Torpe. {oneshot.}


torpe. {oneshot.}

 Sunggyu Scenario — torpe - (adj.) ; the quality of, usually a young man, being too shy to pursue amorous desires to someone adored.

Sunggyu rarely ever spoke to you.

The first time the two of you had even a hint of a conversation, was two months ago when you thanked him for picking up your pencil. That was also the day Sunggyu realized he really liked your voice and your hair looked so soft and wavy and your eyes were a nice shade of dark brown. 

"What about you, Sunggyu?"

Sunggyu snapped his head in the direction of the teacher upon hearing his name. His classmates all turned to look at him, and that of course included you. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head nervously. He had no idea what he was supposed to say because he wasn't sure what the class discussion was about. He had been too busy thinking about you.

The teacher sighed, more disappointed than annoyed, informing Sunggyu he needed to stay after class. The bell rang a few minutes later, and Sunggyu did as instructed, only you stayed after the bell as well. Sunggyu looked at you confused, and you smiled before giving him an explanation, "I have a test to make up. I wasn't here yesterday, remember?" How could he forget.

The teacher handed you the said test, and before you walked to your seat Sunggyu took the chance to say something, "It's pretty easy." Lame. You grinned at him, nodding your head politely in reply. Sunggyu mentally facepalmed, why even open his mouth? He felt like whatever he said was wrong, but not like life was a quiz or anything....

"Could please explain to me why you weren't paying attention, Sunggyu?" His teacher arched an eyebrow, patiently awaiting Sunggyu's reply.

"I have a history project due tomorrow," Sunggyu lied. "I was just thinking about that. I'm kind of afraid I won't finish it, is all."

The teacher opened his mouth to grill Sunggyu about this said 'history project', but you spoke before he had the chance. "We really do have a project. But the deadline was extended, so there's really nothing to worry about, Gyu." 

A feeling of relief washed over him, but he was pretty sure his cheeks pinkened upon hearing you use his nickname. The teacher dismissed Sunggyu, warning him not to be caught staring off again. You ended finishing your test at the same time, so the two of you left the classroom together.

"Thanks," Sunggyu said.

"No problem." You turned away from him and headed off down the hallway. "You were right, that test was pretty easy! I bet I aced it!"

He left the school with the hope that he would get to talk to you again, even if it didn't turn out to be much of a conversation, at least he got to hear your nice voice.



author's note

(this took me forever to write sobs)



credits - contradictori




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Chapter 1: ASDFGHJKL, perfectly cute! OMG, you write so well, your style can make us imagine things up so easily! I just loved it ♥
koruxkpop #2
Chapter 1: Awww, he's thinking about it....sooooocuteeee...~~^^
Chapter 1: So cute!!
And to think carrot cake is my fav!!
Chapter 1: "He's thinking about it" oh my gosh~ this was so cute!
I guess it was the best Gyu fluff oneshot I've ever read so far! <3
I can totally imagine this, haha and besides I like the OC's personality ^^
Hoping to read more Gyu oneshots/stories from you, author-nim~ <3
Chapter 1: I was surprised when I read the word "Torpe", I thought it was in Tagalog. hihihihi. Cute~
Chapter 1: <3 (Y) !!!