Almost is never enough

Almost. Someday. Almost is never enough
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A/N: Long bored chap I done. Fail. Don't read!!


In the room, two beautiful goddess-look ladies been eating up by silence. None of them care to utter out a single word at all, not even a 'oh...' Or 'eh...'. They just simply pretend each other is not exist. To be exact, just one of them ignored the other one. The goddess y blonde lying at her patient bed while playing with her gadget, completely pretended that another lady doesn't exist in the room at all. And the older girl that owned a flawless baby face which made all the female in the world envious on her face, has her stiffened expression on her face, while her glances locked on the lady that pretended she is one of the furniture in this ward. The ignored girl that start wondering 'What is she??' Wardrobe? Table? Couch? Or bed?? A superstar been treated as a lifeless furniture? Or more worse than that. That's funny, maybe Sone will jolt out if they know that.


Oh Stress!!


Not the silence in the room that stressed the out of them. Well, maybe for the victims that surrounded them will feel stressed out, if between these two ladies alone in one room. Fortunately, non victims here, just two of them be alone, if not... By the way, the stress that them out is the relationship that they have between them. 

Both of them have ignored each other for years already. Both of them know each other almost ten years started from the training till debuted, till today, till they managed to reach the top of the world. The best girls group in the world. They went through tons of tough period, depress moment, crazy practice moment, down, sad, tears, happiness on stage, the glory moments. All nine girls had each other by their side when they went though all of these. These made their bonds close, tough, unsepatable. Love, they love each others. Each members. Like family. Or more than that.


Taeyeon, the one like she got an ant in her pant or something, who can't even sit still on her sit, slowly let out a deep sigh which she had hold for quite a long time already, since from she been alone with her member. She can feel that she rarely can breath freely while with Jessica alone now. She felt like there has a thousands pound weight on her chest, made her rarely can breath. She know the reason why she feel like that. Yeah, she clearly know that. She feel that 'cause of the blonde ignored her. 

Anyway, she can't blame the girl at all. She just wish that the time can pass faster, or there has another person come and rescue her, so that she can runaway from here. Never once that she think before that the ignorant from the girl give her is more unbearable than the latter shout at here. That made her feel hurt more. 

Taeyeon is considering to just walk out from the room, which she used to do. She immediately wanna raise herself from the couch she sitting on. But, hold on, she can't. She silently cursed her members that blackmailed her to stay here, alone.




*Before Taeyeon stay alone with Jessica*

Outside the VVIP ward, at the hallway, two superstar from the same girls group chatting. "Taeng, stay and take care of her." The shorter member said.

"What?!" The called girl jolted up on her roomate's statement.

"Well, you're the only one doesn't has any schedule and..." Sunny tried to find some excuse for her plan, no, is 'THEIR' plan in exact.

"sigh... Sunny, FYI, i all my members schedule..."

"Stop ignoring her anymore... You should..."

"Not that I want to ignore or avoid her now a days, Sunny-ah, she is the one..." Taeyeon argued.

"That's because you had broken her so much! Work it out already, Taeng! You and I know that she been cried so much in the night these few years, just because of you! We all know that. Taeng. That's enough..."

"... ..."

"You always stood outside her room while you peek from her door, and you even wait at there until she tired on her tears and drove into slumber."

"Sunny." Taeyeon called out the girl's name just to signal the latter to stop what the latter gonna say.

"C'mon, Taeng! I can't understand you at all! You willing to stay beside her everytime she cried her heart out without letting her to know, but no guts to approach her. Oh, Taeng. Don't be coward already!!!" Sunny feel like she wanna slap Taeyeon's head as hard as she could everytime she thinking of both her beloved members who have heartbroken because of each other.

"Am NOT!" Taeyeon exclaimed in defense.

"Well, you're..." Both Taeyeon and Sunny turned their head, just met the tallest member of their group, who just appeared from don't-know-where.

"See~~" Sunny happily show her smirk to Sooyoung, she felt great that she has her company now. 2 vs 1.

"I'm not a coward!" Taeyeon argued again. Feel so helpless while she realised that she been pincer attack by both her members.

"Har! Said the girl that crept into my bedroom and sercetly kissed Sica's forehead everytime after our Ice princess cried till sleep." Sooyoung has her sly smirk on her beautiful face.

"Aow... byunTae~~" Sunny wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

"Y-Yah... How do you..." Taeyeon had lost her tongue while she feel all her blood literally rush to her face when she found out her sercet just been revealed.

"For your information, I'm not as heavy sleeper as your LOVE Sica. I just pretended I'm sleeping." Sooyoung grinned in victory.

"Cursed you!" Taeyeon exclaimed while tightened her fists. She feel so embrassing now.

"Love you!" Sooyoung said.

"Whatever! I not gonna stay and take care of her!" Taeyeon exclaimed. Not that she doesn't want to take care Jessica, but stay alone with Jessica just...

"Ya!" Both Sooyoung and Sunny exclaimed on not agree on their leader. The taller one headlocked her leader, while the shortest member pinched the poor leader side of waist.

"Hey, Jessi need rest! What on earth you guys... Oh, TaeTae, you're here?" Tiffany complained, while just come out from the VVIP ward that the Ice princess stay.

"Pany-ah..." Taeyeon whined in pain helplessly, while she can't free herself from the headlock and the violence attacks.

"How long did you here already?" Tiffany seen doesn't care bout what her leader has suffering, she just too curious on the apperance of her leader.

"Fany-ah, I caught her peeked from the door again, just now, while I back from the front desk!" Sunny said while she made herself closer to the eye-smile pink lover.

"Sighed. Why the heck did you peeked from outside again! TaeTae-ah! You can just come inside the ward!" Tiffany rubbing her temple. The news that Jessica fainted while she in her schedule already crap her out, and now, she still need to deal with her leader stupid idiot coward side.

"I just..." Taeyeon murmured.

"Just what?" Sooyoung tightened her grip.

"I just plan to make sure that she is fine. That's all I want to know. And I will leave after that." Taeyeon's statement earned heavy sighs from three of her beloved members.

"Stupid TaeTae." Tiffany sighed again, while dropped her shoulder.

"Idiot leader."

"Coward pabo."

"Yah! I still the oldest one! And I'm STILL your leader too, Choi Sooyoung! Let go of me already!"

"NO!" The trio exclaimed in chorus, made the petite leader shrunk a bit.

"How do you know is she fine or not, by just peeking over the door?!" Sunny bolt up.

"I will ask..." Taeyeon been cut off by Sooyoung.

"We won't tell you." Sooyoung smirk, while sharing a meaningful glance with Sunny and Tiffany.

"Yup." Sunny and Tiffany nodded their head while smirk evilish with Sooyoung. Deal.

"Pany-ah..." Since so called leader's dignity is not working at all. Hell, when on earth they really treat Taeyeon as leader of their group at all. 'Leader' just a noun in the group after all. Taeyeon decided to use 'soft attack' toward her best friend, aeygo. Indeed, is a good choice to use aegyo, no one can resist Taeyeon's cute aeygo.

"Hey, don't 'Pany' my mushroom already, Taeng. Not gonna work." Oh well, not that ALL the people buy Kim Taeyeon's aeygo. At least one here can resist. 

"What the..." Taeyeon crooked her eyebrows.

"My mushroom will not help you, if you want to know her condition so badly, you should just STAY." Sunny said while encircled her arm around Tiffany.

"Yeah, Sunny is right. TaeTae, just stay and take care of Jessi, she is weak now. I'm sure that deep in her heart she wish that you're the one stay beside her when she's weak. And same as you, don't deny already, all of us know that how much you want to stay. Just your stupid pride made things hard." Tiffany said while encircled her arm at Sunny's waist.

"Yeah... Time to work things out, Taeyeon-ah." Sooyoung said as she soften her grip. She feel so hurt that when she eyeing her friends suffered in love.

"TaeTae. Is not use that you just keep it too yourself and keep repeating drowning at that song and it's lyrics..."

"What song?"

"I'm yours?"

"No... Almost is never enough."

"Aiiyyyeee~~ So obvious is for Sica..."

"Shut up!" Taeyeon exclaimed while she felt her face started heat up.

"C'mon! Just sing it to her! Sure she will melt to you again! She always said she love your voice so much!"

"... ..."

“Aish! This pabo! Let's just barge into the room and tell everything to Jessi!" Tiffany hissed.


"Then, stay, take care of her, work things out, and make her yours!" Sunny said.

"Are you all blackmail your leader now?"


The trio just smile smugly to the oldest girl.


So obvious, Taeyeon-ah...


*Flashback ended*




Taeyeon sercetly crused her members now.

Wait, not that she doesn't want to be here. But just too awkward, she feel so damn awkward that stay alone with Jessica. How long already both of them doesn't stay alone? She started asking herself. Too long... That she can't even remember in exact. None once both of them has same schedule alone within these two years. They have no chance to stay like this, just two of them only, alone, these two years. Busy? Indeed, they're busy like hell, that's why the blonde ended up at here. But this is not the reason. The reason is simple. Just as simple as ABC... The only reason that both of that doesn't have chance to stay alone, is because, KIM TAEYEON.

Yeah, her. She's the reason. She had intentionally avoid all the chance that she can stay alone with Jessica, started from the moment she realised how much she love the latter, and the love with the latter will harm the whole group down, will destroy the dreams from nine different girls, and also nine different family. Same ual love can't be accepted in society. She was too young that time for think more maturely or more further. Fears is much more huge and scary in front of her compared with the puppy first love she has. She picked her dreams, the whole group members' dreams. Not that she is saint or what, she just a human, a young girl that just started her journey to reach the top of the world with her members. Love or bread. She chosen the latter.

She started to avoid the girl she love, the girl that love her too with all her might, in obvious way. She practically ignored and avoid whatever Jessica tried to to for her. When Jessica approached her, she will step backward. This hurt the latter much, she know that, everytime she saw the sadness and lonely from the latter's face and eyes, she can't help but felt someone stabbed her heart without mercy. Everytime she saw and heard the latter cried in late night, she can't help but hate herself so much. She started to close her eyes, blind herself, just numb her heart, not to think on the girl she hurt so much, not to turn her back back to look at the girl that always chasing her behind.

Day by day, without realised, they reached the top of the world. Girls' Generation, the best girls group in the world. Yes, she did it, they did it. Taeyeon slow down and turned her back and look back, the spot that there should always has a lovely girl be there for her. But, nothing, she found nothing. Jessica doesn't at there anymore. Jessica doesn't chasing behind her or do anything just to try to talk or stay with her. Jessica has her own world, she has other members to replace her already. This made her realised that, she, Kim Taeyeon, is not the only 'world' for Jessica Jung anymore. No

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Chapter 1: I really can't believe you're gone, god I cried once again reading this again, rest in peace my dearest author. Even though no one will reply me, I'll still write it tho.
licong99 #2
Chapter 2: No no no.. I care that You are comeback author nim, this is the best taengsic ever, please Make the sequel eventho just 4 or 5 chapter until sicca said yes i love you to taeyeon, oke the fact that is jessie is no longer in GG anymore but this is fic anything can happened xD
I wish you can go back to write this fic or continue fic you had written before *puppies eye*
Kamsahamnidaa *bow*
aullia22 #3
Chapter 2: This is the BEST Taengsic fanfic ever..
Please write Taengsic fanfic again..
aullia22 #4
Chapter 2: Please write more authornim..
leesonekyu #5
Chapter 2: hahaha byun Leader :D
Chapter 2: it is a nice chapter
please write more
i kinda had a glimpse at the title while i was looking at the one-shot cave request.. and i had a thought that.. hmm i kinda already read this fic... but i wasn't sure that ur the athor (hehe kinda slip outta my mind).... then i checked the author and i was like ... WTH!! stepls-dumbo wrote this ??!! that's strange i thought it was another author.. then i re-read the story .. it's not the same but the title..kinda ticks something in my mind...hmmm.. i wonder what is it??... 'Almost is never enough.' - it's written by 009ine .. hahaha but there's another one.. 'Almost is Never Enough' written by - krzr44 ... still that's not it... it's a story where taeyeon wrote something for.. uuuggghhh i can't remember it... really my head is aching for remembering it.. but i just can't!!!... uuggghhh... idk anymore... but still i'll comment the title when i found the story that ticks my mind whenever i keep seeing a glimpse at this story ^^..
rhanzz #8
Chapter 2: This is daebak!!! great story although its only 2 chapter.. All in one fun hurt love.. :))) and i so love taengsic !!! :D the ending was so hillarious :)))
Chapter 2: What if this fanfic actually happen T___T *delulu taengsic shipper*
At least make a sequel where sica finally accept taeyeon's heart again xD
EMT0304 #10
Chapter 2: I feel the hurt, the love and also the fun.
Thank you, its so lovely story