I Don't Know What To Say But I love You

“Arrgghh! Can’t that damn alarm clock stop buzzing? I hate it.” That’s what I am thinking right now. Who wouldn’t get annoyed when your beauty sleep is distracted by an obnoxious alarm clock? Wait! Alarm clock? Why did I set my clock again? It’s summer, and I am supposed to get a very great vacation and school trip in Jeju right now, and.. “AHHHHHH!!!! I’m late!” I panicked when I realized that today is our class trip in Jeju Island. “Oh! Good morning Soojungie. Why are you in a rush?” my sister Jessica asked me sarcastically. “Unnie! Why didn’t you wake me up? You know that I’m going on a class trip right now.” I asked annoyingly. “Oh, relax sis! Your classmate Sulli called, and said that your class trip will depart this afternoon, and your meeting place will be at the airport now. And don’t blame me if you’re snoring loudly while drooling on your favorite pillow. I tried to tell everything to you for how many times, and you just keep on nodding and covering you face with your blanket, so I just ignore you. I know that you’ll panic once you remember your class trip.” Seoyeon unnie said mockingly while chuckling. “You know what sis? You’re really mean. And I love you for that.” I sarcastically said and kissed her cheek. “That’s what I am here for. To be mean to you. And I love you too.” Jessica said while laughing. Me and my sister are really close to each other and we can mock each other like there’s no tomorrow while expressing our love for each other. But one thing that I am thankful of is that my sister never leaves me through hard times, and she’s always there to protect me. “Well, I need to go now. Bye sis.” I left the house hurriedly and dragged my luggage to the front patio. Since we will be staying in Jeju for a week, I need to bring a week supply of clothes, plus my toiletries, my school things, and other things I need to bring. “Soojungie! You forgot to eat.” My sister yelled to me. “I’ll just grab a bite on the airport cafeteria. Don’t worry unnie. I’ll leave now. Love you.” I said and took a cab. This is it. I’m really excited!


            I arrived too early at the airport and now, I need to wait for my classmates. But then, I saw one of my classmates in the departure benches while reading a book. It’s Lee Taemin. “You’re too early too huh?” I said from his left. “Oh! Hi to you too, Krystal.”  He greeted sarcastically while looking at his book once more. “Uhh.. I’m going at the canteen, want to come with me?” I asked. “Yeah sure. I’m hungry too.” He answered and fixed his things. “Come on.” He said while walking ahead of me. Great! What a gentleman. Letting me carry my luggage alone. “Oh! I’m sorry if I can’t carry you bag, I have my own bags too. And I’m not planning to increase my burden.” He said while still walking. “Whatever.” I murmured. Taemin is a bit skinny for a guy, but I think that’s his charm. He’s a campus crush too, and lots of our classmates are hitting on him. He’s the closest friend of Kim Jongin or Kai for short. Well, they’re look alike, except that Taemin has a fair skin, while Kai has a tanned complexion. And Kai is a very playful and jolly person, while Taemin is very cold and sarcastic at all times. That’s what I think.

            We stayed at the airport cafeteria for a good 30 minutes before I saw my friends, Jinri and Sunyoung, coming. I quickly went to them leaving the oh-so-silent Lee Taemin behind. When I looked at him after I went to my friends, he’s still sitting there and reading. What a boring person.


Atlast! Our departure time is here, and we’re now on the plane to go to Jeju Island. Jinri and Sunyoung are really talkative, and all their talking about are boys, the beauty products they use, and some gossips. Well, as for me, I’m on my earphones and banging my ears with pop and RnB musics. I’m not really interested in anything. I’m not into cute boys, because I’m still young to have a boyfriend, unlike Jinri and Sunyoung. I don’t like putting make-up because they said that it is not good for our skin. And Seoyeon unnie said that I have a natural beauty, so there’s no need to put some make-up. Well, talk about the make-up expert. And last, I’m not interested to other people’s lives. It’s a good 2 hour trip to Jeju island, and it is really exciting. Since the time me and my family moved back to Korea from San Francisco, I never had the time to travel in different places, because school started, and my parents and sister doesn’t have an extra time for leisure activities. So I am thankful for this trip.


“Alright guys, I’ll group you into four, and that team will be your team during school activities. And remember, no switching of groups. Understand?” our professor said, once we were on the bus to the hotel where we’ll be staying. And so, the counting starts, and what happened ruined my perfect day. “Ms. Jung Soojung, you’ll be teamed with, Kim Jongin, Kim Myungsoo, and Lee Taemin.” Our professor said. My jaw dropped with what he said. “What? Sir, are you sure about that?” I asked. “Nope. That’s the list said.” He answered. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me! I’m the only girl in our team. It’s really stupid.” I murmured while slumping back on my seat. “Don’t worry Jungie, we’ll watch over you. And besides, those guys are really gentleman and nice. They won’t hurt you.” Jinri said while soothing my back. In return, I just hugged her, and wished that this school trip is over.


When we came to the hotel, we were given the schedules for tomorrow. So right now, I’ll be having some fun night with my girlfriends Jinri and Sunyoung, because tomorrow, it’s going to be a hell day.

I am about to go to the girls’ room, when Taemin came out of nowhere. “Hey Ms. Hung, make sure that you won’t get late for tomorrow’s morning activities. I hate late people.” He said while crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh. So you’re the team leader now?” I asked sarcastically. I really hate this guy’s guts. “No. I just wanted to inform you that. And by the way, Kai and L are never late for activities.” He answered and walked away. “Good night.” He added while waving his hand to the air. “Whatever!” I murmured. I really hate Lee Taemin’s attitude. It pisses me off really bad. Oh well, better get to the girls’ room. Tomorrow, I’ll show that Lee Taemin who will going to be late.

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Chapter 5: Sorry, but you update the same chapter twice? .. It's lovely btw:))
serenitynadz #2
Chapter 4: wow, quite an interesting story. update soon please authornim.
KaiserKawaii #3
Chapter 2: 3 hot guys. Lucky girl.