
You Don't Know Love
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Loud thunder could be heard inside the lonely corridors of an apartment, along with the soft pitter patter of the rain outside. The lighting illuminates the four walls of your shared room. The coldness of the room was suffocating you. You sighed, wishing you were in bed cuddling with him.


You sat and leaned against your bed, phone in right hand as you try to call that one person you so badly wanted to be with right now. It has been weeks since you too had a real conversation not consisting of work and business. Although you understand that your lover is a busy person, being a heir to their family company thus having bigger responsibilies than the other employees. You understand. But you wanted to make him take a day off so you could spend time with him. ‘Who would want to spend an anniversary alone and cold?’ you thought.



“Oppa, can’t you take the day off today? Just this once? Please?” you said and tried to put on your cutest pout even though you dislike doing anything related to aegyo.


Chanyeol chuckled and ruffled your hair as he passed by you leaning on the full length mirror while fixing his tie and putting on his coat.


“Babe, you know I can’t do that. This is meeting is important to me, to the company. I can’t let this opportunity pass.” He explained to you slowly as if talking to a toddler which slightly irked you. You were 23 for goodness sake.


You rolled your eyes as he baby talked you.  


‘More important than our anniversary?’ You wanted to say, but didn’t since you don’t want to sound like a whining brat. You tried to think of other ways to make him stay but he broke your train of thoughts as he suddenly spoke,


“I’m going now, see you later babe” He then kissed your cheek and grabbed his suitcase before going out of the apartment leaving you all alone.


“You didn’t even greeted me babo!” You shouted at no one in particular.



“Sorry, the number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please try agai-” you didn’t let the message finished as you quickly pressed the end button.


Frustated, you threw the phone as you fell gently on the bed face first and buried your face on Chanyeol’s pillow which has his manly scent lingering and screamed. After that, you grab it and prentended it was him while squeezing it with both hands.


“Aish! Just wait Chanyeol. Your dead meat if I found out you forgot our anniversary even for just a second.” you hissed. Normally you have a lot of patience but it’s a different story when it comes to special occasions such as your special day with him.


You tried to fall asleep but the thunder outside wasn’t being cooperative with you as the rumble gets louder as if mocking you. ‘Stupid rain.’ You looked at the digital clock beside the bed which read 7:30 p.m. Usually, Chanyeol would be home before seven. He was never goes home late. ‘Except now,’


“The meeting must be really important if  his not here yet. Maybe I should call unnie to pass time.”


So you quickly grab your phone off  the floor and dialed Chanyeol’s sister’s number. After two rings, Yura answered the phone.


“Unnie!” You cried. Yura chuckled. You two were so close that even Chanyeol gets jealous of your bond with his sister.


‘I feel like your much closer to my sister than necessary, even closer to her than I am and I’m her brother… Are you sure you two aren’t lesbians?’ He joked one time earning two slaps on the back of his head; one from you and one from his sister.


“ youah, It’s only been 3 days since we last saw each other but you make it seem like forever. What’s up?” Yura playfully said.


 “Unnie, would you be mad if I tell you how much I want to kill Chanyeol right now?”


“Hmm. No, I actually also wanted to do that to him when he tried to drink from Yunwoo’s baby bottle for three times. That giant baby. Anyway, may I ask why?” You weren’t sure if she was kidding or not with her statement but shook the thought off.


You sighed for the nth time that day.


“He forgot our anniversary.”




“Yeah, and he didn’t even greeted me. Not one message from him ever since this morning.” You were hurt since this is the first time he forgot your special day. Yura muttered something but you only caught bits of her sentence like ‘stupid’ and ‘plan’. But you didn’t think beyond it. You just wanted to release the sadness you felt when he didn’t bother to turn around to look at you before leaving this morning. And what better way to do that than to have a girl talk with Yura whom you consider as your sister.  


“Are you mad at him? Do you want me to talk to him?” She softly asked you.


“Ani. I just,” You paused,


“Go on, tell me dongsaeng.”


“I’m not really mad at him. I mean,  how can I be mad at him when he’s the most wonderful thing that has ever came into my life? As cliché as it might sound.”  You bit your bottom lip as you said that. Thanking the sky that you weren’t talking to her in flesh or else she would have teased you since you were really red right now.


“You really love him don’t you?” You could tell that she was smiling on the other end on the line judging by her tone. You slightly choke at her straightforwardness.


“Yes, I do. I really do.” You said after you regained your confidence back and you started to smile again just by thinking of Chanyeol.


“ Say, youah, what do you say about marrying him?” She suddenly asked you which took you by surprise.


“Marriage?” You asked gobsmacked, but can’t you help but smile and feel thousands of butterflies in your stomach when a picture of you and him infront of the alter saying you

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littlekawaiiai #1
Chapter 1: This is so fluffy! >//<

One on the best stories I have ever read!

I love it!!! <3
Chapter 1: kyaaaa~~~ so kyoott~~~
i loooove it. cheesy but i love cheesy ;)
i really am imagining chanyeol propose me like that.