Enjoy Your Apple

I am Snow White?

Apparently BTOB's sasaengs weren't able to wait until the clarification and had started to hunt me down. Like everywhere I go, I heard somebody shouting my name and asks me to die on the spot. It was a rough week last week, with the job and sasaeng's thread, I can't really say that I can live any longer. My body had reached its breaking points. I'm sure bolts and jolts will start to pop out from my body anytime soon.

I could hear Nara's voice echoing in my head, telling me to get some sleep and rest, along with Jihoon's telling me not to skip any meal. I shrug it off and got back to work with a serving of iced americano on my left and a plate of tuna puff on my right. A stylist from BTOB's crew asked me to meet her, you know, the one who's keep asking me about my dating life. I guess she's not as bad, she gave me a cup of iced americano and a plate of tuna puff.

'So,' she said, trying to get my eyes off my MacBook. 'About the rumour, does it affect your life? I mean, the sasaengs are everywhere! I'm sure they're mad at you and would be happy to see you dead.'

'I'm not taking it seriously. I won't let it to affect my life.' I scrolled my eyes to the battery indicator that says only 10% of my battery's remaining. I clicked the save button and waited for it to save as I lift my head to face the girl in front of me. 'I wonder, what's on their mind anyway? I mean idols are human too, right? They're free to date anyone they want. Imagine if you wanna date someone but you can't because gazillion, who aren't even related to your personal life, people objects you! I mean okay, it's unprofessional when we look at it from the fans' perspective, but if we look from the idol's own perspective, it seems like the job has gotten so far it even ruin the idol's own personal life.'

'Wow, you're a blabber, aren't you?'

'Nope, just shoving my bitcoin to someone.' I took the iced americano she just gave me and slurped it. 'You know, it tastes funny.'

'Maybe it's just you because you hadn't eat for long.'

'Really? Then I'll eat this tuna puff you gave me as well.' I took a bite of it. Why does tuna puff taste so good?

'Now it doesn't taste funny, right?' she asked, her eyes glimmering at me.

'Yep, I guess it's just my tastebuds going nuts.' I took another sip of my coffee. 'Hey, I thought you're a bad person before because you seemed to be obsessed with Sungjae.'

'Am I? Well, I used to be obsessed with him. But now he has you so, I guess I should be happy for him.' she smiled before my stomach started to growl, saying that I should head to the bathrom soon or else I'll make a mess nobody wants to see.

'Could you wait for a moment?' I told her and dashed right away to the loo. Thank you diarrhea, you're coming to the right place at the rigt time.

It was sarcasm.

Now what did I eat to even cause me diarrhea? Ddeokbokki? Nope, no matter how hot it is, I can handle them. Japche? I don't do well with eggs mixed with soy suce, maybe it's japche. But no, the japche I ate yesterday doesn't contain any egg. It can't be the coffee and the tuna puff, can it? I mean, come on, it's Starbucks.

I walked out from the loo with wiggly knees after trying to push the out of me. I found my former co-worker sitting alone at our table, looking out to the window. Now I made someone who's trying to be nice to me to sit there alone like a fool. Just thank you, diarrhea.

'Your laptop ran out of battery while you're dealing with your business.' She spoke as I sat down across the table. 'Oh, yeah, thank you.' I fold it and slip it in to my bag. 'Are you okay? You look unwell. You better go home and rest.' she said with that concerned look in her eyes.

'You're so kind, thank you. I'll go home now.' I smiled and stood up to leave the coffee shop. The frozen wind blew my face as I hit the road. Great, it's frozen, I'm still starving, my body hurts, and I still got loads of work to do. Even it felt hard for me just to climb up the bus I was gonna get in. And after a long, tiring trip from Seoul to the bus stop near my building, I finally managed to roll down from the bus without causing anyone any harm.

I thought diarrhea and tiredness were enough ingredients to make a bad day cake, but then I saw girls, bunch or girls, waatching the street like they're some of those watch dogs. I sighed, knowing the fact that I have to deal with those fangirls, and pretend that I have no clue about what's going on and just disperse.

It wasn't as easy as I thought. The second they caught a glimpse of me, they started to swarm around me and the next thing I know, my hair was being pulled in five different directions, my glassess flew God knows where, my face being slapped by about ten hands, and the worst part, I could do nothing to fight back because I was too tired to even blink.

I felt the utter pain when someone smacked my stomach, causing me to puke a little, and a burning sensation came up around my waist after I heard something broken. I guess they broke my bone, it hurts too much. I tried to protect my work in my laptop, in case if I died, someone's going to be able to continue the project for me.

I choked on my own puke, the pain is unbearable, I hope someone see this and call the police immediately. They beat my arms, my legs, kicking on my knees, I could even see subtle bruises started to appear on my pale skin. I tried to pull my hand and fight them back, but it's no use, it's zero chance that I could fight them back.

'Stop this!' I heard Oppa's voice roaring outside this wall of girls. And I saw his figure splitting the crowd, just like what Moses did to the sea. I saw Peniel trailing behind him and rushing towards me the second he saw my almost dead body laying on the cold ground. He scoop me inside his arms while Oppa was trying his best to block those girls' claws to wound me even further.

'Aaah..Careful there, P. I think they just broke my bones.' I moaned in pain while sinking my face inside his chest. We got in to the building safely and were waiting for the lift to come. It was new to me but for the first time in the past 10 years, I cried because of the physical pain they just gave me. Peniel's shirt was drenched in tears when he realised that I just cried on his chest.

I heard him calling my brother and felt a pair of gentle hands embracing me a second later. Oppa took me and carry me in bridal style before the lift dings and gulped us. I cried and cried inside Oppa's comforting embrace, and felt my head's being by Peniel. Why am I being such a pushover? I used to be as steady as a cliff. I hate myself for being weak. I hate Lee Marsha.

"You sit here. We're going to take you to the hospital after the coast's clear." Oppa put me on the sofa. Cotton was starting to jump on the sofa and about to sit on my tummy as usual, but Oppa shooed her right away. Poor baby.

Peniel gave me a glass of water before I demand him to get me my MacBook charger in my room. I need to get back to work even though it's hard to even move an inch.

Peniel helped me with the MacBook and pressed the power button. The familiar 'ding' sound greeted me, but instead of seeing my desktop, a program called 'Poisoned Apple' started to run immediately. I shrieked in panic while Peniel abruptly clicking any visible things on my MacBook to close it. But it was useless. The program cannot be terminated.

After a long, terrifying session of god knows what, the screen turned back on with big purple letters that says "Enjoy your apple, 'Snow White-noona'. DIE YOU LEE MARSHA."

'No.' I whined, shoving the pain away and slid down on the floor to check on my MacBook. I hovered to every folder possible but was able to find none of my working file in it. All of my sweat and tears, the sleepless night I had just to finish the project, it's all useless. The file's gone.
I screamed like a banshee and had caused the two men inside the room to turn their head immediately at me. I wasn't sure how I looked that time, but I probably looked like the ghost from Ju-On. 'Marsha! Get yourself together! Hyung!' Peniel held my shivering body and kept asking me to get myself together.

I felt the pain burns twice as much as it used to be, I started to cry hysterically, causing my head to swing back and forth, made me feel dizzy at the same time. I felt the pain as too much for me to handle. The broken bones, stomach ache, the dizziness, and the pain that struck my heart because of my deleted work.

And the next second, everything's black.



Brace yourself, the end is near :p

And also, if you're interested, I'll be posting on a new story soon featuring B1A4.

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seirakwang #1
Chapter 24: aww too sweet❤
Nice story ^^
Chocomenta18 #3
Chapter 15: love the update, can't wait for more xD
mauge92 #4
Chapter 5: Poor donsaeng is going crazy, i loved the chapter *-*
mauge92 #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for updating *-*
mauge92 #6
Seems interesting, keep writing girl xD