Buried In


Hey, guys! Look, I know that I really should write chapters for my other stories, but this idea popped up in my head! I've never written a fic of my OTP before, so I'm really excited to see how it'll turn out. To be honest, I haven't outlined the plot. I plan on winging it. LOL. Anyways, I just wanted to get this up. Enjoy!



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Repetitive obnoxious buzzes filled the air. Lying on his stomach, he lazily raised his arm. He swatted the digital alarm clock, causing it to tilt over and land onto the white carpet. Sunlight filtered through the shutters, and melodies of chirps were sung in harmony. He slowly raised himself. One by one, body part by body part. Eventually, he managed to drag his lifeless body into the washroom. Slick, solid surfaces were covered with steam. Steam rose above the mountainous curtains and enveloped down into the valley of the room. After several dozen minutes, he twisted the knob and shut off the water. He stepped out of the shower and wiped off steam from the mirror. There, he stared. Stared intensely into his own eyes; his own unfathomable soul. Droplets of water trickled down his chin from his damp hair. He breathed lightly, but noticeably, analyzing his own body from the waist up. Deep collarbones, full lips, dishelved wet hair, muscular arms. He sort of, in a way, admired himself. But not as much as he did for his lover. Before exiting the steamy bathroom, he leaned his hands on the sides of the porcelain sink. He spoke out in his low, raspy voice: "You can do this, Bang Yongguk."


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