Chapter 3



mino turns to his side and sees taehyun sleeping soundlessly on his pillow. mino smiles, one that is genuine and filled with happiness. for once since win’s announcement made by sajangnim, he felt happy, truly happy. he felt like no matter what, he could survive it because now he doesn’t have to walk this path alone, now not only he has the members supporting him, he has someone to share his misery with, someone that could light up his days and someone he could give his heart to.

‘good thing you’re good looking or i’d be creeped out waking up to a smiling psycho.’ mino glares at taehyun pretending to be offended for being referred to as a psycho.

‘good morning to you too.’ taehyun smiles cheerfully and mino thought to himself that it’s too early in the morning to be basking in this kid’s beauty. he felt taehyun shifts to lay his head on his chest and wrap all his limbs around mino’s body.

‘is this real then mino-hyung?’ he heard taehyun asked in a small voice. he could feel taehyun doing that thing he always does with his mouth whenever he’s nervous or unsure. a sudden realization hit him. just like him, taehyun isn’t sure too. taehyun’s confused too. he just did what he felt right, just like he did when he decided to kiss the boy the night before.

mino pries taehyun away from him so that he could sit up and lean his back on the headboard. once settled, he pulls taehyun to sit on his lap again like yesterday night. however, unlike a couple hours ago, taehyun seems to shy away. as if he’s never done this before when yesterday he looked so comfortable and warm. he wouldn’t even make eye contact with mino now.

‘seriously? nam taehyun are you for real? look at me. yah! why are you blushing? you did this yesterday night you know. you were very comfortable too, caressing me and stuff.’ he felt taehyun drops his head on his collarbone below his chin.

‘hyung shut up. i was…i wanted to know the truth yesterday night and i just did whatever to get it out of you…plus it was dark-‘ mino laughs heartily hearing the maknae’s confession.

‘should i tell the sun to go away then? because my beautiful nam taehyun is shy?’ taehyun raises his head too quickly that he almost knocked mino’s chin.

‘you think i’m beautiful?’ now it’s his turn to tease because mino looked taken aback like he’s not supposed to say it out loud.

‘no…i mean, you know it too. if you didn’t you wouldn’t spend hours perfecting yourself…’ mino duck his head, avoiding eye contact and quietly continue, ‘though i think you’re perfectly beautiful all the time.’

taehyun doesn’t know what to say, what to feel but what he knows is that, his heart swelled up with happiness and love. mino thinks he’s beautiful…perfectly beautiful to be exact and that coming from someone who is such a hot mess with killer tan complexion makes it even more unbelievable.

‘well hyung to be fair, i think you’re perfect too. you’re lean and muscular, your killer tan is killing me especially when it’s glistened with sweat, your smile is beautiful and gosh these long and slender legs of yours…’ playfully he trailed his hand along mino’s long legs earning a sharp intake of breath from mino.

‘stop that, please.’ he begs half-heartedly. taehyun just hums in acknowledgement. they look into each other’s eyes for a couple of seconds before their lips automatically finds themselves. it is much much easier now that they are familiar with each other. the shape of their lips, the texture, the taste. everything is familiar now. everything is comfortable now.

they heard noises outside and knew that they have to stop now before it’s too late. Hesitatingly they part away, taehyun rests his forehead against mino’s and sigh in contentment. mino rubs his side assuringly and whispers, ‘this is real nam taehyun. we’ll work it out, ok?’ he felt taehyun nodded slightly before pressing their lips again as if to seal the deal.


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Milkshake94 #1
I can't believe i just read this now, almost 5 years later ;-; it's so sweet and fluffy i kept screaming hahsjsj i love this a little too much! Sobs. Thank you so much for this <333
Chapter 3: Crying bcs I just read it now.
Its so cute af, I just cant
joinmymisery #4
Chapter 3: This is so precious omg
very_ship_them #5
Chapter 3: *squeaaaaaaaaaal* *giggle* so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
RinaGonjreng #6
Chapter 3: cute and sweet
natinski #7
Chapter 3: This is so sweet. looking forward to read more of your fics.
mangachika #8
So sweet and adorable!
Chapter 3: I love it so cute