
Living with 12 dorks

Kris's ending.

" Hey! " Kris said, knocking on your open door.

" Hey~ " You said , putting down your phone.

" Wanna take a walk with me? To the nearest super market . " He said, playing around with his fingers.

" Yeah sure, why? Did the members eat up all the food, again?

" Heh.. Yep. " Kris said, scratching the back of his head.

" Just give me a minute okay~ " You said as you closed the door. 

You changed into your favorite outfit and put on a light layer of makeup since it was late.

" Let's go ~ " You said, grabbing Ace from the couch. 

" Haha, yeah sure. " Kris said as he got up from the couch.

" Kris. " You said, while walking along the road to the super market.

" Yeah? " He replied.

" .. Actually, nothing. " You said, cheekily smiling to yourself.

" What...? " Kris lowered and raised one eye brow as he looked at you.

" You know, your birthday's coming up soon right? " You looked up at him. 

" Yeah ! ~ I'm excited " He said, smiling with his gummy smile.

" What do you want the most for your birthday? " You asked innocently.

His eyes sparkled under the street lights.

" Hmm.. " He tapped his chin. " You. " He added.

" Wha--- " 

He then leaned down lower to your face.

" Can I have you for my birthday? " He asked.

You could feel his breath on your face.

" ... " You blushed.

" I'll take that as a yes. " After he said that, he kissed you.

After breaking out of the kiss...

" Let's go back . " Kris said as he interlocked his hands with yours.

" Uhmm.. What about the food? " You asked.

" There is still plently in the fridge~ " He chuckled.

" Then why.. did you say there was no more food ? ~ " You pouted.

" What other excuse can I use to make you come out with me without suspecting anything? " Kris said, smirking at you before walking towards the dorm still holding your hand tightly.

" Hmph ! Nappun nom! You made me walk so farr ! " You stomped your feet.

" Awhh~ Do your legs hurt? " Kris asked.

You frowned and pouted at the same time, cutely.

" I'll piggy back you then ~ " Kris said as he kneeled down on the floor so you could climb on his back.

" M-mwo ? " You got shocked by his sudden statement.

" Get on ~ " Kris said, pulling your hands over his shoulders. 

You got on his back and he walked back with you towards the dorm.



Hope you enjoyed this ending ^^. 

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Chapter 7: Of course I lurve it! Sehunnie & I kissed, and we drank bubbletea! Ish all good!
Chapter 6: Hunnie next! Yay!
And like I said: "I don't think that you could let me down author-nim! Every ending is good so far, I can't see why Sehun would be bad."
Phamtastic #3
Chapter 5: Love it keep updating HWATING !
Chapter 5: I don't know why, but I'm anticipating Sehun's ending...
Kyaaaaa~ So cute! >.<
I loved it! Can't wait for the other members! :)