I Knew You Before.



Who are you?

What have you become?

The smile you had, now dissapeared into thin air.

It seemed like your past had become a distant memory...to all of us.

Where is the one person I used to know?

I Knew You Before.


Heyy Heyy. So I'm not going to say much about this one-shot...maybe even a two-shot. Or I can make it into a really short story. muahahah. I got this idea because BULBA_ CHAN inspired me. :DD Thank you. XD This is gonna take me a while though...the ideas are still trying to process in my brain D: 

Yes the title is a song name. hehehe I had to do some intense research..and thinking to come up with it. :P It's a song by the way, and I thought it really matched with my idea. look it up!! :D my brain is fried now. 

Once I finish my fanfic 'Pinky Promise' I might start either writing, or post it?? depending on my laziness..I've been hella busy nowadays. Just posted it before I forget..lolol. cause im stewwpeddd. :D

(Characters are a mystery..muahahahahaha >:D)


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li_chunei #1
yo yo fanny you been lazy for over eight months LOL