‘I can’t wait for tomorrow.’

‘Yeah. Me too.’          

‘Don’t late for our date tomorrow. You’re always late for our date.’

‘Ok boss.’

‘Hmmm….Good night ,Sehun. Love you.’

‘Love you too. Dream about me ok. Good night noona.’

‘You too…hehe. You’re so cute.’

Sehun smiled and waited  Amber to hang up first then he hang up his phone.What should I wear for tomorrow.I have to look handsome in front of Amber-noona.Sehun thought about clothes for him to wear tomorrow.Then,Sehun look at his wall clock it already midnight.

‘Oh shoot! I should think about that tomorrow.Good night to me.’



‘Mmmmm….’Sehun's wake up and when he look at the clock he shocked because it already 12.30 p.m. OH GOD THE DATE!!He thought and jumps off from the bed. Sehun went straight to his bathroom and prepared for his date with Amber.

‘Amber noona ….wait for me…stupid clock….damn it’ Sehun  mumbled and cursed while he struggles wearing his shoes. Then he got a phone call. Who the hell is calling me …. Damn it …Oh no it must be Amber-noona,I’m so dead. He thought and reaches for his phone in his pocket.

‘Amber……’When Sehun about to say.

‘SEHUN WHERE ARE YOU !!!! I already waited for you for one hour.’ Amber cut in and Sehun can heard Amber is angry.Sehun feel weird because Amber never mad at him because he always late for their date.

‘Noona, I’m sorry!!!! I’m on my way.’ Sehun apologized and hang up his phone while running to the park. After 20 minutes, he already arrived at the park. He searched for Amber because it have many couple at the park and then he heard someone called his name.

‘SEHUN!!!!’Sehun searched the source of the voice and he spotted Amber near the swing.Sehun startled because it the first time he saw Amber is wearing white lace-dress with grey cardigan and paired with brown flat shoes.But when he looked at her face, she looks sad.

Sehun goes towards her with guilt because he thinks Amber mad at him. When Sehun about to apologize to Amber , he heard something that he shouldn’t from Amber mouth.

‘Sehun , I want to break up.’Amber said and looked directly at Sehun eyes.

He so shocked until he can’t say anything anything.

Amber just continued her words without feels any guilty.

‘I don’t think we mean together and I also don’t love you.’

‘What do you mean???’Sehun said as he holds his tears because he don’t anyone to look weirdly at them.

‘I just plays with you because I want to make Kris jealous.’Amber said and smiled at Sehun.

‘You’re just kidding right.You said to me that Kris is just like your brother. This is not Amber that I know. Amber that I know is not like this.’ Sehun said and hold Amber shoulders. Amber shoved Sehun hands from her shoulders and shouted.

‘SEHUN STOP IT!!! Just forgets about me. I already go out with Kris one week ago.’Amber looked at Sehun satisfied with what she just said.

‘Amber….’ Sehun want to say something but then he heard someone called Amber name.

‘AMBER!!!’ Sehun looked back and he saw Kris at entrance of the park smirked at him.He looked at Amber and they looked at each other smiled.

‘I’m coming!!! Sehun, I’m sorry.’ Amber said and just when Amber was about to go to Kris . Sehun hold Amber wrist.

‘But we only been dating for two weeks and you say you love me.I LOVE YOU, AMBER.’Sehun said and cried because he can’t hold his tears.

‘Sorry I love Kris more.Bye Sehun.’ Amber said and shoved Sehun hand harshly.Sehun saw Kris and Amber kissed and hold hands to go to other place.

Sehun just stood there and cannot believe what just happend.

‘No…No…No….I’m must be dreaming…..No….No….No….’

‘Amber don’t leave me…..don’t leave me…I love you….’Sehun said as he sweating on his bed.

‘SEHUN!!!!WAKE UP!!!!SEHUN!!!WAKEUP!!!’ Amber shouted as she shoved Sehun to wake Sehun up from his dream.

‘NO!!!’Sehun wake up sweated and shocked to see Amber beside him and looked worriedly at Sehun. Is it just the dream.

‘Sehun, what happend? Are you having a bad dream?’Amber said as she touched Sehun’s face.

‘Don’t leave me. Don’t go to Kris.’ Sehun hugged her.

‘What do you mean???I’m never leave you cause you my boyfriend and I love you so much.’Amber said and hugged Sehun back.

‘Really???’Sehun asked.

‘What do you mean by REALLY huh….I LOVE LOVE LOVE you so much.’Amber blushed after what she said.

Sehun smiled and when he about to kissed Amber lips, Amber stopped him.

‘HEY…you haven’t brush your teeth…and what do you mean by “don’t go to Kris”.’Amber reacted just like what Sehun do and laughed because Sehun’s face became red due to embarassed.

‘AHHH!!!Nothing just forgets about that…. That not important..’Sehun  jumps off from his bed and about to go into the bathroom but stops midway. How can she go into my house.When Sehun about to asked.

‘I have your extra key.’Amber showed the key to Sehun. ’And you want to know you also late for our date about one hour.’ As Amber said that Sehun just remembered about that.Then he looks at his wall clock it already 12.30 p.m. OH NO….GOD PLEASE DON’T KILLED ME.Sehun thought.’But it ok we just can have our date in your house.’ Amber said and smiled at Sehun but then Amber smirked and said ‘And I gonna give you a punishment because you late again for our date !!!’

OH GOD…..I REALLY NEED YOU HELP NOW!!!Sehun thought as he find a way to run away from Amber punishment.


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tifani_anyber #1
Chapter 1: wkwkwk love ur story
so funny cute^^
nanim1904 #2
Chapter 1: they're so damn cute :3 i love this coupleee!
amkristao #3
Chapter 1: Omg it's so cute! Lol =))
chubbchubb #4
Chapter 1: Like the story a lot. Simple and fun
Lukber #5
Chapter 1: good ... very good .. thank you for the hunber story
Chapter 1: kekeke~ its ok babe.. that just dream :)
joeriel18 #7
Kyeopta! My 1st and 2nd otp, lol
Chapter 1: Lol le wild kris appeared all of sudden. Kris will always be giant obstacle for others to get amber's heart
Chapter 1: This is cute.. lol,appearance of kris.. funny.. haha
Chapter 1: LOL! Sehun was so swag here! I just wondering what kind of punishment which Amber would give. Haha