
Passers-by to Lovers

Jonghyun’s POV

A patch of my clothes on my chest begins to feel wet as her sobbing is getting harder and louder.
I was trying to console her until a firm grip on my shirt pulls me away and before I knew it, a harsh punch landed on the left side of my cheeks as blood slowly starts to form on my lips.

“Yah! Lee Eunhyuk!” (Sorry, I’m not using his real name here, but I will still be using his family name) Gyuri shouted as she immediately ran over to my side and look at my wound.

“This bastard…” I looked at him gritting onto his teeth as he clenched his fist, preparing to give me another punch of his.

“Slap!” instead of that hard punch that I was about to received, Gyuri landed a tight slap hard on his face as she pant loudly.

“Park Gyuri! How dare you when you are flirting with that guy?!” he yelled as he angrily took of his cap and threw it on the floor.

“Am I?” she looked away and took in a deep breath. “Then may I know what are you doing opposite the street just now?” leaving that guy speechless.

“Omo! Oppa, what happen to your face?” a girl wearing a red spaghetti top and a black mini skirt with thick make up on her face came running towards us as she hooked her arms around his.

“Is it this ?” she looked at Gyuri with flaming eyes as she rose up her hand. But before she could even lay a single finger on her, I immediately pulled Gyuri behind me and to my surprised, that guy too, tried to protect Gyuri as he grabbed onto her hand so tightly that the woman wouldn’t be able to resist that kind of strength.

“Shut up .” He gave a glaring glare to that girl before releasing that girl’s hand as she threatened before walking off in pent-up anger, “watch out, Park Gyuri.”

“Gyuri…” that man tried to speak up.

“Lets’ go.” Gyuri turned around immediately and walked off as she pulled my shirt along.

“Gyuri…” that man spoke up again but was ignored as we walked further and further. I then turn my head around, and all I saw was a lonely man standing all alone by himself, with his head down.



“Thanks.” Gyuri breaks the silence as I looked at her standing in front of her mansion.

“It’s nothing.” I said with a mixed feeling.

“Sorry about just now. Is your face alright?” she looked at me, not with concern; instead, it was with guilt.

I touched my cheeks lightly as I winced in pain upon touching my open wound.

“Come in, I would help you clean up your wound.” She said, as she pressed the caller, “open the door, it’s me.”

“It’s okay.” I said, I didn’t want to bother her.

“I insist.” She said with convincing eyes as she persists.


“Is it pain?” she asked as I looked at her gorgeous face. She indeed is a goddess. Did I already realize since the first time we met? That’s why I was so stunned at her beauty that I don’t even know what I was doing?

“Just a bit.” I continued looking at her gorgeous face as I didn’t dare to breathe. The wound on me is nothing if I could look at her at such a short distance with her helping me to apply the medicine on my face. Can I say that punch is the price for the admiration of her face like what I am doing now?

“There you go. Done.” That was fast. She packed the medical aid as I touch the plaster on my face that she helped me put on. Sometimes, god just likes to pull a prank on me. He loves to end happiness so fast and lengthen the time for pain and sorrow.

“Thanks.” I said softly as she sat down on the sofa.

“I should be the one thanking you.” She plastered on a fake smile as she looked at me.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, carefully. I didn’t want that to be the reason for her tears to appear again.

She didn’t reply, but breathe hardly through her nose as she stood up.

“Well, I guess it’s pretty late already. You should be going already.” She said politely, so politely that I wasn’t even used to such a Park Gyuri. The Park Gyuri I knew is the one who would shout and yell at me as if I’m like her worse enemy.

“Neh. Good night Gyuri.” I looked at her before turning back as I started to walk away slowly.

“Good night, Jonghyun.”

It was this sentence that made me stopped whatever I was doing as I spin around and rush to her.


This was all that rings in my ear ever since I had heard it from .

Jonghyun, Jonghyun, Jonghyun.

It was as if it is the sweetest song, the most angelic voice, the precious sound on earth that I would hear.

“This is the first time that you ever call my name.” I hugged her tightly as I closed my eyes and smell the fragrance of her hair. The smell of green tea is so refreshing, so appealing, just like her.

“Jonghyun…?” she struggled as she tried to break off the hug, “I can’t breathe.”

“Bian.” I released the hug upon hearing what she said.

“Alright, I think it’s time for me to go.” A big smile appeared on my face as I placed my hands in my pockets which are fidgeting a lot due to the embarrassing moment.

I walked off with my heart racing so fast that it almost came out of my body. Can this consider a good start? I asked myself as I could still smell that refreshing green tea smell out from her hair.

Yeah, I think so. I replied to myself silently as I walked out of the mansion; continue wearing that big wide smile.

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating for almost a week. I haven been busy editing my one-shot and making more icons and banners on photoshop.
Have you read my newest one-shot? It's on USeob! ;D Sweet Jealousy.
Just a click and it will lead you to where you can read. ;D

Anyway, I am so happy to see so many comments coming. 10! The newest record. I am so happy that I can jump over the moon. ;D
Of course, the number of subscribers have certainly increased again. Not only that, the number of views has also reached 6000. Wow. Amazed. Keep it going so we can hit it over 10k! Woo~
To all my loyal readers (silent readers too), thanks for reading. Though it's only my first fanfic, but i am truly happy that so many of you love it. (Though the story is dang boring cos it progresses to slow with those extremely short chapters) But still, I hope that i can make better ones in the future. ;D
Wow, i say until it's like the end of story.
But hey, there is still a long way to go! Keep reading, and of course not to forget, Comment&Subscribe!

loveternallyou Thank you so much for reading. Nah, I think you are a better one. I am still a newbie. >< Haha.
keyflower HIHIHI *wave hand* Haha, my love for JongRi has grown too. Hopefully there will be more chapters on them. ;D
WonderBinnie Thanks binnie! Idk how many 'thanks' have i said to you alrdy. Haha. I have made another sweeter JongRi chapter (I personally think that it's sweet. HOHOHO.) But it will be chapter 3x. Opps, another spoiler. ><
Eileen_97 Yeah, Gyuri is such a poorthing here. But well, this have to happen in order for JongRi moments to occur. HOHOHOHOHO. ;O
leecarol2410 Haix. But i think it will be a bit tough for her heart to melt so fast. But don't worry, it will be a happy ending for them eventually. ;D
HaM_ForeVer Aww. Thanks! I am recovering. ;D But not all the pox has dried up. But I am feeling so good right now, but I am sick of staying at home. ><
Crystal-Clear My father got it at the age of 40 plus. ;X Yeah, it gets more dangerous, serious and worse (more pox) when you get it older (after 12). But well, it's better to get it now than to get it when i've become an old lady. HAHH. xD
glecy501 WOO! Another hearter. ;D (That's what they call IU's fans over there.) You might be able to see me almost everywhere since i am quite active there. IU needs more love!
romeoSISI OH. Apparently not. Cos i am trying to make her into a bad person but with no identity. But i might if a certain person come across my mind. Care to suggest some to me? ;D
dububu HELLO!!! *wave hand* Another new reader! Thanks for reading all the chapters. Okay, it can be a lot though the chapters are short. I might not be able to read all if i were you. But still, thanks ;DDD

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miggykcy #1
Chapter 48: I love the way Jonghyun text message to Onew....Heeeee
miggykcy #2
Chapter 47: Wow!!! You are back. OnYeon so lovely together ^^
Karakarakara #3
Chapter 45: I will always support Onyeon and I started loving them because of this story
Chapter 44: Hey, I'm a new reader to your story and I really do like it alot :) Keep up the great work!
KaiserKawaii #5
Chapter 44: AH!!!! Hurry up!
eltonljh #6
Chapter 43: Hey i have to agree that it's harder for men to forgive someone when they are hurt by others,well at least for me.But how would you know that from a female point of view :O. Anyway i found this story years ago when i searched for Seungyeon and when i clicked on views,this fanfic was(currently still)the top of the list :)
cinta88 #7
will you update?i want know what happen to my onyeon....plizz update
miggykcy #8
Chapter 43: Sorry for the late replying! Actually, i once read this story for a long time read it for two chapters, then left it behind never read it again until the pass three years, i came back with it again and saw that the chapters is more than 20 chapters already. I gave up T^T, but since I'm a BIG FAN of Kara and Shinee couples so i decide to read it again. You Know what you gave me an insomnia, I spent all night to read all the story, I'm really stuck with this story.
I will keep waiting and supporting you ^^
eltonljh #9
Chapter 37: I've never realised how epic Seungyeon coming back to her senses was :P
eltonljh #10
Chapter 42: It's sad to think that the story might end soon :(....Good luck to you :D