

“Hey you.”

Sunmi jumps from the deep voice that suddenly spoke up.

“H-hey Yeol, you startled me you idiot.”

She closes her locker and turns her head to see a Chanyeol smoothly leaning against the locker beside hers.

“Idiot?” He scoffs while shaking his head.

“Yes, idiot. Because you are one.” She sticks her tongue out at him and walks down the hall with him trailing behind her.

He slings his arm around her and ruffles her hair. “As if, I’m smarter than you, you know.”

“Pfft, lies all lies. Who’s been failing in Algebra his entire first year in high school?” She looks up while patting her index finger on her chin and then points it at him. “Oh yeah, you.” She laughs, while he laughs along knowing she’s kidding.

They continue walking down the hall, leaving school behind walking towards the bus stop. When they reach it, Sunmi turns around with a bright smile on her face. “Hey, Yeol?”

“Hmm?” He looks up from his phone.

Sunmi giggles to herself and starts blushing all of a sudden. “There’s, uhhm this guy I like and...”

Now Chanyeol’s full attention is on her when he heard the word ‘guy’ and ‘like’ put together in one sentence. “And?”

She giggles again, making his heart flutter. “And I plan on confessing to him tomorrow. What do you think I should give him when I confess to him?”

“Uh...” Chanyeol’s completely lost for words right now because he never expected that question from her, plus his heart was racing too hard in his chest for him to think clearly.

“I’m only asking you cause I want to know what guys like, what impresses them you know. So what do you think?” She smiles at him completely oblivious to his mixed feelings.

He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and then says. “I actually don’t really know. Maybe you should give him food because I mean who doesn’t like food right? Ha ha.” He chuckles, but it seems forced.

She brightens up immediately and smiles appreciatively. “Oh right! Thanks a ton Yeol, you’re a genius.”

He smiles, but it’s not a hundred percent real when they hear the sound of tires approaching.

They get on the bus and as usual sit on the seat by the left side on the 4th row.

The rest of the bus ride was kind of awkward…

 Well for Chanyeol it was, he kept trying to fight back the horrible ache in his heart and the lump forming in his throat.

“And I plan on confessing to him tomorrow. What do you think I should give him when I confess to him?”

Her words just kept replaying in his mind and he couldn’t think of anything but that.

“Hey, Yeol!” A hand waves in front of his view and he turns his head to the owner of said hand a little startled.

“My stop’s here, I’ll be leaving now. Good bye idiot, see you tomorrow!” She gets up and takes her bag with her. Once off the bus, he sees her out the window and she catches his eye and smiles brightly while waving.

His heart clenches.

 Will this be the last time we’d be riding the bus together after school? Why had I been such a coward, now she’s fallen for someone else.

He doesn’t notice it but the tears he’s been keeping in have fallen. He hits his head on the window a couple times hopping it would help cover the pain he feels deep in his heart.

Stupid, stupid.



You walk blissfully in the cold autumn air. You smile to yourself excited to start baking cookies, which you’ve decided would be the gift you’d give to the guy of your dreams tomorrow.

As you reach your house, you suddenly remember the change in Chanyeol’s face after you told him your plans for tomorrow. You wondered why he suddenly became all gloomy all of a sudden.

You didn’t let it bother you for long though because you remembered you had baking to do, and you needed to start on it soon as you could if you wanted to be able to finish your assignments too.

You go up to your room, change out of your uniform and tie your hair into a messy bun before heading downstairs preparing all the ingredients you need.

“Flour, flour, flour.”



If x was between 75 and 80 on the number line and they were approximately…

Chanyeol slams his math book with much more force than needed as he gave up studying for math. You were right, he did at mathematics, but hey nobody’s perfect right?

Maybe that’s why she never fell for me too. Because I at math.

He glares resentfully at the book on his desk, killing it a million times in his head.

Yes it was childish and maybe pretty much pointless, but he could care less right now. He was just so heartbroken right now and his brain was all foggy and clouded for him to think and act properly.

“Uggh, what is wrong with me?” He groans to himself and crashes on his bed hoping he could get some sleep to clear his mind of all these thoughts.

He couldn’t be more wrong.

He spent the entire night tossing and turning around in his bed because his mind wouldn’t leave him alone. It created haunting images, showing him images of her in another man’s arms. Her doing lovey-dovey stuff with a guy who wasn’t him.

“I’m not going to get any sleep am I?” He covers his eyes with his arm groaning to himself in frustration.



“Aww, doesn’t it look so pretty?”

Sunmi giggles to herself, after tying a bow around the little box she prepared last night where the cookies she baked yesterday were in.

“I’m sure he’s going to love it!” Her mom comments from behind and her smile grows wider. She turns around to give her a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye and goes into the living room to do the same to her dad.

“Walk carefully and don’t keep thinking about that guy when you’re walking okay? You might get hit by a car if you do that.” Her dad jokingly scolds and winks at her way before she leaves the door waving her hand at them, laughing to herself.

She holds the box protectively in her hands as she walks towards the bus stop, her smile never leaving her face.

I do hope he loves it a lot and accepts my confession.

She giggles at the thought as she sits down on the bus, ready and miraculously excited to go to school.



Chanyeol was sitting in their usual spot in school. A little marble bench beside a beautiful peach blossom tree whose flowers were slowly falling off. Every now and then a flower would fall down towards the grass but Chanyeol could barely notice that because his mind was off somewhere else.

Why am I such a loser? Wait not only that I’m a coward and a wimp. I am so stupid for being so slow and for being such a shrimp. Why couldn’t I just confess to her before? Oh wait then I would’ve been rejected and then it would have ruined our friendship because we’d get awkward and-

He stops thinking because suddenly the world’s become dark and he stiffens immediately because he smells the faint scent of a very familiar perfume in the air.

He feels something land on his lap and his curiosity heightens up because one, what was it that she put on his lap? And two, why was she here? Shouldn’t she be looking for the guy she’s going to confess to? At that thought he pouts to himself and his mood drops even lower than it was before.

He hears her giggle before she removes her hands from his eyes. He squints a bit from the harshness of the light and takes time to adjust to it a bit. When he does recover he sees her sitting beside him in her usual spot, smiling so angelically and innocently at him that he becomes afraid that his heart would explode in his chest.

“Good morning, stupid.” She smiles wider and waits for his response.

“U-uggh, good morning to you too.” He doesn’t even react to the way she called him.

“W-why are you here? Shouldn’t you looking for the guy you’re going to confess to?”

“Why should I look for him?”

“What why shouldn’t-“

“When he’s sitting right in front of me?” Her smile widens and a faint blush is visible on her cheeks. Then she points to the box on his lap.

“U-uuh.” Chanyeol doesn’t know how to respond to her and only follows the direction of where she’s pointing at when he finally sees a cute box with a mint green ribbon on top of it. His eyes widen and he looks at her in complete shock.

“Open it, Yeol.”

He does as told and is shocked to see mouth watering cookies inside that have words written on them with the use of icing.


His eyes widen even more and the tips of his ears turn red from the confession.

He looks up and looks in her direction, speechless when she chuckles and asks. “Well are you going to accept my confession or are you going to continue staring at me like that with your mouth open until flies come in?”

Without thinking he puts the box beside him then stands up easily carrying her by her waist spinning her around multiple times as she squeals in delight.

He then puts her down and leans his forehead against hers.

“Yes, yes I accept your confession with all my heart! I love you to the moon and back Choi Sunmi!”

He exclaims without hesitation causing her to blush profusely while she giggles at his cute response.

“I love you too, Park Chanyeol!”

They share a sweet kiss underneath the tree.

A flower falls on their heads causing them to break apart when the flower lands beside her foot.

Chanyeol bends down to get it and tucks the delicate flower in her ear.

“You’re so beautiful and I’m so glad that I’m finally able to call you mine.”




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Chapter 1: it's good !!!!!! omooo , I wish this happen to me too ._.
Chapter 1: Itz goooddd *^* ♥ itz kinda cliché but overall itz good!