closing notes

he took the midnight train going anywhere

I feel the need to add these every time ;;

So this is ... probably the shortest story I'll ever write. It's open-ended and kind of fillery which is not good >_<. I personally am not very confident in it; I'm trying to experiment with shorter stories and the use of less words but I feel like this is really rushed. Quick explanation of my interpretation of the prompt: Sehun has bipolar disorder, though that's kind of unknown and Jongin thinks he's just becoming interested in the darker side of life. The thing is, Jongin never really knows who Sehun is anymore as a result of the BPD which is where Hyde comes in. Yeah, that's is.

The title is a reference to the Destiny song Don't Stop Believin', which is exactly what Jongin is doing. He's taking the train going anywhere just to keep going.

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Chapter 1: Amazing as always ;uu;
ooh can't wait to read this
turtlepanda22 #3
Chapter 1: I was scrollin round the contest nd bored and decided to read yours again! Bad choice. My feels are overpowering again ;-; i swear sekai has simple kisses in this but whenever they happen i get all fluffy inside >< i wasnt even plannin on fettin angsty tonight urgh i wont be able to sleep without sekai in my mind! Nd i cant blieve i forgot to subscribe last time ugh!
Chapter 2: Wow, I'm not even sure how to explain how I feel right now, that was very well written. The way you wrote it fit well with bpd, I have known a few people with the disorder and one of them was a lot like sehun in this story. Thanks so much for entering! I wish you the best of luck :)
turtlepanda22 #5
Chapter 1: omg that was like thats sad ....i have no other words to explain it. like sehun getting hurt everyday and jongin worryin and u returned me to my sekai phase ;w;
and can i just point out that i love ur writing style the vocabulary is AWESOME i was goin to pull out a dictionary but the story made me continue without it :)) love it