
The Fate


"Ah!" Sunggyu's groaning in pain, and struggling in his sleep as he felt the pain on his belly. "No, not now...please..." Sunggyu's mumbling himself, and he tried to endure the pain. He breath in and out with a hope that the pain will gone. But he failed, as the pain become worst. "Argh! It's hurt!" Sunggyu screaming in pain while clutching his belly.



Woohyun that sleeping beside him, suddenly awake. "Gyu, what's wrong?"



"I don't know, but...ah...i think i'm in labour now!"



"What?! Oh god! Wait here. I'll call someone."



After a few minutes, Doojoon and Yoseob arrived at their house.



"Are you sure that he's in labour?" Doojoon asked his wife as they entering the house.  



"I had a dream about it just now. Gyu's in labour."  



"But don't you think, it's only a dream?"



"It seems real. Not a dream. Trust me, Joonie." Yoseob said. Then, they heard someone is screaming in pain inside the main room.



"It's Gyu!" they both rushed towards the room.






In the labour room...



"Hyunnie, i don't think i can make it..." Sunggyu said between his groaned.



"You can do it. I'm here with you as i promised... Don't dissapointing me." Woohyun said as he's holding Sunggyu's hand.



As the doctor told him to push out the baby, Sunggyu just follow it. And after a few hours, their baby is safely be born. "Congratulations! It's a girl!" said the doctor as he handed the baby to Sunggyu.



"My baby is a girl. Hi, sweetie...welcome to this world..." Sunggyu said weakly, then he placed a kiss on the baby forehead. "What should we name her?"



"Nam Sung Hye. How's that?" Woohyun said.



"I love it! Hi, Nam Sung Hye! Or should i gave her a nickname?"



"What?" "Hye-i. Cute isn't it?"



"Yeah, cute as you! Thank you, Gyu! This is the best day in my life!" Woohyun said before he kissing his wife forehead.






Sunggyu was being placing in another room after that. Doojoon and Yoseob visiting him.  



"Oh my...your baby is so cute! I wish i could have one." Yoseob said excitedly.



"Well, we can make one if you want it." Doojoon said while he's wrapping his hand around Yoseob's waist.



"Cut it out, won't you? Don't be such a ert in front of this adorable baby. It's a sin." Yoseob said.



Sunggyu just smiling to see those couple's act. They already married almost 2 years, but still not having a child. Maybe it's not the time yet.



"She got her appa's eyes and her mom's lips. How cute!" said Yoseob.  



"Oh...talking about Woohyun, where is he? Should he be home by now? He shouldn't let you alone when the due is getting closer. And now, he missed the moment when the baby's born." Doojoon said.



Sunggyu was surprised to hearing that. Woohyun still not at home? What is he talking about? Woohyun with him all this time. Did they just joking around? "What are you saying, Doojoon? He's already at home with me when i'm in pain just now. He's late than before, but he with me all this time. And now, he was right there. Can't you see him?" Sunggyu said with a smile as he pointed on Woohyun that standing at the door with a smiled on his face. Doojoon and Yoseob take a look at the door but they didn't see anyone there.



"You're joking, right? We didn't see anyone there. And when we arrived at your home, there's no one there. That's why we're the one that brought you here." Yoseob explain.



Sunggyu once again frowned with Yoseob. "You guys didn't see him? He was right there..." Sunggyu blinked his eyes as he didn't see Woohyun there. "Where is he? He was right there just now. I swear. And he's with me all this time."



"Stop it, Gyu! It's not funny, okey? Well, i'll call him and make sure that he come here. Don't worry, eoh?" Yoseob went out from the room and make a call. Sunggyu was confused. What are they talking about? Is this a pranked, cause it's not funny at all. He keep thinking while his eyes keep eyeing his baby that still sleeping in a crib beside his bed.



And after a few minutes, Yoseob walked inside with tearing eyes. Doojoon approached him.



"Hey, babe...what's wrong?" Doojoon asked. Yoseob take a look on Sunggyu, before he suddenly collapsed on the floor. "Seobie, what's wrong?" Doojoon asked again.



Sunggyu began to fear. He can sense something is wrong happening to Woohyun.



"I just call him...i call Woohyun's phone, but the policeman answered it. They say, Woohyun was involved in a car accident when he's on the way home just now. He's..."



"No! It can't be! Nooooo!!!!" Sunggyu screaming before he burst into tears. "He's here! He's with me! You're lying!"



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lulujo #1
Chapter 3: I can't hold my tears. This is sad ending!!
Yasinta91 #2
Chapter 3: Why it is so sad.. i cant hold my tears.. it's so painful.. be strong gyu :'(
Chapter 3: A wonderful story and sad :(
ainfhatihah #4
Chapter 3: wow... i'm crying ~~ T_T great story ~
wonderfullbuble #5
Chapter 3: Why you make me cry... Huhu... T_T
haliza34 #6
Chapter 3: one nice story..... i love it
infinitygyu #7
Chapter 3: Sad ending...i hope you do sequel...
Chapter 3: oh my gyu. it's sad ending. don't cry anymore and be strong gyu..sob.. :"(