

Their love story was ruined. One died, the other lives through. He meets a man whose love story mirrors his.

They say history repeats itself, first as a tragedy and second as farce.
The tragedy had happened. Will the other be a laughing stock?
If you choose to die on your feet than live on your knees, will a supposed tragedy and a supposed farce turn into a completely different genre?
Witness a mirrored love as their fate turns into a supposed complete coincidence.

(Words on bold and italic are either thoughts or flashbacks.)




He closed his eyes carefully when he had the perfect image of him in his mind.  He felt his body, slowly submitting itself away. He felt the pain but he didn't mind. He is starting to fall into a very deep slumber. Despite knowing what's happening, on his face still rests a peaceful expression. He didn't regret anything. All that's happened, is for him anyway. He may have died in vain but he, the love of his life, is safe. That's everything that matters, his safety. His death would never be wasted. He stood up for him, after all. 
I love you. With that sentence the last thing in his mind, he breathed for one last time before allowing his mind to close just like his eyes. And just like that, he's gone. He could hear the faint sound of his name being called followed by the declaration of love but he couldn't do anything. As much as he wanted to call back, he couldn't anymore. His hearing is slowly fading into nothingness.
He knew even before he started, that this is going to happen. His life has stopped. His life has been taken away but the life he lived wasn't.
He had died peacefully knowing the meaning why he lived in the first place. And that is something everyone wants to achieve before dying.

BE WARNED of but there will be NO RATED parts.


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