die you Lee Marsha!

I am Snow White?

'Marsha-ya, pass me that brush, please!' Jihye-unnie yelled at me just before I threw her the brush in my hand. I'm trapped in this hectic green room of BTOB at the countdown programme. Yes, I'm working over here with Jihye-unnie now. I thought I'm gonna start working this summer but unfortunately, their makeup artist took the pregnancy leave earlier. And it results on me having to do this makeup thing earlier than expected.

 'Hold still, Oppa' I said while brushing the gel eyeliner onto the slit of Eunkwang-oppa's eyes. 'Yah, Marsha-ya, you're pretty good in this' he's checking on his eyes after I'd finished the makeup. 'Well, almost every girl can do that' I dabbed on some mineral powder before asking him to close his eyes. 'Then why don't you wear makeup?' he closed one of his eyes, making a ;) face while I fixed his uneven areas. 'I do wear makeup, I'm wearing it right now. But I tend to keep it light. Except for some special occasions' I on his cheek with my pinky finger.

'Like a date with 'the trout'?' he shot me one of his mischievous glare while talking about 'the trout'. The trout is our code when referring to Sungjae at the public places. Come on, who knows what those sasaengs are capable of. Maybe they're sneaking a bugging device somewehre near us right now.

'Yah, of course not' I yelled, almost made every head in the room turned at me. 'J-joesonghabnida' I bowed towards everybody and threw my deadly glare towards the smiling Seo Eunkwang. 'Ah, eottoke, I'm so embarassed' I buried my pinkish face in my hands. 'Ah, you're so cute, Marsha-ya. No wonder he's crazy for you. I'm gonna go now, okay?' he patted on my head and walked away towards Manager-nim.

I was about to collect my stuffs that scattered on the boudoir when somebody's hugging me from behind. And from his big arms, I knew it wasn't Sungjae.

'Hey girl' he cheered on my ears. 'Peniel, what are you doing? Sungjae might see this. I don't wanna make him feel bad because of this stunt' I whispered while managed to look like a shy girlfriend. 'Sungjae asked me to do this. He's not around so I guess it's okay' he said and took his beloved iPhone out of his trousers 'Let's take a pic together! Gimme your cutest face'. 'I can't do cute things, you know that' I whined while still struggling to escape his arms.

'Just puff your cheek, it looks cute' he said 'Or, you could just show your screaming t-rex face to everyone. They'd still found it cute'. 'Alright' I nodded and made my screaming tyranosaur face towards the tiny black circle on the corner of his phone. A clicking sound of the camera later, he flipped his phone, revealing the picture of him eating my ear while I did the retarded t-rex pose. 'Yep, it's going to Instagram' he said while slapping some filters on the thing.

'Instagram? Are you really out of your freaking mind?' I shrieked. 'It's okay, we're couple, remember? Or at least that's what we're trying to make them believe' he giggled as his fingers tap danced on his screen 'Yep, it's out there'. I sighed and got back to my duty to collect my stuffs. Peniel stood there and helped me with my stuffs. 'Don't you think it's a bit over the top? I mean our stunts'

'Nope, it's completely normal for a 'couple' to do that. I know you must feel like a for juggling between two guys, but do we have any other chioce?'

'We don't'

'Exactly' he messed my hair up, giving the impression of a boyfriend who loves his girlfriend so much before walked away towards Eunkwang-oppa and the rest of the members to do some briefing for the show.

'Yah, Marsha-ssi, you're really dating Peniel?' I turned around to see Sungjae and Peniel's stylist looking at me in awe 'The Unnie you're working with said so and we just saw you and Peniel's lovey dovey'. 'Well, uh, yes. Yes I'm dating him. It's too obvious, isn't it?' I glanced to the tip of my shoes. 'Ah, you're so lucky, Marsha-ssi. I wish I could date Sungjae, but he's too young for me'

Oh hell no! Sungjae's mine! MINE!

'Well, actually, Sungjae already has someone in mind. He told me yesterday' yes, I'm trying to save my boyfriend from getting snatched by another 'Noona'. 'Ah, what a pity' she pouted and got consoled by the other stylist. 'Marsha-ssi, how do you deal with their sasaengs? From what I know, sasaengs are pretty scary' Peniel's stylist asked. 'They do no harm so far I guess, Unnie. Peniel's always there with me to prevent me from getting harmed by those psychotic girls' I took a glance to Peniel, who was smiling at me between his conversations with the other members.

'Noona, I'm hungry. Let's eat together' Sungjae popped behind the three of us, carrying the luchbox I had prepared for him. 'Oh, Sungjae-ya, is it lunchtime already?' I blinked at him. He's inhumanly handsome behind those layers of makeups. And I got goosebumps from realising how angelic and inhuman he could be other than being the ordinary highschooler I'm dating. Oh gosh, my ovaries!

'Come on, Noona! I wanna eat with you and tell stories about my schoolmates' he whined while shaking my hand. And it's so adorable! 'Ara, ara, Sungjae-ya. I'll grab my luchbox first, okay?' I zipped my makeup bag and was about to walk to my locker before Sungjae once again grabbed my by the wirst and raised his other hand to reveal my lunchbox under his. 'No need. I got yours' he smiled like a sunshine. And I wanna smack that sunshine on the lips like right now!

'Come on' he dragged me to a table on the corner of the room and we sat there facing each other. 'Nice acting' I whispered while opening my box. Jjajangmyeon! Yummy. 'You too' he smiled. His hand uncontrollably went towards my head but stopped right away by its owner. 'Naughty hand! No lovey dovey acting around people!' he slapped the back of his hand with his chopstick

'So, how's your first day being our make up artist? Is it hard?' he chewed on the first piece of the kimbap. 'Not so much. As a graphic designer, I've been in a way more torturing situation than this' ooooh fried chicken. 'Really? Well, it proves that you're a strong girl' he cheered. Yep, my shoes are desperate to hit his face. His cute face.

We talked and talked about nonsense that you don't wanna hear about because you'd probably get bored by reading it. And totally urged to puke by the lovey dovey sentences Sungjae's throwing at me. So, let's just skip to when I need to trail them from their greenroom to the back of the stage --well, the side of the stage-- shall we?

 'Oppa, let me powder your nose for a second' I patted on Eunkwang-oppa's sleeve and got him bending down to face me right away. 'Everything okay? The earpiece and its cable?' I said as I tapped a tiny amount of powder on his nose several times. 'Yah, Marsha-ya, everything's okay, I got this' he smiled. 'Okay-oppa, do your best' I cheered before I got pulled by the waist by Peniel's strong hands.

I was tightly wrapped by his arms with my back against his chest while Sungjae, my REAL boyfriend, just stood there in front of me and bent himself down so his face are at the same level as mine. 'You're gonna see me perform, right Boong-boongie?' he cheered. 'Uh, yes?' I raised one of my eyebrows. Which he definitely can't see since it's so dark here and it's perfectly hiding behind my bangs. 'Good' he smiled as he straighten his figure 'kiss him, Hyung'

WHAT?! Sungjae, are you mad?

'Where? On the lips?' by the sound of his voice, I knew Peniel was teasing us. 'Anywhere on her face but the lips. They're mine' Sungjae smirked and left the both of us when Peniel's lips landed on my head.

Suddenly I heard girls screaming. The sasaengs, they have seen us. I can't forget the dagger eyes they're trowing at me the moment we looked up at them. I glanced at Sungjae, whose eyes almost fell on the floor realising what just happened. And the next second, there's only one sentence echoed in my ears:

'Die you Lee Marsha!'

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seirakwang #1
Chapter 24: aww too sweet❤
Nice story ^^
Chocomenta18 #3
Chapter 15: love the update, can't wait for more xD
mauge92 #4
Chapter 5: Poor donsaeng is going crazy, i loved the chapter *-*
mauge92 #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for updating *-*
mauge92 #6
Seems interesting, keep writing girl xD