all Mr. Park’s nagging. We decided to go back to the hotel. While walking, Taemin’s lpinky finger reached for mine’s. is he holding hands with me in a pinky finger style? I tell you guys, this is like cloud nine. I’m composed outside, but inside, it’s like my whole body is going to explode from overwhelm.


            When we reached the hotel, Taemin’s finger let go of my finger. It is because Luna and Sulli are coming towards us. “Are L and Kai with you?” they asked in unison. Me and Taemin looked at each other and shook our heads. “Did you try to contact either one of them?” I asked. “Yes. I’m trying to call L, and Sulli is trying to call Kai, but neither one of them picked up their phones. It just kept on ringing and ringing. We looked at their room, but they’re not there.” Luna answered in a concerned tone. I am also starting to get worried with those two. Even though it is short, we already made good friends with them. “I’ll look for them. Jeju is not too big. Maybe I can find them.” Taemin said. “Mwo? At this hour? Are you kidding?” I asked in shock. “Ms. Jung is right. It’s already dark, and you’re not a local here to begin with. You might get lost. I’ll inform the hotel attendants when those two are still missing till tomorrow, we’ll do a search and rescue. For now, you all go back to your respective rooms and take a rest.” Mr. Park said and left us.

            “Don’t worry too much Taemin. Those two can take care of their selves. We’ll still try to contact them.” Sulli said in reassurance. Taemin just nod and walked ahead of us to the hotel. I just followed him with my eyes, the earlier incident slowly fading away because of concern for Kai and L. “Let’s go back to our rooms too.” Luna said and held hands with me and Sulli.


A/N: hi..sorry for the wrong update of chapter 5..instead of putting chapter 5 i accidentally inserted chapter 4 instead..hahaha..sorry again..let's be happy..

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Chapter 5: Sorry, but you update the same chapter twice? .. It's lovely btw:))
serenitynadz #2
Chapter 4: wow, quite an interesting story. update soon please authornim.
KaiserKawaii #3
Chapter 2: 3 hot guys. Lucky girl.