
Living with 12 dorks

Baekhyun's ending.

" I'm going out !~ " You sweetly said as you opened the main door to leave.

" WWWWWWAAAAIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT !! " Baekhyun shouted as he ran down the stairs still putting his jacket on.

" Yes...? " You said, looking at him in confusion.

" Whe-whe-wh.. wait. " He said still trying to catch his breath.

" Where are you going? " Baekhyun said, finally catching his breath.

" .. Out..? " You said, not knowing what he meant.

" .. I know, out. But where exactly? " Baekhyun said, putting his hands on your shoulder.

" To the movies... " You said, tilting your head to a side.

" Alone?! " He gasped.

".. Well. Sehun offered to go with me.. but I rather him stay behind ~ Do you want to come? " You said, blinking more than usual.

" ... Are you indirectly asking me on a date? " Baekhyun said raising his eyebrows.

" ... I-if yo-you don't wa-want to.. It's fi-fine.. " You stuttered, avoiding, away from his gaze.

" Awh~ You like me ~ " Baekhyun said, squeezing your cheeks.

" Shu-shut up! Hmph. " You said, turning your entire head away from him.

" Don't be angryy~ " Baekhyun said, holding your face to face him, pouting.

" Hmph. " You glared at him playfully.

" Ahh~ Hajimahhh~ " Baekhyun said, doing aegyo to you.

" Pfftt. " You broke out into laughter because of his adorableness.

" Your smile is pretty ~ You should keep smiling !! " Baekhyun said, pulling the ends of his mouth to form a smile.

" Heh.. " You blushed.

" AH! I'll be late for the Movies !! " You gasped, putting your two hands on your mouth.

" OHHH! Let's go then ! " He said, dragging you out of the door.

- At the carpark of EXO's dorm. -

" Get in ~ " Baekhyun said, opening his car door to let you in.

You got in as he instructed and you guys soon reached the theater.

" Which movie are we spoused to be watching? " Baekhyun said as he interlocked his fingers with yours.

You blushed hard when he interlocked fingers with you.

" ___? Are you alright? " He said, waving his free hand infront of you.

" Ah ! Yeah , we're watching this new horror movie ~ Let's go buy the popcorn and drinks ~ " You said, snapping back to reality.

- At The Counter -

" Hey, can I ta-- OMG BYUN BAEKHYUN?! " The girl cashier squealed.

" .. Uhm, yeah..? Can I get a large popcorn and a large coke please. " Baekhyun replied, not caring about the cashier's squeals.

" Suree !! " She squealed.

While waiting for the other cashier to fill up the cup and the popcorn, she put her two hands on her face and tried her hardest to get Baekhyun's attention.

After a while of flirting with Baekhyun even though Baekhyun never replied her.

" Whose that? " She rolled  her eyes at you.

You looked down on the interlocked fingers and started un-interlocking your fingers.

" She's my girl. " Baekhyun replied, holding your hand tighter.

" Heh.. " You smiled to yourself, blushing slightly.

"Whattt?! " The cashier exlaimed.

" Just give me the popcorn and coke. " He demanded as he put the money on the counter.

The girl cashier placed the popcorn & coke on the counter and even tried to caress his hands.

His head shot back in disgust as he quickly snatched the food & drinks away before the cashier could touch his hand anymore.

Baekhyun's face turned really gloomy afterwards.

" Are you okay..? " You asked him in concern.

" Let's just go. " He replied emotionlessly, probably still mad about the cashier's actions.

- In the cinema. -

During the trailers..,

" Baekby ~ Are you okay? " You pouted as you let go of his hand.

" Yeah ~ After seeing your aegyo? Who wouldn't be ~ " He winked.

" Atleast not a lot of the fangirls are here around now~ " He said, smiling widely.

" Speaking of which.. why aren't there many around? " You asked out of curiosty.

" Well~ The news only went out now, and the movie entrance is blocked already ~ So ... yay ~ " He said, stretching.

" Ah.. I see.. " You nodded slightly, turning your focus back to the screen.

Soon, the trailers ended and the movie started.

Soon the movie came into the point where everything was super scary, you were honestly very scared.

You burrowed into Baekhyun's jacket and he chuckled at your cuteness.

You occassionally peeped out of his jackets to watch the movie still.

" Eeep ! " You squealed into his jacket as a screamer showed up.

" Haha, it's alright ~ " Baekhyun said, putting his hand over your shoulder.

After the movie ended..

Baekhyun took your hand and held it tightly the whole way back to the dorm.

Outside the dorm door..

" __-ah. " Baekhyun said, moving to stand infront of you, and putting his hand on your shoulders.

" Nae? " You looked into his eyes.

" Saranghaeyo. " He said as he kissed you.

You kissed him back and walked back into the dorm with him.

Ugh I love movie dates *^*.
Actually I wanted the ending with Baekhyun to be something with make-up.. But, I chose not to anyway  ;-;


Anywho, hope you enjoyed Baekhyun's ending ^^. 


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Chapter 7: Of course I lurve it! Sehunnie & I kissed, and we drank bubbletea! Ish all good!
Chapter 6: Hunnie next! Yay!
And like I said: "I don't think that you could let me down author-nim! Every ending is good so far, I can't see why Sehun would be bad."
Phamtastic #3
Chapter 5: Love it keep updating HWATING !
Chapter 5: I don't know why, but I'm anticipating Sehun's ending...
Kyaaaaa~ So cute! >.<
I loved it! Can't wait for the other members! :)