Episode 1.3 (Jiyong)

WGriM - Rainbow Version


“Hyung, what's going on?” Seungri asked, confused. It had been a hilarious misunderstanding. Jiyong realized it had made sense from Seungri's point of view since he was totally in the dark, but Jiyong had hardly been able to contain his laughter watching those two. That poor girl, Jiyong couldn't imagine what she had been thinking while Seungri made an of himself. Simply hilarious! Jiyong could've watched Seungri embarrass himself all day, but when that scary looking guy appeared, it had been time to get him out of there.


“Yeah, so you've probably put 2 and 2 together and figured out that that wasn't the girl you were supposed to meet, right?” Jiyong spoke softly, he had no idea how he was going to break the news to him. Seungri nodded, “I don't get it, they said the person I was going to meet was already there, did they get their wires crossed? What about you, hyung? Are you in a couple as well? Where's your wife?”. “They were right, and yes, I'm staring at her right now.” Jiyong decided to just spit it out. “Huh?” Seungri turned around, looking in the direction in which Jiyong was looking. He slowly turned back to face Jiyong, his face a question mark “I don't see any girl?!”. “It's you, you pabo, YOU! Although I'm already starting to regret this.” Jiyong shook his head, faking an outrageous response. Seungri's face dropped to the ground, “Wh... what?”. He turned to the VJ and then back to Jiyong, “Is this some sort of prank show? Pretending to be We Got Married, when they are really We Got Pranked?! Getting me to fall in their trap, making a complete fool out of myself?” Seungri was starting to get annoyed. He looked like he was about to blow, his face getting redder by the minute, but then he glanced at the camera and took a deep breath, forcefully calming himself down.


Jiyong told him step by step what he knew, explaining the Rainbow Version and that they were actually supposed to be the newly weds. He left out the part where he was allowed to choose his own partner, it was information Seungri didn't need to have, it would only go to his head and give him the wrong impression. Seungri hadn't said a word during this impromptu debriefing. Jiyong really had no idea how he would react. Seungri was already pretty annoyed after all the embarrassment from earlier. Jiyong explained his reasons for participating, that the decision had perhaps been rushed but he really believed they would make a difference with this show.

He also told Seungri that he would completely understand if he wanted to back out. There might be some problems rifting the contract he had signed, since he had signed a waver saying it didn't matter who his partner was, but Jiyong told him he was prepared to help him fight it if he truly wanted out, if he was too uncomfortable, if he didn't have the courage to try and pull this off. Jiyong deliberately mentioned courage in an attempt to raise the stubbornness monster inside of Seungri, it was capable of forcing him to participate just to prove a point. Seungri was cute like that. And once he latched on to something, there was nothing that would stop him. He would put in his all, working his off to force a positive outcome, since it wasn't very often that things came naturally to him. He could be a very awkward, very annoying little brat, but in the end he wore people down with his relentless persistence, enthusiasm and kindness. Jiyong would never say it to his face, but he was glad he had him in his life.


“I'll do it on one condition.” Seungri said with a peculiar expression. Jiyong didn't know what to expect, there had been so many terrifying moments like this where Jiyong was holding his breath, hoping against hope Seungri wouldn't say something disastrous on air, something that they couldn't take back, something unfixable. Seungri was a ticking time bomb, one of these days he was really going to step in it while being all riled up, excited by all the attention and the surrealistic atmosphere of variety shows. That rascal, he probably had no idea how many almost-heart attacks he had caused Jiyong over the years.

“You be the wife.” Seungri smirked like he had never smirked before. He knew Jiyong's hands were tied and he would be forced to accept his terms. Jiyong could feel the blood rushing to his face, he did not appreciate Seungri's condition. He be the wife, really? Jiyong was the leader of their band, how could he be the wife? That was too degrading. Jiyong sent Seungri a death stare, clearly communicating to him through body language that he should back off. But it was no use. Seungri had his bratty face on, he knew Jiyong couldn't unleash his power in front of the camera and at times like this Seungri didn't care about some future scoldings, he was being carried away by the moment. Oh well, the wives were usually the ones with all the real power anyway, Jiyong thought.


“Yeobo!” Jiyong yelled in a shrill feminine voice, rushing to Seungri's side and locking arms with him. He hugged Seungri's arm tight, looking at him with exaggerated admiration painted on his face. He could see Seungri's face getting bright red right before his eyes. Mission accomplished!


Seungri was going to regret the moment he had suggested this ridiculous condition. Although if Jiyong continued like this, he wasn't sure he would come out as the winner. He was already dying of embarrassment, realizing just how many people would end up watching this, watching him acting like a total idiot. He really had to remind himself to be conscious of the camera. He was so comfortable around Seungri, it often made his armor come off at the most inconvenient of moments. He had an image to uphold. When he was with Seungri he would often totally dork out, skipping all pretenses. They had so much fun together, and Seungri didn't mind Jiyong's slightly darker side, unless he was getting scolded. Even then, Seungri only listened with one ear and was quick to bounce back to his playful self. It was impossible to be picture perfect all the time and when Jiyong needed an outlet for his frustrations, Seungri was usually his first choice.


If this show was going to be his career's Titanic, he was thankful to have Seungri by his side. Unlike the characters in the movie, he would definitely never let go.



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Lujiee #1
Chapter 32: Did you just cut your story right here?! Seriously?! You're such a big teaser! I hate you! 😂
Just kidding authornim!
I LOVE this story!
I definitely looked like a fool from start to finish because I'm smiling & felt giddy all throughout. My cheeks hurt, in case you don't know! 😁

Hope to hear from you sooner! 💕
Chapter 6: This story cute & funny, i can't stop smiling
Chapter 32: Will there be a continuation of this?
Chapter 7: Omggg they are so cute and romantic too.....
Chapter 6: Thy did so well.. Hahhaha they admired each other in different way but is it the good start exactly..
Chapter 5: This is so interesting story. Hahahaha i can't hold my laugh when see hoe enthusiasm seungri about his wife and his antic behave in airport LOLLL then he mistaken the girl.omggg poor you ri..your partner is jiyong no one else kekekekek

This is great idea totally. Never imagine rainbow wgm like this..it would be good and cute afff :DDDDDD
ValRomero #7
Chapter 32: This is so good. Hope you can finish at some pointm