Final Tears

Wedding Dress ♬ ♥ [ One-Shot ]


[ Minho’s POV ]


2 months later…

With a strong, angry hand, I slammed and turned off the blatant alarm clock. 7:00 AM. Why did I set my alarm clock? Why? Why had I been so stupid?

Today was the day of Yoona and Key’s wedding. I had promised myself I wouldn’t go. But yesterday, for some reason, I set my alarm clock for me to get ready this morning. Why did I suddenly get the impulse to torture myself?

I got up slowly, trying to keep out the feelings of emptiness. Trying to keep myself from wondering, doubting, hoping. I looked to my nightstand, and only then did I realize that a picture of Yoona and I was sitting there. I wanted to take it in my hands and rip it. I wanted to tear it up completely. But I couldn’t. Even after two months of not talking to her at all and ignoring every phone call from Key, I’m still not over her. She’s still my entire life. I had no courage to tear the picture of her.

I hadn’t cried since the day she told me. But I hadn’t smiled either. I had no sadness. I had no happiness. I felt completely empty. That girl drained all my emotions and I can no longer feel anymore. And for that, I felt like a fool. Even with the meaningless she brought into my life, I love her.  I wanted to see her, even though it hurts. Even if she would be in the arms of another man.

I wanted to go to the wedding.

I knew it was idiotic, but I wanted to. I knew it would probably be the last time I’d ever see her. And the last time I’d ever speak to Key. I just wanted to give my last farewells to them before I began moving on with my life.

And with that, I got ready for the wedding.

It was absolutely beautiful. The wedding chapel was bright and almost soothing in a way. The sunlight shined through the windows and the flowers around the long room were lively and colorful. People happily greeted their loved ones and relatives. Some conversed with each other, laughing and nodding their heads in interest. Others waited quietly, anticipating the arrival of the bride.

The moment I took my seat, Key called out to me from behind. I clenched my fists and pursed my lips, trying to control my impulses and lower my anger. I slowly turned around and smiled convincingly.

“Hey, Key.” I patted his shoulder. “Congratulations.”

“Well, thanks,” he said with a confused look, “You seem a lot more okay with things than I’d imagined…”

“I’m fine.” I nodded. “After all, a deal is a deal, right?”

He paused for a little, and then smiled in relief. “I honestly thought you wouldn’t come. But I’m glad you’re so fine with things.” I nodded and placed my hands behind my back.

“I was fine you were dating, wasn’t I?” I assured him.

“Well yeah… I guess so,” he said in deep thought. “But still, it’s… ah, never mind. I’m glad you’re here.” He smiled. “Well, I have to go… you know, get married.” He said jokingly. I laughed and waved goodbye to him as he walked away. Goodbye, Kim Kibum. I hope you live happily with the love of my life.

I took my seat again and soon the music began. I followed the rest of the crowd, standing up and looking towards the large chapel doors. They slowly opened, and she walked in.

Everything was exactly how I had pictured my wedding with her. Everything. Her beauty, her flower pins, her smile, everything. Except I wasn’t the one she was being married to. She saw my painful eyes staring in her direction, and her smile faded. Maybe she was as surprised to see me as I was to be there. And then, for possibly the last time for the rest of my life, she smiled at me. It was sad, sorry, and fake, but it was a smile. I couldn’t smile back, however. I was too focused on how beautiful she looked, and how lucky Key was to have her. Even though the pain was beyond unbearable, I couldn’t look away.

She was so beautiful in her wedding dress. It was mesmerizing.

A while after she finally got to Key and took his hands, the rings were brought to them. Key took Yoona’s hands and put a ring on her finger. Yoona did the same to him. With that, the priest began.

“Do you, Kim Kibum, take Im Yoona as you lawfully wedded wife, in health and in sickness, in good times and bad?”

He instantly smiled at her and said, with all his heart, “I do.”

“And do you, Im Yoona, take Kim Kibum as your lawfully wedded husband, in health and in sickness, in good times and bad?”

She paused and glanced at me. As quickly and discreetly as possible, she mouthed the words ‘I’m sorry’.  Then she looked back up to Key, smiled, and said “I do.”

Her apology meant nothing to me. If she were really sorry, she wouldn’t have agreed to this.

The priest smiled and said, “You may now kiss the bride.”

I wished so much that I could exchange the pain I felt then for a stab in the chest. That would feel alleviating compared to the heartbreak and sadness I felt when I saw Key wrap his arms around Yoona and kiss her passionately. She responded with the same amount of passion.

About half an hour later, most of the guests had left and the chapel was empty. The others stood outside, greeting the bride and groom. Yoona saw me standing alone outside the chapel doors and walked towards me.

“Thank you for coming today,” she said with her eyes down, “I was very surprised when I saw you in the crowd. But Key and I really appreciate it.”

I nodded and slightly smiled. “I didn’t want to let you down.”

She nodded and looked away nervously. “Well,” she said, pausing, and looking back up at me, “I’ll see you.”

“Bye.” I waited for her to walk away before I turned around and headed inside again.

“Wait,” she called out, looking back at me from a distance, “why are you going back into the chapel?” She asked curiously. I turned around to face her again.

“I… um… forgot something in there.” I lied.

“I see.” She waved at me and walked away.

I entered the chapel once again and appreciated the silence.  I looked around the empty chapel and sighed heavily. I looked down at the floor and paced around for a bit. I tried to forget any thoughts of Yoona, of Key, of their kiss, of their love. I slowly walked up to the small stairs, where Yoona and Key had stood, and stood still for a moment.

There was no better time. I had to do it then. I had to do what I had come for. For the first time in two months, I felt tears in my eyes and running down my face as I took it out from my pocket.

With shaking hands and quivering lips, I opened the case which held the ring. The ring I was going to propose to her with on the very day she broke my heart. The ring that had the words  ‘Yoona and Minho forever’ engraved on the inside. The ring I had spent thousands of dollars on with engraving and modifications. The ring that was the very symbol of my love for her, how much I cared her. And it was now completely worthless.

I told myself that it was time to stop being a fool. It’s time to push Yoona out of my life. It’s time to earn my happiness again.

And it was then that I took the first step.

I dropped the ring onto the cold floor and wiped my last tear off of my face. No more crying, I said to myself. No more grieving. Forget the cold-hearted girl who never cared. The ring hit the ground with a light cling noise. The smooth metal rolled forward, then fell down the steps and twirled around in one spot once it reached the bottom. And after a few moments it finally fell to its side and remained still.

That was the end. There was nothing more to do.

I walked down the steps and purposefully stepped on the ring once I reached the bottom. I slowly and quietly walked towards the doors. I stopped walking and looked back at the ring. It sat on the cold, hard ground, its diamond center glistening in the sunlight coming through the chapel windows. I let out what I promised myself would be my very last tear over Yoona, and I left the wedding chapel once and for all.

Goodbye Im Yoona, my love.

Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it! Please comment and tell me what you think (:

This was my first one-shot, so I’d really appreciate some feedback ^^


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Chapter 2: I felt like crying at the end and it is really hard to make me cry.You are such a great writer I don't think I could create a story like this
choiminholuver #3
OHMYGOSHNESS!!! aweesome!
SweetPoison #5
oh gosh. you are sooo good!!<br />
minho :( there should be a sequel! <br />
yoona should come back to minho :(<br />
hehe :D i love this!! <3
SweetPoison #7
Omo, this is soooooooo sad.:'( Don't worry Minho oppa! I'm still here!XDDDDD Update soon~