The Truth of Knowing


The truth of knowing is that in all reality you don't know a single thing... He knew this will. It was all he could ever think about. He turned off his lights and shut his door causing the room to be completely dark. He sat in his bed looking at his hand pleased that he couldn't see a single thing. He laid in bed looking at what he thinks is the window but could be completely wrong and is actually looking at a wall. He sighed mumbling "This is what I get for moving." He tossed and turned hoping to fall asleep but he knew it wouldn't be any help. Finally he sat up and looked at his dark room, that's when he noticed a light. It wasn't bright in fact it was dime but strong. He watched it fall from his window to his door. He got up slowly walking towards the fallen light but found nothing. Now all he could think of now was was "What was that light?"


A teen aged boy with the logic that follows his own rules. And his truth? Well it’s simply that no one can ever know the real truth. The ‘truth’ everybody knows isn't the truth at all. In fact it’s nothing more but a cover up.


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