Our Happy Family

Our Family

Luhan was walking home from grocery shopping to fill the empty refrigerator at home. Along the way, he came across a young girl, at the age of only 13 years old, walking around aimlessly, with nothing but a suitcase and backpack at hand. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, little girl," he introduced himself. "I'm Luhan. What's your name, dear?" he asked.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Linh-imnida," the little girl said.

"Linh? What are you doing walking around the streets at this time of night?" he asked her with a soft voice. "Where are your parents? Do they know that you're here? Aren't they worried about you?" 

"Uh... Umma dropped me off here. She packed my suitcase and everything. She also gave me some money and dropped me off here. I don't know when she will return, though," Linh replied, beginning to sniffle.

"Oh, dear. Come here," Luhan said, pulling her small frame into his arms. 

"Di-Did Umma abandon me?" Linh asked, tears already staining her big cheeks.

Luhan replied, "She did, Linh, but she may have a good reason as to why she did. Do you know her phone number?" She shook her head, signalling that she does not know her own mother's phone number. Luhan just sighed. "Well, Linh. I guess you're coming home with me. I have a wonderful husband and daughter, and I am most certain that they will love you," he said to her, smiling sweetly at her. 

"R-Really?" she asked, her sniffles beginning to calm down. 

"Neh, I have a 10 year old daughter, and she's always wanted an older sister," Luhan told her.

"Chincha?!" Linh was beaming. "I've always wanted a little sister!" 

"Eo? Geuraeyo? Well, then this will be just perfect. Let's go home, now," he said, taking a hold of her small hand, and pulling her in the direction of her new home. 

"Uhm... Will Appa be mad at you or me if he finds out you brought me home off of the streets?" Linh asked with big, curious eyes. 

"Andwae! He will be very happy to know that we have another daughter with us." Luhan replied.

They kept walking, and after a little while, they stopped in front of a white house with a nice front porch, and a small garden growing in the front yard. "This is your new home, Linh-ah. Are you excited?" he asked her, slowly guiding her to the front door. She nodded slowly, feeling excited, yet very anxious. Luhan opened the door, and brought Linh and the groceries into the kitchen. "Stay here. I want to surprise my other daughter, okay?" She nodded again, and sat in one of the chairs at the kitchen table.

"Lijing-ah!" Linh heard him call.

"Neh, Umma?" she heard a different voice call.

"Come here! There's something I have to show you!" Luhan called back. Linh heard the thud of footsteps hitting the stairs as she saw a small figure running down the stairs. 

"Yes, Umma?" The young figure answered. 

Luhan said, "Lijing, you know how you've always wanted an older sister?" The girl nodded. "Well, I have a very special surprise for you," he said, bringing her towards the kitchen. When Lijing walked through the kitchen door, she gasped in surprise at the unknown figure seated at the kitchen table. "Lijing, meet your older sister, Linh. Linh, this is Lijing," he introduced the girls to each other. 

Linh got off of the chair, and bowed ninety degrees to her. "A-Annyeonghaseyo. Linh-imnida," she introduced with a shaky voice. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Lijing-imnida!" The younger introduced with her brightest smile. She turned to Luhan, and jumped on him. "UMMA! THIS IS THE BEST GIFT EVER! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Luhan laughed.

"Anything for you, Lijing-ah. And guess what. I learned that Linh has been wanting a little sister as well," Luhan told her. Lijing brightened up even more, if it were actually possible. Getting an older sister was enough to make her the happiest girl in the world.

"Chincha?! Unnie! Come up to my room!" Lijing shouted pulling Linh up the stairs, into the second door on the right, and closed the door behind her. "Unnie, I'm so happy. Do you know that?" Lijing was smiling so much, that Linh was sure that her smile would never come off.

"Li-Lijing, do you think Appa would be mad to know that I was suddenly brought into the family? Without his consent?" Linh asked.

Lijing's smile was slowly fading, but still there and bright. "Aniyo! Appa would be so very happy to have you join our family." 

The two girls spent the next few hours in Lijing's room, talking about their dad, and what he's like, what he's working as, etc.... 

Lijing suddenly heard the front door opening, and the greeting between her fathers.

"Hunnie," Luhan cooed. "Lijing and I have a surprise for you~." 

"Oh?" Sehun said, surprised. "What is it, Han?"

"Lijing-ah, come here," Luhan called Lijing. "Oh, and don't forget our lovable surprise~" 

That's when Lijing grabbed your wrist and dragged you over to the stairs, heading down. When you got to the bottom, you saw Luhan and another man, arms wrapped around each other, staring at you and Lijing. On instinct, you bowed ninety degrees and introduced yourself to the unknown man. "Annyeonghaseyo, Linh-imnida," you said.

"Here's our surprise!" Luhan told Sehun. "We have another daughter now, and Lijing finally has the big sister she's always wanted."

Sehun whispered into Luhan's ear, inaudible to the girls, "Luhan, may I speak with you in the kitchen?" 

"Er.. Okay," Luhan answered, and uneasily followed Sehun into the kitchen. Once inside, Luhan's face immediately fell, after hearing Sehun's words.

"Are you out of your mind, Luhan?! How could you just bring this random girl in here?!" he shouted at Luhan. "We don't know what she has done in the past! She could have killed someone, for all we know!"

"Sehun! She was abandoned by her mother!" Luhan screamed at him. "I found her walking around the streets with just a suitcase, and a backpack!" 

"So?!" Sehun screamed back. "That does not mean that she didn't do anything against the law in the past!"

"But you don't know if she did!" Luhan kept screaming.

Hearing all of the ruckus in the kitchen, Lijing began leading Linh back upstairs into her room. Once Linh reached the bed, she started crying immediately. "I knew it! I knew he wouldn't like me!" she kept screaming over and over again. 

"Unnie! That's not true!" Lijing continuously comforted her. 

"Aniyo. It's completely true," Linh told her. She suddenly got up and excused herself to the bathroom. Once she left the room, and closed the door shut, she tip-toed down the stairs quietly, grabbing her suitcase and backpack, leaving out the door, silently shutting the door, and walking to where ever it was that her feet began leading her to. 

Back in the room, Lijing was wondering where Linh was, so she headed to the bathroon, only to find it empty. Panic taking over her, she ran downstairs and looked around, ending up in the kitchen without finding her. "Umma!" Lijing cried. "Linh Unnie left!"

"Bwoh?!" Luhan shouted, and ran to the living room, finding out that her backpack and suitcase were no longer where they were placed when she moved in. 

Sehun suddenly ran out of the house in search of Linh.

Meanwhile Linh was walking around the streets, without a single clue as to where she was headed. Her feet lead her to a dark alley near old buildings, not too far from the house she had just left, and she was really scared.

Out of nowhere, she felt a hand grab her wrist harshly, and spun her around. She was met with a drunk man in his late 40's, with bad breath and was very dirty. "Hello there, young lady. Wanna have some fun?" He gave her a crooked smile, showing his yellow teeth. She shook her head furiously. The man tightened his grip on her wrist, and she winced in pain. "Well, too bad. We're going to have some fun anyway, whether you like it or not." He suddenly pushed her against the building wall in the alley, and grabbed her face harshly, making her face him. 

Sehun, on the other hand, was searching everywhere, high and low, but not spotting Linh anywhere. He heard a scream somewhere in the distance, and immediately ran in that direction. He found himself near old, broken down buildings, and he heard the screaming again.  He finally found her in the alley, trapped between the wall and the drunk man. Seeing Linh in this vulnerable state made him realize that she was not a bad person, but a hurt one, and that made him feel really guilty for what he had said earlier in the kitchen. He knew what he wanted, and what he was going to say.

"Yah! Let go of my daughter!" He shouted to the drunken man, grabbing his collar, pulling him off of her, and giving him a great big punch to the face. The man fell down on the sidewalk unconscious, and Sehun walked right past him straight towards Linh, enveloping her in a great big hug. "Linh, are you okay?" he asked with concern written all over his face. She nodded slowly, trying to process what had happened as of now.

Once she grasped the situation, she began crying into his chest. "Appa! I-I'm really scared now!" She kept crying harder and harder. He shushed her, trying to calm her down. She finally did, and she fell asleep, too tired from so much crying. 

Sehun picked her up, grabbed her suitcase, and began walking home. When he walked through the door, he was met with a worried Luhan Umma and Lijing, both crying from worrying so much.

"THANK GOD, YOU BOTH ARE OKAY!" Luhan cried out. Sehun shushed him, and motioned to the sleeping Linh on his shoulder. She stirred awake anyways, and found herself at home. She got down from Sehun's shoulder, and was immediately pulled into a bear hug from Luhan and Lijing. 

"Unnie! I was so worried about you," Lijing cried into Linh's shoulder. 

They soon released you, and you turned to Sehun. "Appa, gomawo," you said to him.

"Linh-ah, there's no need to thank me. You're my daughter. Of course, I'd be more than willing to do this for you," he said, wrapping his big strong arms around Linh's small body, soon joined in by Luhan and Lijing. 

"We are all going to be in one, big, happy family from now on, right?" Luhan Umma asked. 

"Neh, Umma," you replied, "This is our own happy family. Gomawo," you said with your biggest smile. 


Wow.... I have no freaking idea what I just wrote....

That whole part with the drunk man wasn't even supposed to be in there... Not even the part where Sehun got angry was supposed to be there... 

Anyways, what did you guys think of my very first one-shot? 

Tell me what you guys think, please~♡

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Chapter 1: this is good :)