You scratch my face!

I am Snow White?

Ah, the month of June's over. And so does BTOB's schedule to promote '2nd Confession' which led us to a conclusion that I, Lee Marsha, once again, got nothing to do besides cooking, doing my REAL job as an illustrator --which got ZERO order at the period of time-- and playing online games. I made another character yesterday named after Sungjae's, and already reached level 30 of 50. Tell me how nerdy I am.

It's July already. And even though BTOB got schedules to sing at some campus festivals, it's not as hectic as it would be during the promotion. I mean, a show everyday during the promotion and a show every two weeks during the summer is a big contrast.

Oh, and talking about shows, those sasaengs are getting more and more angry whenever they spot me and Peniel together holding hands, which we frequently do almost on every show. Sungjae, on the other hand, started to feel bothered by the lovey dovey act we're doing. He started to rant about how jealous he is, or how he feel like he's being stabbed on the chest while seeing me together with Peniel. But then again, I threw him the same question Peniel threw me before 'Do we have any other choice?'

Now I'm walking through the path that leads me to BTOB's house as the sun beams its ultraviolet waves towards me. I decided to pay Sungjae a visit to soothe his jealous heart from two days before yesterday's show. I tried to walk carefully and not letting my hands to make an extreme swing to prevent the Japanese layer cake I'm carrying from being severely destroyed. I was about to reach the building when I spotted two not-so-tall male figures I recognise as Minhyuk-oppa and Eunkwang-oppa, were about to get in their van.

'Oppa' I yelled, made their head spun towards my direction 'Eunkwang-oppa! Minhyuk-oppa! Annyeong'. I ran --possibly looks like a kid from the playground-- towards them. Made them slap a smile on their precious faces while seeing me running. 'Marsha-ya, what's up?' Minhyuk-oppa chirped. 'Nothing. I just got home from Jihoon's and decided to drop by to your house. I brought you a layer cake' I raised the box in my hand. 'So you're not busy? Nothing urgent?' Eunkwang-oppa asked. I could see he's planning something with Minhyuk-oppa.

'Nope, not at all' I grinned. The two of them shared a suspicious look before Minhyuk-oppa stood behind me and said 'Marsha-ya, mianhae'. 'Eh? What are you sorry f-..whoa!' Minhyuk-oppa took me from behind and lift me inside his arms while Eunkwang-oppa slid the van's door, revealing the empty passenger seats. Minhyuk-oppa threw me to the passenger seat and quickly shut the door.

'You're a quiet captive. Any kidnapper would be happy to take you as a hostage' Minhyuk-oppa said after he sat on the front seat. 'Oppa, it's because I know you're my kidnapper. If someone unknown kidnap me, I would already kick his balls before he had a chance to tie me up' I slid down from my seat 'So, what do you guys want? Ripping a billion Won from my brother? Selling my kidneys on the internet?'

'Not that far, but thanks for the good idea. We'll try that next time' he made a smiley face that reminds me of Theodore from that chipmunk trio or whatever. 'Marsha-ya, we're gonna take you to the grocery because you're female. And because Sungjae's not feeling well and we decided to make something for him' Eunkwang-oppa turned the engine on and started to drive. 'Oh, he's ill. Is it really that bad to the state where he's hallucinating about stuffs?' I tilt my head 'I know it sounds bad, but it's quite entertaining to see him hallucinating about a bunny that can time travel to the past. Like Donnie Darko. Without me being killed, or him being killed by an airplane turbine, of course'.

The two of them shook their head and laughed at my statement. They said that I should be more considerate to my boyfriend but I countered that a relationship must have a perfect balance bertween the male and the female. Or whatever gender that is as long as it involves the two parties. Or as many party as you want, whatever.

We landed on the parking lot at the basement and soon after Eunkwang-oppa had successfully park the car, the two of them dragged me down and squeezed me between their muscles. They said that Sungjae caught a cold because he's running in the rain yesterday and forgot to dry his hair before going to sleep. He's quite reckless when he's extremely drowsy. So I guess what we need to do is to soothe him with a nice bowl of soup or another warm dishes.

'Oppa! Don't take that small pack. It's better for you to take the other one. It's much cheaper when you do the math' I pulled the tip of Minhyuk-oppa's cardigan while leaning towards the trolley. 'Yah, shopping with a female's really different than shopping with our managers. I wonder if my mother do this too' Eunkwang-oppa tapped on his chin. 'Yah, Oppa! No time to wonder about that. Hurry get a small chicken for the juk'.

'Ara, ara. Yah, Marsha, if you keep ordering us around like that, you have to cook for both of us. Our stomach's getting hungry for fulfilling your orders' he put the plastic wrapped chicken at the top of our food mountain. 'Okay I will, because I love Oppa' I pushed the trolley forward towards the cashier. 'Which oppa? Is it Eunkwang-oppa?' he did an aegyo that makes every joints of my body curled up. 'Aniya, Minhyuk-oppa. Because Minhyuk-oppa teach me how to do aegyo'.

'Minhyuk-oppa, jang!~' I made a really cute thumbs up face I could ever make. 'Eii, you're so cute, Marsha-ya. I taught you well' he made a smiley chipmunk face once again while lifting our grocery one by one to the desk. 'Actually, that's the first and the last time. I only do that because I was teasing Eunkwang-oppa' I  poked on his tummy 'You know I love you both equally, right? Only your special member get the special amount of love'.

Eunkwang-oppa patted on my head and continued to lift the groceries. After we paid and packed the stuff in a cardboard box --you know, to save the environment and stuff-- we dashed straight to our car and Eunkwang-oppa drove us home. Well, drove us to their dorm, actually. There's nobody at the dorm except Peniel and Sungjae. Their managers were out, and the rest were busy with the making of their new album.

The Oppas snuck me in, tried so hard to not to be spotted by Sungjae, who was laying on his bed, refusing to eat anything. I started to fill a pot with water to make dakjuk for Sungjae and another pot to make some portions of jjampong for the boys. Minhyuk-oppa, Eunkwang-oppa, and Peniel also helped me with the jjampong because they said Sungjae's juk should be made with love and sincerity from me. Blergh.

'Sungjae-ya, you have to eat something! It's either juk or jjampong' Peniel yelled at the edge of the door. 'I don't want to!' he yelled back from the top of the bunk bed. 'Told ya. Force him or something, Lee Marsha' Peniel shook my shoulders. 'Just wait a sec, it's not done yet' yep, the rice's still hard enough for someone with a fever like Sungjae. 'The jjampong's ready!' Eunkwang-oppa cheered 'Marsha-ya, you want some?'
'No thanks, Oppa. I guess I'll go home after he eat something' yep, yep, the juk is ready! 'Yah, I feel bad I made you cook for us. At least eat a small bowl' he begged. 'It's okay Oppa. Think of it as a payment for ordering you around earlier' I put a bowl full of the juk on a platter to give to Sungjae 'I'll deliver this to him. I'm gonna kick his balls if he refused to eat even a spoon'.

I walked inside the bedroom and found him laying on his bunk bed with his face buried in a pillow. I stood on my tiptoe, put the platter next to him, and knocked on the board to wake him up. 'Yah, I told you I don't wanna eat anything, Hyung' he said beneath the pillow. 'Who's your 'Hyung'? Yah, I made this for you and you don't wanna eat it? How rude' I said with a rude tune, pretending to be mad at him.

He flipped himself and threw the pillow away to Ilhoon's bed. He seemed to be shocked to see me in his room. 'Yah, you still refused to eat it?' I barked 'You're ill, you need at least something to eat so you could hit the studio and make some kickass albums'. 'Snow White' he murmured. 'Eat it, Sungjae-ya! Ah, really this kid'.

'Aren't you going to feed me, Boong-boongie?' he asked cutely 'I'm so sick I can't even eat'. I laughed softly to his statement. 'Come on, don't worry about knocking your head on the ceiling. You're small, you won't even reach it' he teased. 'Ara, Sungjae-ya' I climbed on the stairs and sat in front of him 'Are you really that sick? Gimme your head'.

He leaned forward, letting me to check on his heat. But instead of sticking my palm on it, I decided to give him a brief peck on his head. I'm sure I caught him by surprise because his eyes expanded wide as the moon before playfully collapsing on his bed. 'Yah, there's no need to react like that' I took a spoonful of the juk 'Open wide'.

I fed him a spoonful of the juk. He was a bit hesitant at first because he said that his throat hurts when he swallows. But then, after a few spoons and kisses on the head, he finally ate the juk normally without ranting about how hurt his throat is.

'Today, I show my aegyo to Minhyuk-oppa while we're shopping' I put the empty bowl on the platter next to me. 'Really?' his hand brushed the part of my hair near my ears and rest it there. 'Yep, I was teasing Eunkwang-oppa by saying that Minhyuk-oppa is my favourite and did an aegyo while saying his name' ooh, the tip of Sungjae's blanket suddenly become interesting. 'Ah, can you do that again? I really wanna see it. But instead of saying his name, you can say my name'.

'Sungjae-ya, jang!~' I did the same thing I did to Minhyuk-oppa and got a really tight hug as a reply. 'Aaaaaah, you're so cute, Boong-boongie! Sometimes I forgot that you're older than me' he tilt my body from left to right. 'Yah, it's just two years, no big deal' I played with his sweaty hair 'You feel better now?'

He nodded happily. 'Good, now I'm gonna go home' I scoot to climb down but Sungjae was already holding my wrist 'Sungjae-ya'. 'Yah, I still miss you' he made a sad puppy face. 'Jae-ya, maybe someday you got to see my face everyday to the rate when you're fed up with it' I kissed him on his nose 'But for now, just let me go, okay?'

'I don't want to' he wrapped me inside his arms so I won't go anywhere. 'Yah, don't be childish, Sungjae-ya' I patted on his tummy
Oooh perfectly toned tummy. Me likey!

'Hhh, I want a girlfriend too' we heard a voice behind us. It was Eunkwang-oppa leaning on the door to the boys' room. 'Yah, Oppa! If you're that desperate, I'll hook you up with my cousin. She's around Hyunsik-oppa's age' I struggled to escape Sungjae's suffocating hug. 'Maybe later. I still have the members to take care of' he grinned. How cute.

"Jae-ya, lemme go, pweeeease~' I did another aaegyo Minhyuk-oppa taught me and he finally set me fee. 'Thank you for your kindness, sir. Now off to bed. I gotta go' I gave him another peck on his forehead before sliding down the bunk bed with a platter on my hand and dashed to the front door after throwing the dishes to Peniel.

It was quite humid when I walked out the building. The road was decorated with puddles since the rain had just stop falling. I walked across the alley next to their building when someone suddenly pushed me down. Then I realised there were 5 figures around me. I was under siege
I looked them in the dim light of those streetlights and saw a silhouette of their eyes, glimmering down at me with anger. Sasaengs, I thought to myself. They are dangerous, I am aware of that. But they don't really know who they're dealing with.

'Yah, what were you guys thinking? I have to wash my jeans because you spilled some puddles on it' I tried to sound relax. 'Break up with Peniel-oppa. NOW' she roared. 'Or what? What would you guys do?' I provoke.

A hand grabbed my hair and pulled it as if she's trying to pull out a carrot from the ground. 'Is that all you got?' I smirked. A hand belongs to a girl who stood in front of me scratched my cheek with her claws, leaving a mark that looks like if I'd been attacked by that guy from Street Fighter. I sneered upon her face and said ''.

I knocked the girl behind me who was pulling on my hair to the ground with one hand and instantly pushed the girl in front of me against the wall with my forearms holding down her neck. 'You want a piece of me, huh?' I carved my ultimate devilish grin on my face
I could see from the tip of my eyes that two of them were coming from my left and right side. So I stretched my legs and kicked each of them on their stomach and finished it off with a punch towards the last member who tried to attack me from behind. The four of them were laying on the ground with fear of the fact that they'd be badly injured if they go further.

'Listen, miss lady, Peniel could date anyone his heart desires. And nobody has any right to stop him doing that. Not even bimbos like you' I took my backpack from the ground and swept away some dusts from my clothes before turning around to the leader and barked 'Now off you go. Go on, carry on with your stalking '. They looked at me with dagger eyes but I shook it off and left the five of them scattering in the puddle.

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seirakwang #1
Chapter 24: aww too sweet❤
Nice story ^^
Chocomenta18 #3
Chapter 15: love the update, can't wait for more xD
mauge92 #4
Chapter 5: Poor donsaeng is going crazy, i loved the chapter *-*
mauge92 #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for updating *-*
mauge92 #6
Seems interesting, keep writing girl xD