Tao - Graduation

EXO Imagines

You threw your graduation hat in the air. After 1738283 years of sleepless nights and more cans of Red Bull than you can imagine, you finally graduated. You smiled at the thought of being free. You realize that Tao, was standing in front of you. You were smiling at him without realizing. Awkward.

"I haven't seen you so happy in so long," he said. You looked at him and gave him a big smile.

"Wear that smile more often." He said, smiling at you. You & Tao walked out of the building.

"I want to bring you somewhere." You nodded and followed him. He held your hand and pulled you lightly.

The wind was very strong and blew at your graduation robes.

"Where are we going?" you ask. "It wouldn't be fun if I told you right?"


You recognised the place as the place where Tao practises wushu sometimes. But you've never been here before.

"This is the last place you want to see before you leave?" You asked as you saw a red bouquet.

"I want it to be a special place." Tao picked up the red bouquet.

You were confused. Special place?

"y/n, would you be my girlfriend? I've been meaning to tell you for so long... but I never found the courage to."

He passed you the bouquet. You gave him a big hug.

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