"Selene 6.23"


pairing: jongyu; pg-13
genreseatbelt!au, romance, fluff
length: one shot ― 1,140 words

a/n: to make up for all the angst i’ve been hurling at you guys (a.k.a. i got distracted again OTL).
this is also my first anniversary fic! one year of writing for my shining shinee boys <3




Music was everything to Jonghyun.

With a pen, paper, and his guitar, he could compose hit singles within an hour—he was well known for it too, a big name in the music industry. It was a privilege to work with someone as talented and esteemed as Jonghyun; but even with his high status, all he wanted to do was make music, and he never forgot that.

He never forgot because for a long time now, Jonghyun has only ever written songs with one person in mind and one person only.

“What are you writing today?” a velvety, baritone voice whispers against his ear, breath hot against the sensitive skin and making Jonghyun shiver. Strong arms slide over his broad shoulders and rested snugly around his neck, a warm body pressing against his muscular back and soft lips on his cheek.

Jonghyun turned to get an eyeful of his boyfriend, Jinki, who smiled at the younger man, crescent eyes shining brightly, perfectly plush pink lips pulled over brilliant white teeth as he quickly kissed Jonghyun’s nose, giggling mischievously. “Did I scare you?” he whispers, still pressing sweet kisses against Jonghyun’s cheeks, arms tightening snugly around the younger’s shoulders.

Chuckling, Jonghyun shook his head. “No, of course not, silly.” He could never fear someone as stunning and flawless as Jinki, could never fear the one person he admired, cherished, and loved the most. “You make me too happy to ever be scared to see you.”

Jinki wrinkled his nose cutely, making a face. “You’re so full of cheese, Kim Jonghyun,” he complained, but the blush painting his cheeks betrayed him. He kissed Jonghyun again, this time on the lips to distract him from the pretty red color adorning his face, but it was all in vain; the shorter man had already seen.

Smiling into the kiss, Jonghyun breathed, “And you’re too perfect to be real, Lee Jinki, do you know that?”

Jinki whined in protest, trying to pull away, but Jonghyun trapped him by grabbing Jinki’s wrists with one hand and threading his fingers through the elder’s soft blonde hair with the other, keeping him in place. He into the older man’s mouth, the taste of him sweet on his tongue, moving to Jinki’s lower lip into his mouth until it was rosy and swollen. He grinned when they finally pulled apart, both of them breathless and panting, Jinki bright red in the face and lips puffy and slick with spit.

“Do you come up with these dumb pick-up lines out of your or something?” Jinki grumbles, eyes hooded as he nuzzled his nose against Jonghyun’s cheek, kissing at the corner of the younger’s mouth, drunk on feeling of warm lips against his.

“Hey!” Jonghyun protests, acting affronted despite the greasy grin quirking up the corner of his lips. “I spent a good part of an hour thinking about that one!”

Jinki laughs, eyes curving into shining crescents again as he beams. The ground seems to slip from under Jonghyun’s feet, gaze glued to the perfect curve of Jinki’s lips, the smooth bend of his nose, the soft crinkles around his eyes. All of a sudden Jonghyun feels breathless, and this inexplicable urge to pin his boyfriend to the nearest flat surface available and ravage him ignites blazing fires to his every nerve ending.

Not wanting to overexert his lover, Jonghyun’s toes curl into the soft carpet of their apartment as he holds back―it hadn’t even been an hour since they were last intimate; in fact, Jinki was still only wearing a random pair boxers he’d picked up from the floor and an old, ratty white t-shirt that was doing poor job covering the signs of love Jonghyun had marked onto his creamy skin.

Mouth suddenly dry, Jonghyun picks up his latest composition and coughs awkwardly. “You wanted to see, right?”

Jinki’s eyes light up, the older man nodding excitedly as he slides gets comfortable on the couch next to boyfriend. “Of course!” He leans closer, the smell of warmth and home radiating off of him in waves, and Jonghyun honestly cannot stop himself from planting a kiss on the skin peeking out from behind the collar of Jinki’s shirt. The elder jumps at the contact, chuckling as he asks, “What as that for?”

Jonghyun shrugs, having the decency to look a little sheepish. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

Jinki’s smile just widens, laughing as he snatches the paper from Jonghyun’s grip. “Ugh, so cheesy,” he teases again, “you’ll turn into a mouse at this rate.”

Giving his boyfriend a playful shove, Jonghyun readjusts the guitar on his lap and gives the paper a pointed look, returning an equally bright smile while grumbling lightheartedly, “Oh shut up and sing already.”

Leaning in close again, Jinki rests his head on Jonghyun’s shoulder as the younger man hums the tune, playing a few chords on the guitar before the taller catches on and starts to hum along.

“Look at my eyes, I whisper alone as I look at you from far away
Just smile for me once, I can endure it just by seeing your face

If you are standing at the end of my life, if I can get closer to you
I can throw away everything and run to you.”

Jinki sings the rest of the song, at the same time listening to Jonghyun hum along until they finally stop. “I knew your voice would be perfect for this,” Jonghyun finally says.

Amused, the elder replies, “You weren’t kidding when you said you’d only ever write songs for me.”

Jonghyun puffs out his chest with pride. “Of course! Hearing your lovely voice is what keeps me going.”

Pouting, Jinki stands quickly, huffing, “So the rest of me does nothing for you? I knew it, you only love my voice.”

Panic settles in the pit of Jonghyun’s stomach as Jinki stalks off towards their bedroom, and he sets his guitar aside as he runs after his boyfriend. “What? No! D-Didn’t you just sing my song?!”

The elder whips around suddenly, Jonghyun can finally see the mischievous grin on the other’s face. “Of course I know, stupid.” Jinki backs up against the door and he twists the knob, singing, “But I scared you this time, didn’t I?”

There is only a trickle of annoyance in Jonghyun’s gut, quickly overwhelmed by the relief that overcomes him. “You jerk,” he gripes, following Jinki inside the room. Jonghyun’s eyes trail after the older man, watching curiously as his boyfriend flings himself on the bed and rolls onto his back, propping up on his elbows.

Jonghyun’s mouth is suspiciously dry again when he catches the naughty glint in Jinki’s eyes as he beckons the younger man over. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

He isn’t sure either, but he’s not about to keep it up.




a/n: i finally understand what nikki means when she says it’s too early for ! xD
it’s nearly 8am and i couldn’t write two of my biases ing to save my life OTL;;;

ugh, i’m too lazy to crosspost this on AFF. will i ever post anything there ever again? who knows…

anyway, this is included in the seatbelt!au (before jjong dies), so… yeah. :D

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Chapter 5: its sad at first but i relief jinki can have jappy ending...thank you miss author!
Chapter 5: its sad at first but i relief jinki can have jappy ending...thank you miss author!
lgkaupk #3
It's perfectly beautiful<3 Thank You for writing this story!
sleepylips #4
com--completeddd?? ;A;
what do you mean? T_T
sleepylips #5
Chapter 5: subbed.
you're my new internet love
good fooking bye.
sleepylips #6
Chapter 4: No wonder it's hard to move on for the living. Jonghyun and Jinki's relationship was perfect!
sleepylips #7
I love all of these so much! I just read them on tumblr recently, and they were the first fics in a looong time that made me cry. I'm so excited that you made a fanfic page for them!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR AMAZING STORIES! ^^
sleepylips #9
Chapter 1: :[ is jonghyun a ghost?
wow... can I have your writing skills?