Waking the Dragon

Waking the Dragon

"But Hyuuunnnngggg!  Naega wae? Why do I have to be the one to wake him up?"  Seungri was pouting.  Top reached out and ruffled his hair.  "Firstly maknae, it was YOU who coaxed him into going out to play in the snow.  Second, when you finally DID come in, you let him sit around damp, so he caught a cold.  And lastly..." Bae chose this moment to chime in, "and lastly maknae, you are the ONLY one he won't kill on sight.  You know what a grumpy dragon he is when he gets woke up."

Ri sighed and looked at the closed door.  He knew that Ji needed to wake up and take his medicine, but he also knew that this hyung could be very unreasonable about the smallest things.  Pressing his lips into a thin line, he closed his eyes and turned the knob.

Jiyong was snuggled up under the blankets with only his bleached blonde hair visible.  Seungri tiptoed closer.  Gently he pulled the blanket away from his beloved hyung's face, and placed his palm across Ji's forehead.  Still feverish.    Seungri bit his lower lip. "Ji-Hyung, wake up." he shook the elder's shoulder gently.  No response.  He tried again, "Hyung, wake up.  you need to take your medication"  Jiyong moved, but only as far as to cover his face back up and snuggle further into the covers.  Seungri knew he was going to pay for what he had to do next.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled the covers completely off of Jiyong.  "HYUNG!  WAKE UP!"  In true dragon fashion, Ji opened a single eye a mere slit and glared at his maknae.  The words that came next were tipped with frost and venom.  "Ri, you had better have a damn good reason to bother me right now."

"H-Hyung, it's ti-time for your m-m-medicine."  The glare softened as the dragon realized that the only reason he was being roused was out of concern and love. "Ok, give it."   He downed it quickly.  As he handed back the water glass, he reached and grabbed the maknae's hand and with one tug, pulled Ri into the bed with him.  "Keep me warm Ri."  Jiyong murmered as he wrapped his arms around the person he loved most and lay his head on Seungri's chest. 

"Hmm, maknae's been in there an awful long time."  Top got up to go check on the situation." Can't have our leader murdering the youngest."

Opening the door far enough to poke his head in, he took one look and smiled.  They were both sound asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.  Quietly, Top picked up the blanket from the floor and covered them over. With one backwards glance as he left the room, he quietly said."And that maknae, is why YOU have to be the one waking that dragon."


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Chapter 1: Cute
Chapter 1: Awww
Chapter 1: Awwwwww ❤️
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 1: ahhh that was adorable!!! really fluffy!!! :D :D
thanks for the amazing fanfic!!!
chanriskrisyeol #5
Chapter 1: Too cute~ And Big Bang are all hidden Nyongtory shippers~
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is too cute!!! My Nyongtory feels!!!
purplepurplegirl #7
Chapter 1: I want more fluffy story plzzzz
CurvyCurry #8
Chapter 1: Ahhhh!! I died because of an overdise of fluffiness!! Pure GRi bliss! :3
Chapter 1: OOOO I do love GRi to be honest, they are totally adorable.

You make the cutest scenes I could just die of fluff overload <3

EEeeehhehehehe...okay I am grinning madly. I am a er for short and super sweet fluff.

How you manage to make a whole story out of less then most people (including myself) write I have no idea. I would condense my stuff if I could *sobs*
Anyway Lovely story once again.