Fast Food

Fast Food Experience

 Not wanting to fall in love because of those words he said years ago. " that ," Luhan muttered as he remembered that scene clearly.


"I feel like a dead rose next to you. You're stealing all the glory, Luhan. Give. It. Back." 


Jongin did his usual smirk. "Well, God is on my side, Luhan. Once you're handsome, you can't get any more handsome, you can only get uglier. Unlike you, I'm the definition of ugly. I can be more attractive than you, soon."

"I'm not attractive. You're attractive.," Luhan said

"If you're trying to comfort me, then shut the up. You're being a ing little . Can't you tell that I'm mad as right now?" Jongin cursed, and quietly walked out the house. He never came back.


Luhan decided to never fall in love. He decided to live his whole life being single not having a lover or friend, he didn't want anyone to be hurt because of his beauty. But no. He couldn't help it, but he falls in love quickly whenever he sees someone beautiful. His description of beautiful is tall. You already won his heart if you're taller than him.

His whole future was basically ruined by Jongin. Luhan couldn't focus on school, and his grades dropped. 





"I'm Luhan, pleased to work at this fast food restaurant."

"I'm Kris, twenty-two years old. Work hard."

Luhan looked up at Kris and his heart jumped a little bit. It was a beautiful guy. His definition of beautiful. "Yeah, I will," he said as he glanced at the other dude. He was tall too, but a bit shorter than Kris. "What's your name?"

"If you have time to talk, go clean up the tables," the dude said as he scrubbed the dishes.

Kris snapped his fingers. "Hey, you're too cruel to this guy, Sehun. He's just a little kid." 

"Actually, I'm a year older than you. I'm Twenty-three."


Sehun dropped a plate and Kris dropped his jaw all the way down to the floor. He's not eleven..?

"Do you have abs?" Kris asked curiously.

"A bit."

"Can I lift up your shirt to see?"


"Are you strong?" Sehun asked.


Sehun snorted and concluded his answer. "You're eleven. You have the face of an eleven year old, but you have the body of a grown man. That's funny."

"Shut the up," Luhan cursed.

"Wow. Wow. Hold up. Why is this eleven year old swearing?"

"Stop teasing him, Sehun. He's a few years older than you, he's your hyung," Kris began to clean up the tables. "And, he's new, so show him the rules."

"Are you kidding me? Calling an eleven year old 'hyung'?"

Luhan gripped his fists. Yeah, he'll stop working here when he gets his first pay check. This will be over when he gets his money. College. If only he went to college. "Don't get angry, Luhan. Don't get angry. He's tall. Luhan, forgive him because he's tall. Tall is beautiful. Beautiful," Luhan told himself.

"Hey, kid." Sehun said. "Get to work. Stop talking to yourself because you have no friends."

Luhan glared. "What do you mean I have no friends?"

"You don't even have one friend. My inner prophet is telling me that."

"You believe in that ?" Luhan said as he sweeped the floor. "And I do have friends. I have a friend named Kim Jongin― ... No, nevermind. You're right. I have no friends."

Sehun snickered. "Of course, an ugly piece of young like you won't have any friends."




Luhan quickly rushed to the bathroom. He said it. The name Kim Jongin made him feel sick. His stomach started to rumble.


no. Not here, in a fast food restaurant. His stomach started making more noises. Even Sehun, from outside the bathroom coud hear. Sehun knocked on the bathroom door. "Ugly-Piece-of-Young-? Are you okay? I'm hearing some sounds. Some disgusting sounds coming from the bathroom."

No answer.

Sehun knocked again. "Hello?"

No answer.

"I'm coming in.."

Luhan quickly jumped up from the toilet seat and flushed. " NO!" he shouted.

. . . this . He's ed. Luhan's ed. He'll smell it, the ty rotten egg smell that is trapped in the bathroom. . Too late. "Ewwww," Sehun pinched his nose. 

Luhan clenched his stomach and walked out of the bathroom stall. "I-I know right? It smells like here." 

"No, no. I have a stuffy nose, and I can't smell anything." Sehun pointed to the sink. "Kim Jongin is on the sink."

Luhan gasped. "What the ?" 

"Just kidding, did I scare you? Do you miss your best friend Kim Jongin that much?"

"You won't understand." Luhan said as he lowered his head and clenched his stomach harder. "Can you go get me some Tums?"

Sehun paused. He wondered why Luhan needed Tums. Does his stomach hurt? Then, he remembered that he said it smells like here and he's clenching his stomach. It all started to make sense. He ran out of the bathroom, worried that the customers will go in the bathroom.

Luhan quickly swallowed the Tums along with some water. "You know," Luhan began. "Jongin was my boyfriend and best friend."

"Why are you telling me? I don't want to know your 'first love' story."

Luhan ignored Sehun's comment and continued, "But he was overshadowed by my beauty.."


Sehun died laughing. "HAHAHAHAHA! BEAUTY? You think you have beauty? Don't I always tell you that you're an ugly piece of young ?" Sehun rubbed his stomach. "Ouch, I can't stop laughing! I think I might need some Tums too."

Luhan giggled. "You're the first one to call me ugly."

"People are blind, then. You're ing ugly."

"And you're really beautiful," Luhan smiled.

"I'm average. At least I'm better looking than you."

"No, you're tall and beautiful."

"Tall equals beautiful? Never heard of that."

"No, It's just my definition of beautiful."

Sehun calculated today's money with a calculator, before he closes the shop. "It's good that you know you're ugly," he continued to click the buttons on calculator.

Maybe this guy, Sehun is the right guy. He's tall, thinks Luhan is ugly, and smart.. probably. Totally Luhan's type. Maybe he won't quit this job, even after his first pay check. Maybe working here was the right choice. Maybe he can forget about Jongin if he continues to work here. Just, maybe.

Oh my gosh... how to end this.. I dont know

Let's say it's the end and they lived happily ever after

the end

ignore the mistakes i was lazy to reread it i'm sleepy ok thank 



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balqishunny #2
Chapter 1: wow!! it is very interesting, can't you make another interesting stories,i want more,pleeeeeeeasssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD