
Purple, Rose and Lavender


Purple and Red.

The Inner and Outer colours in the rainbow. Red was Purple parents, along with Blue. Red had the longest light wave, purple the shortest.

Red. Blood red, ruby red, red appeared in almost every thrones of kingdoms and empires. It was the colour of passion.

Purple. Lavender, Dark purple, violet. Purple was the colour of royalty and true love. Lavender was the colour of love in first sight.

Changmin had been studying the meaning of colour, browsing through websites and all mentioned the same thing.

He, The Great Shim Changmin who usually never cared for trivial matter like this was studying the utterly pointless meaning of colour.

Why I didn’t just ask the arrangement for certain occasion and never bothered again why red was so good for restaurant and pink prevents violent?

His gaze unconsciously went to the small rose bouquet that laying innocently in his bed. He repressed a shudder. There was a tick in his eyes. Oh yeah, because his stalker fan decided to greet his comeback by sending her signature, the purple rose. It was one of his fanatically loyal fans since the beginning of TVXQ, she’d sent the random bouquet of purple rose whenever and wherever Changmin had performances, even when he went to Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Paris, US and other countries. Lavender rose in the beginning and then gaining shade darker as time went by.

She must be ing rich if she’s able to follow my activities everywhere and everytime.

 “Changmin-ah. The pizzas here!”

He threw his gadget carelessly and ran to the living room.

“Coming noona…”

Time to forget about purple rose and say hello to the most amazing food that humankind ever created!



“You’re going to date.” He stated while eyeing the purple floral knee-length summer dress and white skinny jeans that his noona never wore.

“Well. Yeah.” She answered nervously before grabbing a pair of stiletto and said her goodbye in hurry.

Huh? High heels? Meaning that the guy whom she dated was more than 183 centimeters in terms of height, that eliminated almost all the male artists from SM Town except one of EXO kiddies, he mused.

He was bored, time to call his maknae hellion squads for destroying – er enjoying the day.


His noona was already asleep, apparently the stupid and ignorant fool that she dated never realized that artists needed free day for rest and not walking around the amusement park all day just for the sake of the only date they would get in months.

Knowing his pathetically romantic leader, that woman was just trying to enjoy the rare moment they got even when she was actually ready to keel over because the sheer of exhaustion from work.

Changmin was lazing around the couch when he noticed a single purple rose from his noona’s bag.

Purple again.

Were his eyes now becoming super sensitive for that particular colour that he mistook the red rose into purple?  

He shook his head, hoping that such colour was just his imagination.



The rose was still there, stubbornly purple and waving mockingly at him.

His mind hurled into thousand questions.

Was he wrong about his stalker’s gender? Was the purple rose just a coincidence? Was it another artist he know that sent him the purple rose? Was it another plot of her to gain his attention? Was his stalker jealous of his noona and decide to befriend with her for the purpose of hurting her?

 He determined to find this purple rose sender before more harm done.



“Is that purple rose? Who gives you those flowers noona?”

Another free day, another date.

Changmin tapped his shoes on the floor, they will be late for the rehearsal if she wasn’t ready in fifteen minutes.  

Yunhee hastily take off her shoes, passing him without a single glance before running to the bathroom, throwing the bouquet of flower, her bag and jacket along the way, not bothering for answering his question.

Changmin frowned. He didn’t like this situation at all.  

The concert was a huge success. He couldn’t help but grin widely even when his eyes started to dropping, carefully looking at the backseat, staring at his noona’s sleeping figure before he sat carelessly and closing his eyes.

Few minutes after he fell asleep, a shadow looming in front of him, long and slender fingers caressing his face and combed his hair for a moment before a huge bouquet of dark purple rose placed next to him.

Manager-hyung woke him up when they arrived at the airport, his grin embarrassing Changmin and the maknae deposited the roses suddenly at his leader’s hand in no time.

There was no way that he would carry that thing along the airport and on the plane.



Changmin brought his favourite double cream and caramel coffee to the table which he'd reserved. Kyuhyun rejected his request for Kyuline general assembling in favour of resting with Sungmin-hyung so he accepted his fate becoming a third wheel in Taemin-Minho and Jonghyun-Jonghyun double dates.  

Why couldn’t Minho become less sappy and controlling to Taemin?

Aw man, two Min lovey dovey really made him want to puke. At least, Jonghyun-Jonghyun date only including hanging out together, playing the guitar and creating new songs. They were actually doing something productive, a big plus in Changmin’s book.  

  His gaze wandered across the street when he casually sip the sweet concoction.

Two women entered his vision, one was petite and the other was unusually tall.

Was that his noona and Boa-noona inside the flower shop? Look like that they asked a flower arrangement from his vision. Both of them were giggling happily before entering the car.

His incredibly genius mind suddenly geared forward, all the pieces of puzzle clicked together and painted a big whole picture that he never realized before. He ignored Minho’s calling and went straight at home.

He balled his fists angrily. Jung would answer the questions or there would be consequences! He didn’t care if he actually would hit a woman. Those bouquets of purple rose and stalking and all day he’d spent worrying about who her date was, all because of those wretched flowers! It was utterly unforgivable.

“Why don’t you tell me what you know about those purple roses?” He inquired after she'd arrived at the dorm.

“Hm? The lighter shades of purple would convey love at first sight and true love where as the darker shades would indicate a deeper and long-term love and romance.” Her absentminded and textbook answer only fueled his anger. He’d not given her a single glance and shred of conversation for a whole week.

She knew that he was irritated and angry with her and she was doing the same thing for him.

It was even more effective than his own attempt to ignore her.

Two months after that was spent in silence between them, except for work.

Until Boa-noona suddenly dumped a broken arrangement of purple roses on his head.

In front of all the artists.  

When they were resting in waiting room in SMTown Concert.

“God! You’re such a fool. ”

She grabbed his noona’s hand, Yunhee ducked her head and following her outside.

He was dumbfounded for a few minutes before Jonghyun broke the silence, stating fact while rolling his eyes.

“Purple rose. Lavender Roses have been used to express romantic feelings and intentions, deep purple for lasting love. Or so I’ve read since Jonghyun often sends me some kind of particular flowers and I need to know what are the meaning of those.”

SHINee’s main vocal’s words echoed in his brain.

Lavender for expressing romantic feelings.

Deep purple for lasting love.





He waited her changing the stage costume into ordinary clothes.

She only glanced at him before tying her shoelace. They walked together, the awkward silence only stretched so far before he told her in serious tone.

“Better use hanakotoba next time. I’m not fluent at that rose language of yours.”

She snapped her head so fast that he worried she’d broken her neck and facing him with questioning expression. He only grinned in embarrassment, feeling heat radiated from his cheeks.

“Uhm. Yeah.”

A smile bloomed across her feature and following by that, her hand tentatively reaching his, both of them walking with light heart and carefree steps.




Because no matter how observant boys are, let’s just say they are utterly blind about girls and feelings unless someone pointed right in front of their noses.

Hanakotoba (花言葉?) is the Japanese form of the language of flowers. In this practice plants were given codes and passwords. Meant to convey emotion and communicate directly to each other without needing the use of words


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kpopluver4 #1
Chapter 1: omg omg omg cavities!!!!!!
( and the cake i baked for father's day)
so freaking cute!!!
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 1: hahaha, this story was do sweet.
I agree boys are just clueless, when it comes to things like that