Their Comeback

I am Snow White?


Those four letters echoed in my ears as I dragged my dongsaeng towards a door that led us to the hall where the Show Champion stage is located. It's BTOB's comeback today, and we're all really excited. Even Jeyeon insisted to take her with me just to watch his boyfriend's performance. Ilhoon decided to tell the crew about her and asked the Manager-nims to allow me to take her, which of course they did, but in one condition, nobody outside the crew should know about him and Jeyeon. Just like me and Sungjae.

Anyway, the Manager-nims decided to tell the crew outside BTOB about the fact that I actually dating Sungjae instead of Peniel to make them more feel relaxed while at the waiting room with no need to fake anything. But we still keep it down from the fans.

'Unnie, this is daebak!' she yelled through the cacophonic sound of the fangirls as I pushed the door open. She had never been to a music show before because Oppa won't let her, and this is her first show ever. You got a VIP -not really, it's just the side part of the venue that only crews are allowed to enter- place for your first music show. 'I'm getting used to this, actually. So I think it's not as daebak as you think it is' I sipped on a can of cider and laid myself on a wall to watch the performance. The stage was only decorated with seven standing mics and the stage crews are still preparing for them.

'Such a killjoy you are' she said in English and took the can away from me. 'I'll take that as a compliment, sissy' I said back in English. The crews had left the stage and the lights had , the performance's going to start anytime soon. 'Yah, yah, I guess this is the time' I poked at Jeyeon's waist. Soon I saw the guys stepped into the stage and the roar of the fangirls blasts into my ears. Including Jeyeon's.

'Aish, these girls, really' I said in annoyance before fixing my eyes towards my lover up there. They all looked neat in just white shirt, black trousers, and fancy shoes. But in my eyes Sungjae's the most good looking of them all, followed by Ilhoon and Changsub-oppa, who looked neat and manly. Peniel, in my opinion, looked like an idiot because his shirt was oversized and he pulled his trousers up to his waist.

I guess Sungjae got a glimpse of me before he really fixed his eyes on me and shyly waved, followed by Ilhoon who was blowing a kiss towards Jeyeon. Young love.

The music started to blast and the girls cheered as they started to perform. I could see Ilhoon and Sungjae were glowing during the performance, especially Ilhoon, who's always look arrogant but in this performance he looked as sweet as a lollipop. Maybe that's because Jeyeon's there. And Sungjae got this extremely shy, dorkish attitude after seeing me standing in the crown with Jeyeon. What in the world had struck these boys?

Jeyeon was stunned all the time seeing Ilhoon and I have to poke her on the stomach with my elbows to bring her back on earth and tell her that I have to get back to the green room to pamper the boys' makeup for the next performance.

'You were soooooooooo cute!' Jeyeon leap into Ilhoon's arms the second he stepped inside the greenroom. I had to scold her not to ruin the makeup I had done to Ilhoon's face with her kiss or whatsoever. Sungjae stepped inside and made his way towards me, just to pinch my cheeks. 'Am I cool? Am I cool?' he cheered while swinging my face from side to side. The couple bracelet we bought a while ago lingered on his wirst and made a little disco ball effects towards my eyes. 'You are cute, not cool!' I pinched his cheeks and swing it like he did mine. The reflecting light from our couple bracelet flashed here and there so the guys noticed the matching thing on our wirsts and started to make fun of our cheesiness from buying matching bracelet as our couple item.

'Go change your clothes, child. And come back to me when you're done so I could retouch your makeup' I patted on my cheeks as he left to the changing room and felt several taps on my shoulders. The makeup artist whom I recalled has a crush on Sungjae was standing behind me. 'So the truth is you're dating Sungjae instead of Peniel?'

'Yes, I am'

'Aish, how could you juggle between two boys like that?'

'It's not that I'm juggling between them, it's just that the evidence points at me and Peniel so we made believe that me and Peniel are dating instead of me and Sungjae. Peniel's a close friend of mine.'

'Noonaa!' Ilhoon's voice broke the short and awkward conversation the makeup artist attempted to hold. 'Noona, I'm ready for the makeup' he said before sealthly dragged my ear to the level of his lips and whispered 'Just be careful. That Noonim has her eyes fixed on Sungjae but he gave no response'

Ah, so she wants to rumble, eh?

'Thanks for the information, Hoon-ah' I patted on his head as if he's a puppy. I noticed something's totally riddiculous with his outfit. Stockings and shorts with somewhat looks like gothic Hawaiian holiday shirt and leather jacket, really guys? Who in the world designed this? 'By the way, your costume's quite...I mean, stockings, really?' I looked around to seek for my dongsaeng who, at that time, was trying to impress Minhyuk-oppa. 'Jeyeon-ah' I called her and signaled that she should come here for a while.

'What do you think of this, Jeyeon-ah?' I pointed at her boyfriend, gave her a cue to scan his outfit from head to toe. She snorted, that answers my question. 'See? Even your own girlfriend thinks that this outfit's hideous' I started to draw the subtle line on the edge of his eyes.
And when I thought their outfit couldn't get more riddiculous, Sungjae's there, looking like a lonely man begging for love by showing his chest in a long coat. And the choker that lingered on his neck made it worse.

'If this is today's fashion, I'm out' I had finished with Ilhoon's eyes and brushed a little amount of powder on his face before telling Sungjae that it's his turn to get touched up. Just when I was going to draw the line on his eyes, Sungjae pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead lightly. I hate it when he practise a public stunt like this, but I love it at the same time. Just hope someone didn't take a picture in it and posted it on the internet.

Or maybe somebody did?



Hey, so sorry for the late update because I was busy and will still be busy with my education for the next 3 months. I can't promise you an update every week or every two weeks, updates every 3 weeks' the best I can do for now. Really sorry for this. Drop me a comment if you can :D

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seirakwang #1
Chapter 24: aww too sweet❤
Nice story ^^
Chocomenta18 #3
Chapter 15: love the update, can't wait for more xD
mauge92 #4
Chapter 5: Poor donsaeng is going crazy, i loved the chapter *-*
mauge92 #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for updating *-*
mauge92 #6
Seems interesting, keep writing girl xD