
Living with 12 dorks

You sighed to yourself as you closed the screen to your laptop.

" .. Again.. " Your mind flashed back to when you saw a post on tumblr while scrolling down on the #exo tag.

" Ugh! I just hate her so much! Why does she get to live with exo?! #it'sthetruth #noonelikesyou #getlostfromexo #exoismine " -AyoahIsSehun's [ fake name. ]

Tears welled up in your eyes.You shook your head in displeasement as you tried to shake off your emotions.

*knock knock*

" ___-ah~ Can I come in~ " Sehun sweetly said.

You quickly wiped off the tears that have escaped and opened the door, faking a smile.

" Annyeong Sehunnie~ " You said lovingly as you opened the door.

" You don't have to fake a smile, you know. " Sehun said , looking at you worriedly.

" H- " He slipped past you and walked into your room.

" H-hey ! I didn't say you could come in! " You pouted as you folded your arm.

" .. Well, you didn't say I couldn't~ " Sehun joked as he opened your computer screen.

" Hey ! " You said, trying to snatch the computer from him, but to no avail.

" Shhhhhhh. " Sehun said blocking your hands with his spare hand.

You pouted in defeat and stood aside as he scrolled down the tag to reveal more offensive remarks.

His face darkened in expression but soon lightened up to a smile.

" Huh..? " You were confused by his sudden change of emotions.

" ___-ah. Don't go anywhere, stay here. " Sehun said as he swiftly left your room.

" Omo? Okay.. " You said, sitting on the bed as you waited for Sehun to come back.

-5 minutes past.-

" Sehun-ah! Where are you ? " You texted him.

- No reply. -

" Aish.. Jjinja. " You pouted as you stared at your phone for a reply.

-10 minutes past.-

" Sehunahhh! " You texted again.

" Reply meee. " You texted again.

" Yahh! Babo ! " You texted again.

Still no reply.

You paced back and forth in your room as Sehun didn't reply you.

" Maybe.. his phone ran out of battery? " You reassured yourself.

" Aishhh! " You stomped your feet in fustration.

-15 minutes past-

" ... Sehun-ah.. " You slouched on your bed.

You sighed loudly.

" Where is he... " You pouted.

You fished out your phone and dailed Sehun's number on your phone.

" Sorry, bu- "

" Ugh !  " You kicked the nearby dustbin in fustration.

-20 minutes past.-

" Uguu. " You crawled to your bed and snuggled with the teddy bear Sehun bought for you.

You sighed as you looked up at the ceiling at the turning fan.

" Did you wait long? " Sehun said, suddenly appearing at your door, panting and sweating, holding two cups bubble tea.

" Sehun-ah! " You jumped up and hugged him, and teared out of worry.

" Where did you go? I was so worried. Why didn't you answer your phone... I thought som- "

Sehun pecked you on the lips then pulled away to look into your eyes.

" I'm fine. I just wanted to cheer you up.. And the bubble tea shop near us was closed.. so... I went to the one further away, and I kinda got distracted on the way and started playing with kids at the playground... " Sehun shyly said, scratching the back of his head.

" .. Don't make me worry like that again. Nappun nom! " You said, playfully punching him.

" Keke~ Arraso ~ " Sehun said as he passed you your cup of bubble tea.

PFFT. I did horribly on this chapter.


./cries a million tears.

But atleast EXO won something, I forgot what.. #EMazing EXO ? 

Idk, they sure won something else too.

I've been late on updating because I've been wayy too hooked on this Anime, Kuroko no Basuke.

Kuroko is like,ugh.

Still hope you like this chapter though <3


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Chapter 7: Of course I lurve it! Sehunnie & I kissed, and we drank bubbletea! Ish all good!
Chapter 6: Hunnie next! Yay!
And like I said: "I don't think that you could let me down author-nim! Every ending is good so far, I can't see why Sehun would be bad."
Phamtastic #3
Chapter 5: Love it keep updating HWATING !
Chapter 5: I don't know why, but I'm anticipating Sehun's ending...
Kyaaaaa~ So cute! >.<
I loved it! Can't wait for the other members! :)