
Passers-by to Lovers

Chapter 22: Confessed

Jessica’s POV

“Where are you now?” a voice sounded so cold and so distant, a voice that doesn’t sound like Jinki Oppa.

“I’m at my dorm now.” I replied, my heart starts to tremble as if I knew what exactly is going to happen next.

“I want to see you now. Meet me outside your dorm in 20 minutes time.”

“Op...” he hanged up, “pa…” I finished the word to the deadline as I sat down on my bed; hands start to shiver, in fear…



“Oppa!” I wrapped my hand around his; pretending to be normal as I continue, “worry about me?”

Receiving no reply, I pat lightly on my chest. “Don’t worry! I’m fine!” pretending to smile.

But soon, my smile starts to shatter as he shoves me away and ask in an impersonal tone “why did you do you that?”

“Huh?” pretending to be innocent, pretending that I know not a single thing.

“Why did you spread the rumour about Seungyeon?” again, with that imperturbable tone that I’m so unfamiliar with.

“When did I?” rubbing my hand against my pants as cold sweat starts to form on my hands.

“Drop the act. You know what I’m talking about.” He faced me, with his eyes emotionless.

“Say something. At least explain why you did that.” he placed his hand on my shoulders.

I don’t want to reply. What he want to me say? I was jealous? I didn’t like the way you looked at her?

“You knew I liked her didn’t you?” he began to clenched onto my shoulder harder.

My mouth was shut tight. I didn’t know what to reply.
He slowly let go the strength around his hands as he put them in his pockets.
Slowly he turned his back, preparing to leave.

It felt as if this moment has taken place for 3 years. It felt as if this moment is going to be the last moment between us. It felt as if this moment is going to be the end of us.

“I like you…” I said softly.

My vision gets blurry as my heart feels as if emotions are starting to leak out. I couldn’t control myself any longer. The feelings I had in for 10 years, I wanted to release it in a better way, I wanted to release it in a more romantic way, I wanted to release it in a more loving way. But, in the end, it is this most pathetic way that I had chosen to release- In the manner where I had lost all his trust, his faith for me.

“I love you oppa.” I said again, but louder.

He freezes as I rush to him and hug him from the back. “For 10 years, Jinki.” I continued with tears staining his shirt.

“Ever since the day I met you, ever since the day you give me that warm smile, ever since the day you protect me. Ever since then, I had fallen in love with you Jinki.” I whimpered as I tighten the grip around him.

“Jessica…” he tried to release the grip around him. “No oppa, I know what you want to say. But, I can’t give up oppa. If I can, I would have after you told me you had fallen in love with her.” I whimpered even more as my tears start to stain more on his shirt like a big whole patch.

“I love Seungyeon. I can’t give up on her too.” He said softly, trying not to hurt me with those words. “You are my sister, my dongseng.” He grabbed onto my hand, releasing my grip as he turned around. He looked at my sobbing face, he used his thumb tenderly wipe off the tears on mine. “I love you too, but only as a sister. In my eyes, it’s Seungyeon that all I can see.” Upon hearing that, my tears start to flow even more, I sobbed even harder as I broke down.

“Sorry. I’ve got to find Seungyeon, she’s with Key now. I can’t leave her together with him.” He explained as he walk back slowly until he spin himself around and left running as fast as he could that I couldn’t see him anymore as I sat down on the ground crying like a child who has just lost her grip to the balloon filled with helium air, crying like a spoiled kid who wanted to grab the attention of her mum as she begged her to buy that beloved toy that had just caught her attention and crying like an abandon child who just lost her mother as she desperately tries to find her way back. I grabbed my chest as I could feel my heart thumping painfully. So this is the pain of rejection. “I don’t want, I don’t want.” I wiped as hiccups start forming in between my whimpering. I don’t want this to be happening, I cannot give up, Jinki, I won’t give up.

Seungyeon’s POV

“Thanks.” I smiled as I sat down on the swing.

“Nothing much.” he swings the swing as high as he could before stopping to give me a reply.

“But, how did you even know?” I asked curiously. From what I know, he wasn’t anywhere near us at that time.

“Well, I just saw the atmosphere around the both of you going a bit weird?” he explained, “and when I was going near the both of you, I just happens to hear what she said.”

“It seems that you always know how I feel huh?” I said, smiling bitterly though I didn’t know the reason why. It just that I happen start to miss Jinki a lot recently that my mind is filled of him now.

“I guess…?” he looked up at the sky, pointing at the stars.

“I think it has become a habit of looking over you every time you are in the café.” He continued.

“Eh?” I looked at him, with my mouth half open.


“Seungyeon!” I turned around immediately, it was that familiar face, together with that big warm smile that could always catch my attention and allows me to forget almost everything.

“Jinki.” I stood up, “what happened to you?” I looked at him in concerned as I saw him panting and covered in perspiration.

“I had a hard time looking for you. Come with me.” he pulled me along, with me forgetting that Key is left behind as happiness crept across my heart.

Key’s POV

“Noona…” I looked at her, with my gaze focusing on her, but somehow, always, in this point of time, I would always get interrupted.

I know I had just let my chance slipped, and I wouldn’t even get another chance to reveal these feelings to her ever again. I guess… that’s it. I see them both running off into somewhere off the corner, without even realizing I was here. I was not meant for her. I know that, she doesn’t like me. I knew that I was too slow in realizing my own feelings, but, my heart twinge real hard this time. I had just been out of love. Well, I guess this is even worse than those who had the chance to confess isn’t it? I laugh at myself as I face the sky, looking at the stars, a way of mine to prevent my tears from flowing out.

I decided to have an update as it is christmas!
So this will be my christmas present to all of you!
HAPPYCHRISTMAS. I really hope that everyone will have a very happy christmas and please try to avoid accidents on this festive day where all your love ones gather and enjoy the lovely day.
This might be the worst christmas up to now. But well, everything will be alright. (:
&enjoy this chapter.

omgwatt LMAO. I love her too, but sometimes... Sorry I made her like this. T.T
Crystal-Clear HAHAH. Calm down, relax girl. Well, sometimes ppl will do things... Hmmm... Hope this chapter will let you pity here. (:
keyflower updated& MERRYCHRISTMAS! (:
leecarol2410 NOWAY! HAHA. Merry Christmas. (:
loveternallyou Lmao, it's good to be civilised. (: Hope you enjoy your Christmas!
glecy501 HAHAH. I alrdy expected that. It's just a matter of time. I hope she triple crown! HOHOHO.
dububu Haha. Jinki is a nice guy, he might forgive her. (:
Eileen_97 Updated. (: HAPPYCHRISTMAS!
HaM_ForeVer Thanks. (: Hope you have an awesome Christmas! Updated. ;D

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miggykcy #1
Chapter 48: I love the way Jonghyun text message to Onew....Heeeee
miggykcy #2
Chapter 47: Wow!!! You are back. OnYeon so lovely together ^^
Karakarakara #3
Chapter 45: I will always support Onyeon and I started loving them because of this story
Chapter 44: Hey, I'm a new reader to your story and I really do like it alot :) Keep up the great work!
KaiserKawaii #5
Chapter 44: AH!!!! Hurry up!
eltonljh #6
Chapter 43: Hey i have to agree that it's harder for men to forgive someone when they are hurt by others,well at least for me.But how would you know that from a female point of view :O. Anyway i found this story years ago when i searched for Seungyeon and when i clicked on views,this fanfic was(currently still)the top of the list :)
cinta88 #7
will you update?i want know what happen to my onyeon....plizz update
miggykcy #8
Chapter 43: Sorry for the late replying! Actually, i once read this story for a long time read it for two chapters, then left it behind never read it again until the pass three years, i came back with it again and saw that the chapters is more than 20 chapters already. I gave up T^T, but since I'm a BIG FAN of Kara and Shinee couples so i decide to read it again. You Know what you gave me an insomnia, I spent all night to read all the story, I'm really stuck with this story.
I will keep waiting and supporting you ^^
eltonljh #9
Chapter 37: I've never realised how epic Seungyeon coming back to her senses was :P
eltonljh #10
Chapter 42: It's sad to think that the story might end soon :(....Good luck to you :D