Dreams and Fantasies

Wedding Dress ♬ ♥ [ One-Shot ]


[Minho’s POV]


Today, she would be mine.

There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that the ‘happily ever after’ everyone desired would start in my life today. I was so sure, so happy, that the smile couldn’t leave my face. The smile you would show when you felt that life was perfect, a feeling that not very many people can experience. A feeling that even with all of life’s troubles and worries, life was perfect. The feeling you get when all the hopes and doubts of falling in love have finally paid off and you can love with no confusion, no obstacles. All you can do then is smile and bask in the beauty of life and happiness and love.

I could see it now. She and I, holding hands as we slowly walk. She would be looking around the crowded room and be smiling cheerfully at everyone with her beautiful, sparkling eyes, her heart and soul overflowing with pure happiness. Her adorable, short hair I’ve always loved would have pretty, delicate flower pins. Pretty and delicate, just like her. Her beautiful dress would be sparkling in the warm sunlight and would bring out her perfect body shape. Her makeup—wait, no. She wouldn’t need any. She never does.

Instead of looking around the room and smiling at everyone like she would be, I would be only looking at her. Only smiling at her. Only thinking of how beautiful she looks, how beautiful she is, and how I would be with her forever.

Today, I would make that fantasy come true.

I slowed down the car and parked. I smiled as I received her text message that said ‘I’m here. I’ll be waiting! ^^’ . I stepped out of the car and looked around for a few moments. The many trees surrounding me created a relaxing atmosphere. The bright sunlight reflected off the sparkling, blue lake water in the distance. The sky was bright, blue, and empty, nothing but the sun was seen. I studied the environment closely as I walked down the long pathway towards the lake, observing every small detail very closely. I knew I would remember this place for the rest of my life.

In the distance I saw her. I saw the beautiful girl who would be mine, turned away from me and looking out into the lake. The beautiful, adorable, lovable, unique, and happy Yoona. I called out to her and she turned around. She smiled and walked towards me. I embraced her tightly and with love, kissed the top of her head, and released her. She pursed her lips and smiled somewhat nervously, then looked down.

“I’m glad you invited me here,” she said tensely, “there’s something I have to tell you.”

“You sound serious. Is there something wrong?”

She sighed. “No, no,” she attempted to smile, “nothing’s wrong. I’m… happy, actually.”

I nodded. “Shall we go?” I said as I held out my hand to her. She smiled slightly and nodded. For some reason, she hesitated for a few moments before she took my hand.

We walked to our usual spot at the lake, through a trail of trees in the forest and to a small, hidden area with a large log that we always sat on together and looked out to the lake. As we walked, I felt that something was wrong. I felt that something was bothering her. But I decided to wait until we were alone and away from the people and the screaming children swimming in the lake.

We sat on the log together and remained silent for a few moments. I guess neither of us knew what to say. Well, we did, but we just didn’t know where to start. Whatever Yoona needed to tell me, I seemed like it was something serious.

“Yoona, if there’s something bothering you, you know you can always confide your trust in me.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it,” she said, sounding sad this time. Now I was getting worried. “But I’ll feel better once I just tell you this.”

I smiled at her. “You can tell me anything.”

She sighed and was silent for a moment. Her eyes which were usually happy and carefree were now sad and confused and frustrated. I wanted so badly to comfort her, but how can I when I don’t know what’s on her mind.

“Minho,” she said, her voice in such monotone and seriousness that it scared me, “I don’t know how to say this… but…” she stopped and sighed, looking down and basically avoiding any amount of eye contact with me.

“Minho,” she said, then she finally looked into my eyes, but was silent again. I could sense that she had a lot to say, but no way of saying it. I looked at her and patiently waited. “I’m…” she managed to force out, “I’m… I’m…”  she stuttered and looked down again.  “I can’t do this,” I heard her whisper to herself. She sighed and whispered again, “but I have to.” With a trembling voice and forceful body language she looked up at me and was able to say, “M-Minho, I’m… getting married. To Key.”

At that moment, my entire world fell apart, collapsed and broke apart into ashes and ruins. My heart stopped and my face and body froze completely. My dreams, my fantasies, everything I aspired to do in life, all those things that I felt were so close that I could reach out and touch them, were now pulled away from me in the blink of an eye and all the way back to impossible again. The person I wanted to be with was going to be living my fantasies, but with someone else. And she just pushed me out of her life forever. Never again could I hug her, kiss her, hold her hand, or even smile to her sincerely. She threw away everything we had together and gave her heart to my best friend.

But I can’t even be mad at Key. He’s been in love with her just as long as I have. We made an agreement that the other one will give her up and let her be happy with the one she loves. When they started dating two years ago, I backed off. I let them be together happily and Yoona was nothing more than a friend to me. Key trusted me completely.

Six months ago, they broke up. I didn’t know why and I didn’t ask either of them for the reasons. And that was when my romance with Yoona began. She was sad about the breakup, so she came to me. I comforted her for days. Until one day, I couldn’t control my impulsive ways, and I just leaned in and kissed her. And she kissed back. And that was the beginning of the best months of my life. We weren’t officially dating, but I loved her. Now I know that she didn’t love me, but I loved her.

And I didn’t tell Key. Now I’m regretting that so much.

He must have recently apologized to her and she forgave him and they got back together, which means that all those months that were so precious to me meant nothing to her.

She was the love of my life. I was just her way to forget Key.

I wanted to be mad. I wanted so badly to be angry with her. But I couldn’t. I just couldn’t feel any hatred towards her. I couldn’t because I loved her too much.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, “I know that we were acting like a couple for a while, but I love Key.”

I didn’t reply. I didn’t move. I stared back at her with an expressionless face.

She sighed. “You hate me, don’t you?” She asked me. But of course, I didn’t. “Please forgive me.” She got up and began to walk away. She looked back at me for a moment and said “I know this may be too much to ask, but will you come to the wedding? You’re a close friend to both Key and I, so I can’t imagine not having your there.” I didn’t reply. I was still motionless and expressionless. For a few moments she was still and we looked at each other in silence. There were no noises besides the chirping birds and the small waves caressing the lake shore. She finally said, “I’ll email you the wedding details. I hope you can make it.” She turned around and walked away in a stiff and sad manner. Soon her figure vanished and was made invisible by the surrounding forest trees. She was gone.

One tear. Then two. Then three. Soon there were too many to count. I silently sat and cried alone in that same spot. Hours passed. The sunset came. The sunset vanished. Then nothing but the moon and the stars was visible. Eventually I ran out of tears to cry and I left, carrying the unbearably heavy weight of the never-ending pain I felt in my heart.


Not done yet! The final chapter is coming soon! Please comment and give me feedback :D

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Chapter 2: I felt like crying at the end and it is really hard to make me cry.You are such a great writer I don't think I could create a story like this
choiminholuver #3
OHMYGOSHNESS!!! aweesome!
SweetPoison #5
oh gosh. you are sooo good!!<br />
minho :( there should be a sequel! <br />
yoona should come back to minho :(<br />
hehe :D i love this!! <3
SweetPoison #7
Omo, this is soooooooo sad.:'( Don't worry Minho oppa! I'm still here!XDDDDD Update soon~