The Beginning

Description the village called Villa Mercedes, located in the green and breezy forests between the lands of Konohagakure and Kirigakure. 

This is the story of five sisters; Yurika, Yumiko, Sara, Sakurako and the little Chibiyaki. They lived in a small bungalow at the back of the village.

One day, their village was burned by fire and it was made by the mafias headed by Matsumoto, a muscular yet dominant man who was desperate in terms of business. And also, Yumiko's youngest cousin Akita got kidnapped and she was placed in the hands of him.

Will the sisters saved Yumiko's cousin before its too late? Find out how the sisters would rescue their cousin and they will meet new friends to communicate.


This story is an "anime" concept were the characters are based on my drawings (my anime drawings are in my A4 notebook). I will describe them on the new chapter.



Due to underconstruction of "That Nightmare The Wind Blows." and it was cancelled to update, there will be a new title on this story. It's called "The Beginning."


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